Ord Grovner/edithistory

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oldid date/time username edit summary
7839190 2018-09-05T21:26:58Z AL-BRT Sorting categories
7733013 2018-07-06T22:20:38Z
7575898 2018-03-31T04:43:29Z AL-BRT Cleanup and formatting fixes
7347111 2018-01-12T03:28:19Z AL-BRT Adding backup link(s)
7319950 2017-12-26T21:45:01Z Exiledjedi
7248060 2017-10-29T04:12:03Z AL-BRT Correcting links to the online companion
6844026 2017-01-28T05:09:21Z AL-BRT Correcting infobox field(s)
6840961 2017-01-27T11:42:55Z AL-BRT Adding missing field(s) to infobox
6839133 2017-01-27T06:23:35Z AL-BRT Adding missing field(s) to infobox
6674369 2016-12-12T08:25:36Z AL-BRT Cleanup and formatting fixes
6495707 2016-09-14T21:23:43Z AL-BRT Fixing trailing text
6458696 2016-09-13T00:12:42Z AL-BRT Changing categories
5980227 2015-12-10T03:22:52Z KillerRoboLeia3000 Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2
5207053 2014-09-12T13:40:07Z RoboCade Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes
4888052 2014-05-11T19:58:30Z RoboCade Adding {{Tl|Eras}} to all IU articles.
4543172 2013-07-01T12:32:00Z Green tentacle 5.1 Corrected spelling/grammar
4318719 2013-01-11T07:57:28Z KillerRoboLeia3000 Bot: Removing deprecated [[Template:Ref]]; see [[Forum:SH:Template:Ref|this Senate Hall thread]] for more information
4298591 2013-01-09T01:23:09Z Hk 47
4298588 2013-01-09T01:19:45Z Hk 47
3939992 2012-03-12T06:53:52Z Plagueis327
3939990 2012-03-12T06:52:57Z Plagueis327
3566158 2011-06-08T05:19:39Z Trak Nar Linking.
2810573 2009-10-28T21:26:19Z Azizlight ref
2780761 2009-10-02T06:16:07Z Azizlight updated location - Essential Atlas
2589732 2009-05-28T04:48:08Z Purpilia
1931425 2008-04-18T21:49:18Z Borsk Fey'lya
1316638 2007-05-02T20:12:56Z
1096761 2007-02-10T19:30:33Z Navi the Bot Droid: Automated text replacement (-[[Imperial]] +[[Galactic Empire|Imperial]])
1059173 2007-01-30T11:05:09Z Q9-X2 Droid: Cleanup
1025371 2007-01-29T05:57:33Z Q9-X2 Droid: Cleanup
955091 2007-01-05T06:13:20Z Kuralyov /* Sources */
955040 2007-01-05T05:58:29Z SparqMan [[Category:Ordnance/Regional Depots]]
675731 2006-09-03T13:53:16Z TopAce taskforce --> task force
436972 2006-05-05T20:33:57Z Borsk Fey'lya
436582 2006-05-05T14:34:55Z Rmfitzgerald50 + {{Idep}}
217566 2005-10-19T10:39:51Z StarNeptune
94934 2005-09-29T15:30:09Z Azizlight added source
82325 2005-08-29T21:00:35Z JustinGann
65574 2005-08-19T14:05:17Z JustinGann
58412 2005-08-12T03:37:13Z JustinGann