Tegan (Jedi Academy)

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Biographical information
Physical description

Twi'lek [1]


Female [1]

Skin color


Chronological and political information

Rise of the Empire era


Librarian Lackbar

Tegan was a blue-skinned Twi'lek who attended Jedi Academy in 196 BBY, the same time as Roan Novachez. She was also the head of The Padawan Observer, the school paper. Tegan made it to the Lightsaber Fencing Tournament, but lost to Cronah both times.

Personality and traits[edit | edit source]

Tegan had a lot of self-control, and was an excellent leader. She was also intelligent, as she was immune to Jedi mind tricks. She also seemed to have an aptitude for talking dogs, as seen during the first known meeting for the school paper.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Notes and references[edit | edit source]

This page was moved from wook:en:Tegan (Jedi Academy). It's edit history can be viewed at Tegan (Jedi Academy)/edithistory