From HoloNet
Jump to navigationJump to searcholdid | date/time | username | edit summary |
7777708 | 2018-08-05T20:34:40Z | AL-BRT | Changing Legends links |
7727976 | 2018-07-05T19:20:12Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7642893 | 2018-05-08T22:33:24Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7521281 | 2018-03-17T18:50:43Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7510562 | 2018-03-17T02:55:48Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7495424 | 2018-03-15T23:32:48Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7460952 | 2018-03-04T20:26:49Z | AL-BRT | Cleanup and formatting fixes |
7449411 | 2018-03-02T11:01:26Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7443309 | 2018-03-01T14:28:53Z | Tommy-Macaroni | |
7359598 | 2018-01-15T21:09:25Z | AL-BRT | Adding backup link(s) |
7267859 | 2017-11-08T14:12:55Z | Super Jeże | |
7188177 | 2017-09-25T22:48:48Z | EcksBot | Bot: Automated text replacement (-[[The New Jedi Order]] +[[Star Wars: The New Jedi Order|The New Jedi Order]]) |
7179687 | 2017-09-25T20:06:20Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7176466 | 2017-09-24T20:03:41Z | EcksBot | Bot: Automated text replacement (-[[1 BBY]] +[[1 BBY/Legends|1 BBY]]) |
7118407 | 2017-08-19T02:26:21Z | AL-BRT | Switching to use /Legends |
7104782 | 2017-08-13T02:01:46Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
7089009 | 2017-08-04T04:00:54Z | AL-BRT | Removing link(s) to Trash Compacted article |
7053227 | 2017-07-08T23:16:35Z | Exiledjedi | /* Sources */ |
7019122 | 2017-06-06T03:34:23Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6999125 | 2017-05-20T15:29:51Z | AL-BRT | Switching to use /Legends |
6980672 | 2017-05-14T01:02:12Z | AL-BRT | Changing link(s) to /Legends |
6976269 | 2017-05-13T19:35:43Z | AL-BRT | AL-BRT moved page [[Lumpawaroo]] to [[Lumpawaroo/Legends]]: Moving page to /Legends |
6886927 | 2017-02-12T05:51:48Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6869221 | 2017-02-05T22:42:24Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6846428 | 2017-01-28T23:40:18Z | Ifindyourlackoffaithdisturbing | |
6816518 | 2017-01-18T02:38:22Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6815344 | 2017-01-17T04:18:17Z | AL-BRT | Cleanup and formatting fixes |
6812220 | 2017-01-16T03:52:29Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6807539 | 2017-01-15T04:25:21Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6795244 | 2017-01-08T23:03:14Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6778218 | 2017-01-04T13:13:25Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6765957 | 2017-01-02T23:39:45Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6491923 | 2016-09-14T19:53:20Z | AL-BRT | Fixing trailing text |
6438906 | 2016-09-12T02:35:24Z | RoboCade | Comic naming fixes |
6390195 | 2016-08-31T22:37:49Z | CzechBot | Removing blank imageBG instances. As discussed with [[user:Toprawa and Ralltiir]], this variable does nothing anymore. Please do not re-introduce. |
6378671 | 2016-08-21T22:44:08Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6285078 | 2016-05-11T15:54:35Z | Sightsaber | |
6176805 | 2016-01-28T17:46:30Z | RoboCade | Droid: Fixing redirects |
6129026 | 2015-12-25T19:32:27Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6128514 | 2015-12-25T18:50:51Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6123118 | 2015-12-22T03:25:02Z | RoboCade | Fixing redirects |
6111038 | 2015-12-17T06:00:44Z | Ifindyourlackoffaithdisturbing | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]] | [[Special:Block/|block]]) to last version by [[User:RoboCade|RoboCade]] |
6111036 | 2015-12-17T06:00:19Z | | |
6097025 | 2015-12-13T04:36:24Z | RoboCade | Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2 |
6025570 | 2015-12-10T17:02:42Z | RoboCade | Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2 |
5790792 | 2015-09-16T12:10:16Z | Darth Yarco | 3.4 Corrected template usage |
5762347 | 2015-08-16T00:53:06Z | Adley! | /* External links */ |
5753047 | 2015-08-07T17:50:49Z | Toprawa and Ralltiir | removing TC'd link |
5749520 | 2015-08-02T14:05:55Z | RoboCade | Fixing redirects |
5735815 | 2015-07-19T23:42:25Z | Ifindyourlackoffaithdisturbing | RIP |
5694983 | 2015-05-27T21:16:25Z | Toprawa and Ralltiir | FAR |
5659609 | 2015-04-21T16:17:24Z | Toprawa and Ralltiir | |
5659608 | 2015-04-21T16:14:37Z | Toprawa and Ralltiir | /* Sources */ |
5599362 | 2015-03-11T01:55:25Z | Toprawa and Ralltiir | /* Sources */ |
5579142 | 2015-02-19T20:31:33Z | AL-BRT | Formatting fix |
5477558 | 2015-01-16T07:10:53Z | AL-BRT | Formatting change(s) |
5471004 | 2015-01-16T01:26:18Z | RoboCade | Droid: Fixing twin, month, year, hour, day, and week redirects |
5451366 | 2014-12-30T18:41:34Z | RoboCade | Droid: Restoring DK reference book italicization after further discussion, and fixing new WEG reference book redirects |
