Ord Antalaha/edithistory
From HoloNet
Jump to navigationJump to searcholdid | date/time | username | edit summary |
7778211 | 2018-08-05T20:56:09Z | AL-BRT | Changing Legends links |
7699104 | 2018-06-09T22:46:16Z | AL-BRT | Cleanup and formatting fixes |
7689472 | 2018-06-04T13:19:00Z | DenSylar | |
7542440 | 2018-03-25T16:06:54Z | Xd1358 | FFA |
7432335 | 2018-02-24T23:36:52Z | Xd1358 | FAR |
7180427 | 2017-09-25T20:43:17Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
6807812 | 2017-01-15T04:51:14Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6779471 | 2017-01-04T13:56:20Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6552701 | 2016-09-29T11:43:28Z | AL-BRT | Deprecating imagebg |
6467749 | 2016-09-14T02:10:53Z | AL-BRT | Fixing trailing text |
5980231 | 2015-12-10T03:22:55Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2 |
5479416 | 2015-01-16T08:24:16Z | RoboCade | Droid: Fixing twin, month, year, hour, day, and week redirects |
5296196 | 2014-09-20T23:23:29Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Bot: Fixing redirects |
5207437 | 2014-09-12T14:00:35Z | RoboCade | Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes |
4923800 | 2014-05-16T14:37:19Z | RoboCade | Deprecating WEG |
4538245 | 2013-06-28T18:43:56Z | Dr. Ball, M.D. | Bot: Removing CUSWEID template |
4318743 | 2013-01-11T07:57:51Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Bot: Removing deprecated [[Template:Ref]]; see [[Forum:SH:Template:Ref|this Senate Hall thread]] for more information |
4232505 | 2012-11-15T22:57:31Z | Hk 47 | /* History */ |
3980576 | 2012-04-08T22:09:56Z | Ifindyourlackoffaithdisturbing | /* Sources */ |
3132114 | 2010-06-08T01:30:35Z | Darth Culator | FA |
3132093 | 2010-06-08T01:10:54Z | Darth Culator | |
3130701 | 2010-06-07T03:47:03Z | Xicer9 | |
3121843 | 2010-06-01T18:02:37Z | Xicer9 | |
3120278 | 2010-05-31T20:53:54Z | Graestan | /* Fort Divin */ |
3120277 | 2010-05-31T20:52:45Z | Graestan | /* Criminals */ |
3120194 | 2010-05-31T19:42:25Z | Graestan | /* Description */ |
3120173 | 2010-05-31T19:33:59Z | Graestan | |
3119739 | 2010-05-31T14:48:12Z | Xicer9 | /* Inhabitants */ |
3119728 | 2010-05-31T14:46:12Z | Xicer9 | |
3119207 | 2010-05-31T04:47:25Z | Xicer9 | |
3119200 | 2010-05-31T04:38:33Z | Xicer9 | {{FAnom}} |
3119191 | 2010-05-31T04:31:59Z | Xicer9 | |
3119164 | 2010-05-31T03:58:05Z | Xicer9 | |
3119145 | 2010-05-31T03:35:44Z | Xicer9 | /* Criminals */ |
3119124 | 2010-05-31T03:21:35Z | Xicer9 | /* Inhabitants */ |
3119103 | 2010-05-31T03:06:03Z | Xicer9 | bleh |
3119101 | 2010-05-31T03:03:38Z | Xicer9 | |
3119081 | 2010-05-31T02:35:23Z | Xicer9 | |
3119079 | 2010-05-31T02:34:14Z | Xicer9 | |
3118894 | 2010-05-30T21:55:57Z | Xicer9 | |
3117847 | 2010-05-30T04:34:04Z | Xicer9 | Total loss of motivation...time to call it a night |
3115641 | 2010-05-29T01:38:16Z | Xicer9 | Way to (inaccurately) copy the CUSWE, CSWE |
3115615 | 2010-05-29T01:23:04Z | Xicer9 | /* Behind the scenes */ |
3115530 | 2010-05-29T00:00:17Z | Xicer9 | /* Fort Divin */ gah |
3115529 | 2010-05-28T23:59:59Z | Xicer9 | /* Locations */ |
