The Saga Begins/edithistory
From HoloNet
Jump to navigationJump to searcholdid | date/time | username | edit summary |
7553304 | 2018-03-29T07:21:01Z | AL-BRT | Cleanup and formatting fixes |
7513884 | 2018-03-17T05:32:09Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7498147 | 2018-03-16T01:44:11Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7478405 | 2018-03-10T16:05:59Z | AL-BRT | Infobox field cleanup |
7189096 | 2017-09-25T23:12:50Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7074862 | 2017-07-26T18:24:59Z | Asithol | /* Plot */ |
6333521 | 2016-07-17T17:05:34Z | AL-BRT | Switching to use /Legends |
6122258 | 2015-12-22T02:28:47Z | RoboCade | Fixing redirects |
6044286 | 2015-12-10T23:16:44Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2 |
5752119 | 2015-08-06T02:34:28Z | Nostalgia of Iran | |
5348514 | 2014-10-28T05:31:40Z | Cade Calrayn | |
5298006 | 2014-09-22T21:24:07Z | Green tentacle | |
5283153 | 2014-09-18T05:44:04Z | RoboCade | Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes, and redirect fixes |
5270630 | 2014-09-17T13:52:03Z | RoboCade | Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes, and redirect fixes |
5192099 | 2014-09-10T21:49:19Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[["Weird Al" Yankovic]] +"Weird Al" Yankovic) |
5010399 | 2014-06-01T04:47:46Z | RoboCade | Deprecating {{Title}}, per [[Forum:CT Archive/Technical tweak to naming policy]] |
4939441 | 2014-05-20T03:57:08Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-Category:Short stories +Category:Legends short stories) |
4866829 | 2014-05-04T17:27:17Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[1.4 FD P-Tower laser cannon]] +[[1.4 FD P-Tower]]) |
4522613 | 2013-06-13T04:25:25Z | Supreme Emperor | redirects |
4098788 | 2012-07-21T03:46:53Z | DarthRevan1173 | /* Appearances */ |
4024337 | 2012-05-16T07:21:52Z | Zeta1127,89thLegion | /* Appearances */ |
3908707 | 2012-02-17T09:57:02Z | Zeta1127,89thLegion | /* Plot */ |
3908328 | 2012-02-17T04:17:48Z | Zeta1127,89thLegion | /* Appearances */ |
3665721 | 2011-08-08T18:20:01Z | HotCat | de:User:T3-M4 updated the interwiki links: interwiki format updated. |
3206553 | 2010-08-03T14:30:46Z | Cavalier One | |
3205815 | 2010-08-02T19:01:23Z | Darth Hirmod | Nueva pagina |
2802588 | 2009-10-20T22:01:38Z | Mauser | |
2661335 | 2009-07-10T05:03:01Z | Whistler | Droid: Cleanup, Formatting, Template fixes |
2514662 | 2009-05-07T21:55:31Z | Silly Dan | format title |
2514628 | 2009-05-07T21:53:29Z | Silly Dan | fix "youmay" link |
2514612 | 2009-05-07T21:52:38Z | Silly Dan | moved [[The Saga Begins (short story)]] to [[The Saga Begins]]: official stuff takes precedence over unofficial |
2321402 | 2009-01-02T06:54:32Z | Ifindyourlackoffaithdisturbing | /* Plot */ |
2206012 | 2008-10-17T23:57:55Z | Whistler | Droid: -canon field |
2103086 | 2008-08-01T09:58:25Z | Cavalier One | /* Locations */ |
2103054 | 2008-08-01T09:46:06Z | Cavalier One | |
1803333 | 2008-02-20T08:20:04Z | Cavalier One | wrong song |
1803191 | 2008-02-20T03:07:41Z | Yinyang107 | |
1803187 | 2008-02-20T03:05:16Z | Yinyang107 | |
1803185 | 2008-02-20T03:04:24Z | Yinyang107 | |
1643574 | 2007-11-11T01:08:58Z | Enochf | |
1537568 | 2007-09-08T04:44:24Z | Whistler | Droid: Cleanup, Formatting, Template fixes |
1485121 | 2007-08-10T23:03:34Z | Dark Lord Xander | |
1459499 | 2007-07-25T16:50:00Z | Enochf | 5.1 Corrected spelling/grammar |
1459148 | 2007-07-25T13:43:50Z | TopAce | |
1454205 | 2007-07-21T19:47:24Z | Borsk Fey'lya | |
1454203 | 2007-07-21T19:46:29Z | Borsk Fey'lya | |
1453905 | 2007-07-21T14:00:19Z | Cavalier One | 2.1 Page created |