Tera Sinube/Legends
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Tera Sinube | |
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Yellowish-brown[3] |
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Mottled green[3] |
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- "For a guy that moves slow, you always seem to get ahead of me."
"The value of moving slowly is that one can always clearly see the way ahead." - ―Ahsoka Tano and Tera Sinube
Tera Sinube was a male Cosian who served the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars as a Master within and investigator for the Jedi Order. A native of the planet Cosia, Sinube had an intimate knowledge of the workings of Coruscant's criminal underworld and was regarded as an expert on the subject. Around 21 BBY, Master Sinube's services were called upon by the Togruta Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, whose lightsaber had recently been stolen from her. His and the young Jedi's quest to find her weapon initially led them to a thief named Bannamu, who had sold the lightsaber to Nack Movers, a Trandoshan criminal. They tracked Movers down only to find him dead in his apartment, and they discovered the premises to be occupied by two suspicious females: Cassie Cryar and Ione Marcy.
Sinube interrogated Marcy while Tano chased the fleeing Cryar, whom the Padawan discovered was now in possession of her lightsaber. When the Cosian Jedi determined that Marcy was in collusion with Cryar, he called for her arrest, but she too fled. Sinube met up with Tano shortly afterward, and together they continued the pursuit of both women. They eventually located the fugitives on a train platform. While Marcy was arrested by several nearby police droids, Cryar ran, only to be cornered by Tano on a train. Sinube then surprised Cryar just as she prepared to exit the train with two recently captured Twi'lek hostages. He swiftly disarmed her with his sabercane before returning the stolen lightsaber previously in Cryar's possession to its rightful owner, Ahsoka Tano. Sinube was later present at the Jedi Temple when a duel between Anakin Skywalker and fallen Jedi Barriss Offee took place. When it spilled over into the courtyard where Sinube was instructing a group of younglings, Sinube drew his sabercane to defend the younglings and to assist Skywalker who, with the help of several Jedi Temple Guards, managed to disarm and subdue Offee.
Biography[edit | edit source]
Jedi Master[edit | edit source]
- "That is Tera Sinube. He's an elder Jedi. He happens to be an expert on the Coruscant crime world."
- ―Jocasta Nu
Tera Sinube was a male Cosian who served as a Jedi Master in the years leading up to and during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.[5] During the childhood of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a failed Sikurdian Padawan who had been rejected for further training as a Jedi Knight gave into his hatred and fear and succumbed to the dark side. Confronted by Sinube, the Sikurdian's tentacles necrotized with his rage and he attacked the Cosian Jedi, nearly cutting him down with his lightsaber.[6] The Cosia native[1] refrained from battle while many of his fellow Jedi actively participated in the war by leading the Grand Army of the Republic's clone troopers. Instead of engaging in field operations, he stayed on Coruscant and focused his talents on becoming an expert on the intricacies of the galactic capital's criminal underworld. During the war, Sinube had access to a detailed database that included the biographical information of many of the planet's criminals,[3] compiled from decades of research.[5]
Around 21 BBY,[7] the Cosian was in the Jedi Temple communication room when General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Separatist Droid Army, contacted the Jedi and told them of his capture of Zabrak Master Eeth Koth. Although Sinube was present during the development and implementation of the subsequent rescue attempt, he did not participate in it; instead, Masters Adi Gallia, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker volunteered for the mission.[8]
Search for the lost lightsaber[edit | edit source]
Meeting Ahsoka Tano[edit | edit source]
- "I haven't been on assignments in years, and if you don't slow down, you're not going to find what you're looking for. I'll come with you."
"Okay, gramps. It would be… nice, to have company."
