Waldan Bridger
Waldan Bridger | |
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Bald[1] |
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Waldan Bridger was a bald and burly male Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
Biography[edit | edit source]
A male Force-sensitive, Waldan Bridger was educated in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order, eventually attaining the rank of Jedi Knight. As a Knight, Bridger pursued the path of the Jedi Guardian during his independent studies, fashioning for himself a San-Ni staff which he wielded in place of a lightsaber. A ranking Jedi Weapon Master, Bridger eventually was made a Jedi Master by the Jedi High Council for his knowledge and power in the Force.[2]
When the Clone Wars erupted between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Master Bridger dutifully took up the title of General within the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic, leading clone troopers in battle against the Separatist Droid Army. 22 months after the start of the war, Bridger led a campaign to bring the war-plagued planet of Togoria back into the Republic. The Togorians had voluntarily joined the CIS, however, and viewed the Republic as invaders. When Bridger brought his landing party down on the world, the natives attacked and massacred the clone troopers under Bridger's command. The Togorians were bolstered by the leader of the Confederacy's army, General Grievous, who saw to it that he alone would face the Jedi. Bridger attacked Grievous head-on, but the duel lasted only twenty seconds. Grievous' lightsabers cut through Bridger's staff and the Jedi Master's body, killing him instantly. Grievous, victorious, left Bridger's body where it fell for the ravenous native mosgoth beasts.[2]
Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]
Waldan Bridger was created by Daniel Wallace for the canceled guidebook known as The Essential Guide to Episode I. Along with Jedi L'lacielo Sageon, Bridger was described as serving as one of the Jedi Temple's quartermaster at the time of the Invasion of Naboo. Both Jedi's first names are anagrams of their creator's name; the letters from both names combined can be reconfigured to spell, 'Daniel Wallace.' The names Waldan and L'lacielo are older then the canceled guidebook however. Author Abel G. Peña originally intended to name one of his own creations "Waldan L'lacielo"; the name was changed during the editing of this particular text to Awdrysta Pina.[3]
Sources[edit | edit source]
- The New Essential Chronology (First mentioned)
"Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous"—Star Wars Insider 86 Template:1stID
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
External links[edit | edit source]
"Lostwords: The Clone Wars Sourcebook" – "Continuity, Criticisms, and Captain Panaka", Daniel Wallace's StarWars.com Blog
"Endnotes for The Story of General Grievous, Part 2: The Knight Slayer" – "Only Sith Deal In Absolutes!", Abel G. Peña's StarWars.com Blog
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