Premiere Unlimited
The Premiere Unlimited Set was the unlimited version of the base set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, a card game based on the Star Wars universe. It consisted of 324 cards (162 Dark Side and 162 Light Side cards) and was introduced in April of 1996 after the Limited set went out of print. This set consisted of 108 rare, 108 uncommon, and 108 common cards. The Premiere Unlimited set was different from the Premiere Limited set only in that the Unlimited had white borders while the Limited had black borders. The set introduced many of the classic characters from Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, but did not include such characters and places that were significant in Episode IV like Chewbacca, R2-D2, and the Death Star.
This set was sold in 15-card expansion packs and 36-pack expansion boxes. Also, starter decks were available in 60-card decks and 12-deck displays. Each pack included one rare card, four uncommon cards, and ten common cards.
Notable cards[edit | edit source]
Dark Side
- Alter (Uncommon)
- Darth Vader (Rare)
- Devastator (Rare)
- Grand Moff Tarkin (Rare)
- Imperial-class Star Destroyer (Uncommon)
- Sense (Uncommon)
- Vader's Custom TIE (Rare)
- Vader's Lightsaber (Rare)
Light Side
- Alter (Uncommon)
- C-3PO (Rare)
- CR90 corvette (Uncommon)
- Han Solo (Rare)
- Leia Organa (Rare)
- Luke Skywalker (Rare)
- Millennium Falcon (Rare)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Rare)
- Sense (Uncommon)
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