"Splendid!" - ―Sinube agrees to help Ahsoka find her lightsaber
Around that same year,[7] Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, were on assignment in Coruscant's slum district G17 when Tano's lightsaber was stolen from her. Believing that she could find more information on the pickpocket in the Jedi Temple's archives, Tano went there and requested help from the library's administrator, Jedi Master Jocasta Nu. Nu was unable to assist Tano and instead pointed her in Tera Sinube's direction—who was also in the library and had fallen asleep at his workstation—citing the aged Cosian's expertise in Coruscant criminality. After being roused from his slumber, Master Sinube was greeted by Madame Nu, who introduced him to Tano. He listened as the Padawan explained how her lightsaber had been stolen by a being whom she assumed was of an aquatic species, and Sinube agreed to help her by searching the database for individuals who fit that description. He believed that the larcenist intended to sell the stolen weapon and, based on the young Togruta's visual identification, determined that a Patrolian named Bannamu had lifted the lightsaber from Tano's person. After thanking the Jedi Master, Tano abruptly bid him farewell as she prepared to go after the thief. Sinube feared that in her impatience, however, Tano's quest would ultimately end in failure. He decided to join Tano on her mission, embarking on his first assignment in years.[3]
Plot thickens[edit | edit source]
- "Patience, young one. You worry that if people die at the hands of your lightsaber, that you will be as guilty for their death as the one that strikes the blow. A valid concern, young one. And one for you to puzzle out."
- ―Tera Sinube
Sinube and Tano returned to Coruscant's underworld and began their search at the noodle shop of the Quarren Lauli Wahlo. After some preliminary questioning, Wahlo claimed to have access to a lightsaber. Sinube feigned interest in purchasing the weapon after the Quarren demanded twenty-thousand credits for it, much to Tano's outrage. Further examination by Sinube revealed that the Quarren did not actually possess the weapon but instead knew where he could obtain one. When shown a hologram of Bannamu, Wahlo and his companion, Jan Dez, realized that Sinube and Tano were Jedi, with whom they wanted no conflict. The Cosian and Togruta Jedi were then told that it was possible to find Bannamu in district G17's Spider Arms Hostel.[3]
Performing a Jedi mind trick to bypass the Hostel's Rodian attendant, Sinube and Tano entered the establishment in search of Bannamu. Sinube sensed the Patrolian's distress and attempted to explain to the impulsive Tano that she would also be able to perceive Bannamu's anxiety if she simply stilled her mind to concentrate on the Force. The pair found the thief in one of the Hostel's private rooms and began to interrogate him regarding the whereabouts of Tano's lightsaber. Master Sinube had to intercede on Bannamu's behalf when Tano threatened to do the Patrolian bodily harm, but the thief eventually ceded to their questioning and confessed that he had given the lightsaber to the notorious Trandoshan criminal Nack Movers.[3]
When Tera Sinube and his Padawan companion arrived at Movers' apartment, they noticed that someone had forced their way inside. Upon entry, they discovered the Trandoshan's dead body in the middle of an apparent crime scene. At that moment, a woman named Ione Marcy stepped out of the shadows and told Sinube and Tano that she had been hiding from the men who had murdered Movers. Even though she appeared to be visibly frightened by what had transpired, Master Sinube sensed that something else was troubling her. While he comforted Marcy, Tano searched the rest of the apartment and discovered Movers' assailant, a female Terrelian Jango Jumper named Cassie Cryar, hiding in the Trandoshan's bedroom and in possession of the stolen lightsaber. Sinube was contacted via comlink by Tano, after the Padawan had set off to pursue Cryar as the thief immediately fled the apartment by leaping through the bedroom window.[3]
Mission success[edit | edit source]
- "You might have been distraught before, but ever since the intruder left your apartment, you've become even more nervous."
"I'm upset. This whole ordeal I've just endured… it's upsetting."