3115525 | 2010-05-28T23:57:42Z | Xicer9 | /* Fort Divin */ |
3115523 | 2010-05-28T23:57:01Z | Xicer9 | /* Fort Divin */ |
3115521 | 2010-05-28T23:56:08Z | Xicer9 | /* Locations */ |
3115516 | 2010-05-28T23:48:20Z | Xicer9 | /* Locations */ |
3115502 | 2010-05-28T23:20:15Z | Xicer9 | /* Description */ |
3115492 | 2010-05-28T23:08:37Z | Xicer9 | /* Criminals */ |
3115480 | 2010-05-28T22:57:08Z | Xicer9 | /* Criminals */ |
3115477 | 2010-05-28T22:53:19Z | Xicer9 | /* Criminals */ |
3115473 | 2010-05-28T22:50:52Z | Xicer9 | /* Criminals */ |
3115470 | 2010-05-28T22:49:59Z | Xicer9 | /* Criminals */ |
3115469 | 2010-05-28T22:48:54Z | Xicer9 | /* Colonists */ |
3115460 | 2010-05-28T22:33:20Z | Xicer9 | /* The code */ |
3115458 | 2010-05-28T22:32:08Z | Xicer9 | /* Criminals */ |
3115271 | 2010-05-28T20:20:42Z | Xicer9 | /* Criminals */ |
3115269 | 2010-05-28T20:20:09Z | Xicer9 | /* History */ |
3115267 | 2010-05-28T20:19:44Z | Xicer9 | /* Criminals */ |
3113472 | 2010-05-28T03:16:10Z | Xicer9 | /* History */ |
3113295 | 2010-05-28T02:48:50Z | Xicer9 | |
3113240 | 2010-05-28T02:31:18Z | Xicer9 | /* Colonists */ |
3113214 | 2010-05-28T02:22:41Z | Xicer9 | /* Colonists */ |
3113019 | 2010-05-28T00:58:47Z | Xicer9 | |
3113010 | 2010-05-28T00:55:24Z | Xicer9 | /* Sources */ |
3112889 | 2010-05-27T23:02:26Z | Xicer9 | |
3112798 | 2010-05-27T21:38:38Z | Xicer9 | /* History */ |
3112687 | 2010-05-27T20:24:25Z | Xicer9 | /* History */ |
3112666 | 2010-05-27T20:05:28Z | Xicer9 | /* Description */ |
3112649 | 2010-05-27T19:49:31Z | Xicer9 | |
3112630 | 2010-05-27T19:38:52Z | Xicer9 | /* Description */ |
3112613 | 2010-05-27T19:24:57Z | Xicer9 | |
3112567 | 2010-05-27T19:00:45Z | Xicer9 | |
3112515 | 2010-05-27T18:25:23Z | Xicer9 | |
3112513 | 2010-05-27T18:24:44Z | Xicer9 | |
3112348 | 2010-05-27T17:12:35Z | Xicer9 | /* Notes and references */ |
3111376 | 2010-05-27T02:02:46Z | Xicer9 | /* Sources */ bah |
3111375 | 2010-05-27T02:02:24Z | Xicer9 | /* Sources */ |
3110714 | 2010-05-26T19:59:49Z | Xicer9 | |
2815406 | 2009-11-02T07:56:42Z | Trak Nar | Decapitalizing "sector". |
2721723 | 2009-08-20T00:01:59Z | Ifindyourlackoffaithdisturbing | /* Sources */ |
1899152 | 2008-03-31T06:40:43Z | Whistler | Droid: Cleanup, Formatting, Template fixes |
1746766 | 2008-01-04T02:27:38Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Robot: Automated text replacement (-Pirates and Privateers +Pirates & Privateers) |
1744627 | 2008-01-02T06:09:25Z | Subvertc | 2.5 Added sources/appearances |
1627884 | 2007-10-26T13:41:47Z | JMM | |
1620757 | 2007-10-19T18:31:22Z | Enochf | 5.1 Corrected spelling/grammar |
1617493 | 2007-10-16T19:15:53Z | Imperialles | {{Cleanup}} |
1617476 | 2007-10-16T18:52:02Z | | |
1182096 | 2007-03-15T10:59:17Z | Crainun | |
1025354 | 2007-01-29T05:57:00Z | Q9-X2 | Droid: Cleanup |
955077 | 2007-01-05T06:09:11Z | Kuralyov | /* Sources */ |
955032 | 2007-01-05T05:57:42Z | SparqMan | [[Category:Ordnance/Regional Depots]] |
218443 | 2005-11-04T12:39:37Z | StarNeptune | |
112565 | 2005-09-29T15:22:45Z | Azizlight | added source |
82321 | 2005-08-18T16:26:22Z | JustinGann |