Night of the Upside-Down Meteor/edithistory

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oldid date/time username edit summary
7817924 2018-08-31T14:28:29Z AL-BRT Cleanup and formatting fixes
7751279 2018-07-21T15:21:33Z AL-BRT Cleanup and formatting fixes
6673415 2016-12-12T08:03:21Z AL-BRT Cleanup and formatting fixes
6576469 2016-10-04T19:41:27Z Green tentacle
6551615 2016-09-29T11:14:34Z AL-BRT Deprecating imagebg
6494905 2016-09-14T21:04:21Z AL-BRT Fixing trailing text
6448421 2016-09-12T07:04:23Z RoboCade Comic naming fixes
6314358 2016-06-29T12:33:26Z Totus Ossus /* Notes and references */
5975031 2015-12-10T02:09:22Z KillerRoboLeia3000 Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2
5257465 2014-09-16T18:09:49Z RoboCade Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes, and redirect fixes
4728617 2014-01-06T06:39:03Z Andykatib /* History */ added quotes
4728466 2014-01-06T04:55:41Z Andykatib added top quote
4696527 2013-12-06T08:00:38Z Andykatib /* Background */ fixed typo
4687082 2013-11-23T12:24:21Z Trip391 removed redundant links
4683110 2013-11-19T03:13:05Z Lord KOT
4681842 2013-11-17T09:45:44Z Andykatib
4681841 2013-11-17T09:43:23Z Andykatib
4681593 2013-11-16T23:45:38Z Lord KOT /* Appearances */
4681064 2013-11-16T04:23:05Z Andykatib corrected source
4680910 2013-11-16T02:39:25Z Andykatib added new image
4679911 2013-11-15T03:55:23Z Andykatib fixed citations
4679910 2013-11-15T03:53:31Z Andykatib /* History */
4679904 2013-11-15T03:42:36Z Andykatib added references
4679903 2013-11-15T03:41:39Z Andykatib /* The Skirmish */
4679897 2013-11-15T03:36:32Z Andykatib working on article
4679871 2013-11-15T03:26:13Z Andykatib 5.1 Corrected spelling/grammar
4568598 2013-07-28T11:44:27Z Dreyginn Zye
4568597 2013-07-28T11:43:57Z Dreyginn Zye 5.1 Corrected spelling/grammar
4554198 2013-07-11T22:42:09Z Trip391 Undo revision 4554195 by [[Special:Contributions/Villanuevamarcial|Villanuevamarcial]] ([[User talk:Villanuevamarcial|talk]])
4554195 2013-07-11T22:40:57Z Villanuevamarcial
4328171 2013-01-13T20:44:24Z Cade Calrayn
4319363 2013-01-11T08:09:29Z KillerRoboLeia3000 Bot: Removing deprecated [[Template:Ref]]; see [[Forum:SH:Template:Ref|this Senate Hall thread]] for more information
4090693 2012-07-13T16:51:47Z 5.1 Corrected spelling/grammar
4089004 2012-07-11T16:05:29Z Jedi Marty 5.3 Factual correction
3616945 2011-07-19T21:13:23Z Darth Revanon
3616145 2011-07-18T23:33:28Z Maxattac
3616141 2011-07-18T23:30:03Z Maxattac moved [[Skirmish at Jelph Marrian's farm]] to [[Night of the Upside-Down Meteor]]: Pantheon
3505344 2011-04-12T11:15:59Z Imperators II 1.2 Formatting
3505342 2011-04-12T11:11:10Z Gnost-Dural
3505339 2011-04-12T11:09:39Z Gnost-Dural
3491347 2011-03-30T14:18:27Z Jonjedigrandmaster
3482740 2011-03-22T21:08:11Z Imperators II Spoiler period over
3478485 2011-03-19T14:19:17Z Imperators II 5.1 Corrected spelling/grammar
3478482 2011-03-19T14:18:00Z Imperators II 5.1 Corrected spelling/grammar
3478477 2011-03-19T14:14:28Z
3478473 2011-03-19T14:13:28Z
3478469 2011-03-19T14:09:08Z Imperators II 5.1 Corrected spelling/grammar
3478456 2011-03-19T14:00:40Z I need a name Spoiler tag is still relevant
3478450 2011-03-19T13:56:51Z
3478437 2011-03-19T13:45:23Z I need a name
3478436 2011-03-19T13:44:34Z I need a name Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]] | [[Special:Block/|block]]) to last version by [[User:I need a name|I need a name]]
3478431 2011-03-19T13:42:36Z
3478430 2011-03-19T13:41:45Z I need a name Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]] | [[Special:Block/|block]]) to last version by [[User:Imperators II|Imperators II]]
3478428 2011-03-19T13:40:54Z
3451168 2011-02-23T23:25:21Z Imperators II 2.1 Page created