"Or is there a reason you might be concerned[…] You weren't afraid because you were in danger, you were afraid we would find your friend, hiding in the other room! You're in league with the bounty hunter!" - ―Tera Sinube, confronting Ione Marcy
Sinube was surprised that Tano had encountered a female when Marcy had specifically said that Movers' attackers were men. He secretly notified the Coruscant authorities, and also discreetly affixed a small tracking device on Marcy's shoulder while he comforted her. He continued to investigate the crime scene as well and determined several inconsistencies in Marcy's story through further questioning. He surmised that Movers had been poisoned, despite Marcy's claim that several men had murdered the Trandoshan. Her increasing agitation suggested to Sinube that Marcy was indeed lying. He finally deduced that she was in collusion with Cassie Cryar and confronted the grieving woman about her involvement in Movers' death. Three police droids then entered the apartment, at which time Ione Marcy jumped through the window and fled in a remote-operated airspeeder. Perturbed by his interaction with yet another impatient individual, Master Sinube borrowed a RapidResponse police speeder from the police droids and leisurely set off after Ione Marcy.[3]
Sinube eventually caught up with Tano, whose own pursuit of Cassie Cryar had ended in vain; the thief escaped capture and had disappeared yet again with Tano's lightsaber. Allowing the Padawan to join him on the speeder bike, Sinube continued the chase at a reduced speed, much to the chagrin of Tano, who believed that they would lose Cryar at their current pace. Sinube, after reminding Tano again to have patience,[3] advised her that they would intercept their quarry at the train platform.[9] Sinube's tracking device began to signal more vigorously when they arrived, and just when it seemed that they were getting closer, it abruptly stopped. At that moment, Sinube and Tano spotted the two lightsaber thieves, and Tano ordered several nearby police droids to apprehend the criminals. Ione Marcy was taken into custody, but Cassie Cryar escaped, forcing Tano to chase her onto the departing train. Tano was forced to relent after Cryar took two Twi'leks hostage under threat of the Padawan's ignited lightsaber. Sinube followed at his own stride and eventually caught up to the train at the next stop just as Cryar was preparing to make another getaway with her captives. Once the doors opened to reveal Cryar, Sinube immediately activated his own lightsaber and briefly dueled Cryar before disarming her and knocking her unconscious with the base of his cane. The Jedi Master then returned Tano's weapon to her while Cryar was placed under arrest.[3]
Upon their return to the Jedi Temple, Master Sinube conversed with Tano as they walked the halls. Confident that she had learned the necessity of patience, Sinube had one final request of the Padawan before they parted ways: to pass on what she had learned. He then led her to a classroom of younglings, who were being instructed in the basics of lightsaber combat by Jedi Grand Master Yoda. Sinube greeted the diminutive Master and stood next to him, while Tano explained the importance of keeping track of one's own lightsaber.[3]
Jedi instructor[edit | edit source]
- "Breathe. Reach out for the Force as it passes through you. Flow with it, deeper... Let the Force be your guide..."
- ―Tera Sinube, teaching Padawans in his training chamber
Sinube, on occasion, served as an instructor for Jedi Initiates at the Temple. One Initiate class that he supervised in martial arts training was comprised of the younglings Zatt, Ganodi, Gungi, Petro, Katooni, and Byph, all six of whom soon qualified to undertake The Gathering. Transported to Ilum, the six younglings set off to find their lightsaber crystals in the first step to becoming full Padawan apprentices.[10] Later, the Confederacy's usage of an encryption module led the Jedi Order to require the services of Sinube's R4-series agromech droid, M5-BZ. Sinube and his astromech droid accompanied several other Jedi and their droids to the Temple communication center, where Master Mace Windu commissioned the astromechs as a unit termed D-Squad. Led by Colonel Meebur Gascon, M5-BZ and the other astromechs, with the addition of DUM-series pit droid WAC-47, were tasked with capturing the encryption module from a Separatist dreadnaught so that Republic Intelligence could decipher the encrypted enemy transmissions. Sinube and his Jedi colleagues left their droids under Gascon's charge to begin their mission.[11]
Bombing of the Jedi Temple[edit | edit source]
Later in the war, a bomb exploded in a hangar of the Jedi Temple, killing six Jedi and a number of clone and civilian workers. Sinube attended the funeral of the Jedi victims and solemnly watched as Master Yoda delivered the eulogy and lowered the Jedi into their tombs. Afterwards, Ahsoka Tano, the young Padawan whose lightsaber Sinube had helped recover, was accused of the crime after the woman implicated in the bombing, Letta Turmond, was mysteriously choked to death by means of the Force. Though she was able to escape custody and attempted to prove her innocence, Tano was apprehended once more and, in accordance with the wishes of Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin, expelled from the Order so she could face a Republic military court. At the time of Ahsoka's trial, Sinube was instructing a class of younglings in a courtyard at the base of one of the Temple's towers, including those who had been sent on the Gathering to Ilum. As the younglings demonstrated their lightsaber techniques, they were alerted by the sound of lightsabers clashing and looked up to see a duel between Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka's Jedi Master, and Barriss Offee, who was the actual perpetrator of the Temple bombing. As Offee knocked Skywalker into the courtyard, causing him to land in front of the younglings, Sinube immediately drew his white-bladed sabercane to defend his charges. He watched as the Mirialan assaulted Skywalker from above, disarming him of one lightsaber, and with the aid of several Jedi Temple Guards, surrounded the Dark Jedi and boxed her in. When she attempted to flee, Skywalker telekinetically slammed her into the ancient tree that grew in the courtyard before moving to arrest her. Despite Offee's arrest, however, Ahsoka refused to return to the Order because of the Council's lack of faith in her and left the Jedi Temple.
