Pius Dea Era
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Jump to navigationJump to search- "Here we stand, at the extremity of our exertion, having cast behind us the idols of our fathers, to once again carry to our foe the penalties due their sacrilege. Come perdition or hard vacuum, the Republic expects that every citizen will do his duty."
- ―Supreme Chancellor Contispex, Fourth Inaugural Oration
The Pius Dea Era was an era of time in the galaxy from 11,987 BBY to 10,966 BBY. During this time, the Contispex dynasty of Supreme Chancellors initiated the Pius Dea Crusades against outlying alien cultures, reversing a previous trend of cultural integration. Those under persecution fled to Hutt Space, transforming the Rimward Slice into a staging grounds for soldiers, as well as an area for war profiteers to operate. Also during this time, Ordnance/Regional Depots proliferated and were a constant reminder to those outside the Galactic Republic.[1]
Timeline of the Pius Dea Era[edit | edit source]
- 11,987 BBY
- Supreme Chancellor Pers'lya is impeached by the Pius Dea sect and replaced by Pius Dea favorite Contispex I.[2]
- 11,965 BBY
- The First Pius Dea Crusade. Contispex I sanctions a military invasion of Hutt Space, beginning the Pius Dea Crusades.[2]
- 11,947 BBY
- Contispex I steps down as Supreme Chancellor and is succeeded by his son Contispex II.[2]
- 11,939 BBY
- The Third Pius Dea Crusade. Contispex II sanctions yet another invasion of Hutt Space, instigating the Third crusade.[2]
- 11,933 BBY
- The Jedi Order begins its Recusal, retreating to Ossus and severing all ties with the Republic.[2] The Jedi still loyal to the Pius Dea cult form the Order of the Terrible Glare and settle on Garn.
- 11,920 BBY
- The Fourth Pius Dea Crusade begins against the Hutts.[2]
- 11,884 BBY
- The Seventh Pius Dea Crusade, also known as the Great Northern Crusade, begins against the Zabrak and other species native to the northern region of the galaxy.[2]
- c. 11,820 BBY
- 11,791 BBY
- The Tenth Pius Dea Crusade, also known as the Crusade of the Wilds, begins.[2]
- 11,708 BBY
- According to traditional Tapani historians, this is the date when the Twelve Kingdoms Era began.
- 11,707 BBY
- The Eleventh Pius Dea Crusade against the Herglics begins.[2]
- 11,660 BBY
- The Twelfth Pius Dea Crusade. Republic forces orbitally bombard Zarracina III, turning its surface into an irradiated wasteland and forcing the native Zarracines into a nomadic existence.
- c. 11,600s BBY
- Republic settlers fleeing the oppressive rule of the Pius Dea discover and settle the fourth planet of the Prefsbelt system.[2]
- 11,591 BBY
- The Fifteenth Pius Dea Crusade against the Baragwin begins.[2]
- 11,500s BBY
- Development of Cathedral ships.[2]
- 11,198 BBY
- The Twenty-Third Pius Dea Crusade against the Bothans and the Lanniks begins.[2]
- c. 11,100 BBY
- The Inquisitions begin in the Core Worlds and the Colonies.[2]
- The Jedi Order's Recusal ends, and they inspire the heretical Renunciate movement within the Pius Dea.[2]
- 11,057 BBY
- The Thirty-Fourth Pius Dea Crusade against the Hutts begins.[2]
- 11,000 BBY
- Development of the Republic rocket-jumpers.[3]
- 10,970s BBY
- Admiral Pers Pradeux of the Renunciates—still operating in secrecy—discover Prefsbelt and set up the Renunciates' main naval base on the planet.[2]
- 10,967 BBY
- The Seventh Alsakan Conflict—also called the Renunciation—occurs.[2]
- 10,966 BBY
- The Bureau of Ships and Services seed the Republic Navy with rogue navicomputer codes, which forces the Pius Dea's ships to jump randomly to hyperspace and become lost forever.[2]
- At the Battle of Uquine, the Renunciate forces annihilate the remaining Pius Dea ships. The Jedi capture Contispex XIX aboard the Flame of Sinthara, taking him to Camaas where he stands trial and is imprisoned.[2]
- Grand Master Biel Ductavis assumes the position of Supreme Chancellor.[2]
Appearances[edit | edit source]
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (Codex entry)
Sources[edit | edit source]
- The New Essential Guide to Droids (First mentioned)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (as Pius Dea Period)
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji on Hyperspace (article) (content removed from StarWars.com and unavailable)
- The Essential Atlas
- The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force
- The Essential Guide to Warfare
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
This page was moved from wook:en:Pius Dea Era. It's edit history can be viewed at Pius Dea Era/edithistory