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Vader's revelation.png

No. I am your father!

Warning! This page contains MAJOR spoilers from a recently released or soon-to-be-released product. Caution is advised.

Usage[edit source]

{{Majorspoiler|product's article title|formatting|formatted name}}

Insert template at the top of the page, immediately below the {{Eras}} and {{Youmay}} templates, if they are on the page. Replace "product's article title" with the title of the article for the product containing the spoiler and "formatted name" with the name of the product, formatted by removing disambiguation. Replace "formatting" with appropriate marks to surround the title: a pair of apostrophes for italics or a lone double-quotation mark for "quotation marks."

Example: {{Majorspoiler|Kenobi (novel)|''|Kenobi}} produces the message: "Warning! This page contains MAJOR spoilers from Kenobi. Caution is advised."

If the formatted name is omitted, the first parameter will be used in its place. If both parameters are omitted, the template will display the text shown at the top of this page. Formatting such as italics or quotation marks cannot be passed through the first parameter.

Categorization[edit source]