Personality and traits[edit | edit source]
- "A thief stole my lightsaber, and I only got a quick look at him. I could tell he definitely came from one of the aquatic planets. You know, one of the water worlds?"
"So you're saying there was something fishy about him?" - ―Master Sinube, making sport of Ahsoka Tano
Tera Sinube was a wizened[12] Jedi Master of advanced years, who had yellow eyes, speckled brown-green skin, and white hair. He wore a slight variation of the traditional Jedi robes that accommodated his Cosian physiology enough to allow his lengthy tail to move without restriction. He required a cane to support his gnarled frame and moved about at the same measured pace with which he approached every situation. With age came great patience for Sinube, who believed that taking his time allowed him to always see clearly what lay ahead.[3] He believed that folly was the fruit of those who acted in haste, and that with ample planning such action was rarely necessary.[1] Indeed, he valued these philosophies highly and imparted them on the younger and impetuous Ahsoka Tano, who in turn shared it with a class of Jedi younglings. Sinube also had a sense of humor and made light of Tano's misfortune by engaging in situational anecdotes, such as their being "something fishy" about the aquatic thief who stole her lightsaber.[3]
A methodical investigator and a keen observer of people,[5] Sinube was recognized by the Jedi Order as an expert on the inner workings of Coruscant's criminal underworld. Even the Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives, Jocasta Nu, deferred to Sinube's superior experience in the subject and directed related inquiries to him when he was available. He was helpful to those who requested assistance from him and was more than happy to join Tano on her mission, as he had not been on one in years. Sinube was also old friends with Yoda and greeted him as such when visiting the diminutive Grand Master's classroom.[3] Sinube was also fond of the younger generation, as he developed a friendship with Ahsoka during their quest to recover her lightsaber and served as an instructor in the use of a lightsaber. When Anakin Skywalker's duel with Barriss Offee spilled into the courtyard where Sinube was training a group of younglings, the elderly Cosian immediately drew his sabercane to defend them.
Powers and abilities[edit | edit source]
- "May I help you?"
"We know where we're going."
"You know where you are going." - ―Master Sinube successfully performs a Jedi mind trick on the Spider Arms Hostel receptionist
As he grew older, Tera Sinube undertook fewer field assignments and instead focused on familiarizing himself with Coruscant's expansive criminal database. By the time of the Clone Wars, he had not been on a mission in years and was delighted with the prospect of joining Ahsoka Tano in the quest for her stolen lightsaber. He was an observant Jedi Master who was able to glean information by reading a being's body language,[3] and had a propensity for anticipating the actions of others. Sinube was an experienced detective who used the Force to assist him in solving crimes. This, along with his aptitude with deductive reasoning and interrogation skill,[1] allowed him to catch Ione Marcy in several lies.[3]
Sinube was skilled in the Force with regard to sensing the emotions of those around him. He taught Tano how to still her own mind so that she might be able to perceive Bannamu's anxiety. Sinube was also able to conjure Jedi mind tricks, successfully performing one on the receptionist at the Spider Arms Hostel.[3] His connection to the Force allowed him to solve cases faster than seasoned detectives in Coruscant's law enforcement.[5] He was trained in lightsaber combat, and wielded a sabercane, one with an intricately designed handle made from Cosian wood, and an enlarged ferrule with which to provide the elderly Jedi Master increased support.[1] Sinube only revealed the duplicity of his weapon when necessary, separating the cane[3] and producing a white lightsaber blade[13] from its handle.[1] When not in use, Sinube returned the handle to the shaft, effectively concealing his lightsaber from view. He also used the shaft and massive ferrule of his cane as a bludgeon, doing so to incapacitate Cassie Cryar.[3] Despite his age, Sinube was still a fast opponent and, when facing Cassie Cryar, struck three blows in rapid succession that she barely managed to block, before disarming and knocking her out in one swift move.
Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]
- "He's definitely a caricature of his own philosophy."
- ―Giancarlo Volpe, describing Tera Sinube
Tera Sinube first appeared in the ninth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television series' second season, titled "Grievous Intrigue."[2] He was later featured alongside Ahsoka Tano as the main protagonist in the eleventh episode, "Lightsaber Lost," wherein he was voiced by American actor Gregory Baldwin. While his first television appearance was on January 1st, 2010, in "Grievous Intrigue," Sinube's character was actually designed for "Lightsaber Lost," which was produced first but aired three weeks later.[9] Also, the episode guide for "Grievous Intrigue" originally spelled Sinube's first name as "Terra."[2] This was later changed in the online guide for "Lightsaber Lost" to "Tera."[9] Sinube was later featured, albeit briefly, in the fifth season episodes "The Gathering"[10] and "Secret Weapons" in Fall 2012.[11]
The design for Sinube was based on an abandoned alien concept illustration for senators from Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace,[9] while his personality was modeled to resemble that of an aged yet experienced samurai warrior who gets better with time. Giancarlo Volpe, the director of "Lightsaber Lost," correlated Sinube's constant reminders for Ahsoka Tano to trust her feelings to Obi-Wan Kenobi telling Luke Skywalker the same thing in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.[12]
Appearances[edit | edit source]
- Template:TCWUKCite
- SkyeWalkers: A Clone Wars Story (Mentioned only)
- Template:TCW (First appearance)
- Template:TCW
- The Clone Wars: Jedi Heroes
- Template:TCW (In flashback(s))
- Template:TCW (In flashback(s))
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW (In flashback(s))
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW Template:Vision
Sources[edit | edit source]
The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Grievous Intrigue on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org) Template:1stID
The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Lightsaber Lost on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org)
Ahsoka Teams with an Elderly Jedi Master to Find Her Lost Lightsaber on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org)
- Template:CN
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.6
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: New Battlefronts: The Visual Guide
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Official Episode Guide Series 1 & 2
- Template:TCWA
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.21 (Indirect mention only)
"Lightsaber Lost" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide on StarWars.com (backup link)
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Head-to-Head
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Masters of the Force
"The Gathering" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide on StarWars.com (backup link) Template:Po
"Secret Weapons" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide on StarWars.com (backup link)
"100 and Counting"—Star Wars Insider 139 (Indirect mention only)
"The Jedi Who Knew Too Much" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide on StarWars.com (backup link)
"The Wrong Jedi" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide on StarWars.com (backup link)
Chronicling The Clone Wars #9, The Official StarWars.com Blog
Chronicling The Clone Wars #10, The Official StarWars.com Blog
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Episode Guide
- Template:SWE Template:Po
- Template:SWE
- Template:SWE
- Template:SWE
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Grievous Intrigue on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org)
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 Template:TCW
- ↑ Star Wars: The Clone Wars novelization
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Template:SWE
- ↑ SkyeWalkers: A Clone Wars Story
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Star Wars Annual 2011
- ↑ Template:TCW
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3
The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Lightsaber Lost on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org)
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Template:TCW
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Template:TCW
- ↑ 12.0 12.1
Ahsoka Teams with an Elderly Jedi Master to Find Her Lost Lightsaber on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org)
- ↑ Template:TCWA
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