5372027 | 2014-11-07T17:18:23Z | RoboCade | Fixing redirects and Layout Guide changes |
5365900 | 2014-11-06T18:27:05Z | RoboCade | Fixing redirects and Layout Guide changes |
5296021 | 2014-09-20T21:27:23Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Bot: Fixing redirects |
5289853 | 2014-09-18T18:22:31Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Bot: Cosmetic changes |
5253821 | 2014-09-16T14:15:11Z | RoboCade | Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes, and redirect fixes |
5204213 | 2014-09-12T04:49:46Z | RoboCade | Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes |
5195447 | 2014-09-11T05:26:32Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-{{Character_infobox +{{Character & -{{Character infobox +{{Character) |
4880592 | 2014-05-09T17:10:09Z | RoboCade | Fixing book redirects |
4880348 | 2014-05-09T15:08:17Z | Tainb'ocu'chulainn | fixed link |
4879718 | 2014-05-09T01:22:02Z | RoboCade | Deprecating Template:Am |
4877599 | 2014-05-07T19:26:24Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Fury]] +[[Legacy of the Force: Fury]]) |
4877235 | 2014-05-07T18:58:49Z | RoboCade | Eliminating "Fury" redirect |
4877161 | 2014-05-07T18:50:41Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-*''[[Fury]]'' +*''[[Legacy of the Force: Fury]]'') |
4873121 | 2014-05-06T00:01:53Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[First Battle of Coruscant (Yuuzhan Vong War)| +[[Battle of Coruscant (Yuuzhan Vong War)|) |
4871350 | 2014-05-05T15:32:58Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Second Battle of Coruscant (Yuuzhan Vong War)| +[[Battle of Yuuzhan'tar|) |
4864794 | 2014-05-04T02:19:06Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Inferno (novel)|Inferno]] +[[Legacy of the Force: Inferno]]) |
4861989 | 2014-05-03T22:09:23Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-The Unifying Force}} +The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force}}) |
4860956 | 2014-05-03T21:04:15Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[The Unifying Force +[[The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force) |
4855764 | 2014-05-01T21:48:03Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Force Heretic I +[[The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I) |
4855040 | 2014-05-01T20:44:48Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Destiny's Way +[[The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way) |
4846328 | 2014-04-29T16:35:21Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Agents of Chaos I +[[The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I) |
4839756 | 2014-04-28T03:16:40Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Vector Prime (novel)|Vector Prime]] +[[The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime]]) |
4798377 | 2014-03-16T20:09:08Z | Toprawa and Ralltiir | /* Sources */ |
4698799 | 2013-12-09T22:27:16Z | Master Jonathan | Removing links to trash-compacted articles |
4608169 | 2013-08-31T13:04:10Z | Menkooro | /* Aiding the Solos */ better image |
4605489 | 2013-08-28T09:42:24Z | Cavalier One | |
4598282 | 2013-08-21T20:38:11Z | Trip391 | |
4537876 | 2013-06-28T18:28:11Z | Dr. Ball, M.D. | Bot: Removing CUSWEID template |
4498269 | 2013-05-17T19:53:13Z | Jinzler | /* Sources */ source adds no new information |
4403127 | 2013-02-11T21:15:51Z | LelalMekha | /* Personality and traits */ Replace jpg image with png version |
4399009 | 2013-02-08T05:24:03Z | Menkooro | ambiguously canon tag doesn't go in references. |
4399001 | 2013-02-08T05:21:40Z | Rokkur Shen | |
4384800 | 2013-01-29T18:28:33Z | Muscle6386 | /* Appearances */ |
4321409 | 2013-01-11T08:49:39Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Bot: Removing deprecated [[Template:Ref]]; see [[Forum:SH:Template:Ref|this Senate Hall thread]] for more information |
4301132 | 2013-01-10T05:13:16Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Jaina Solo mass redirect fix phase 1 |
4294428 | 2013-01-06T08:18:15Z | Rokkur Shen | |
4230253 | 2012-11-14T09:48:46Z | Cavalier One | |
4195792 | 2012-10-12T01:48:14Z | Plagueis327 | No new info. |
4187127 | 2012-10-05T15:32:42Z | Menkooro | |
4185819 | 2012-10-04T03:59:07Z | Menkooro | /* A Life Day to remember */ updating B4711 link |
4160348 | 2012-09-10T01:08:16Z | Menkooro | correcting Galaxies date |
4145602 | 2012-08-28T01:59:29Z | Menkooro | correcting chronology, killing redirects |
4118210 | 2012-08-07T21:58:52Z | Plagueis327 | /* Sources */ |
4067821 | 2012-06-21T14:26:22Z | Jinzler | /* Sources */ mentioned on p.113 of "Galaxy of Intrigue" (adds no new information) |
4008606 | 2012-05-02T22:12:41Z | I need a name | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]] | [[Special:Block/|block]]) to last version by [[User:Borsk Fey'lya|Borsk Fey'lya]] |
4008497 | 2012-05-02T20:43:06Z | | /* Creation */ |
3981556 | 2012-04-09T14:50:02Z | Borsk Fey'lya | /* Appearances */ |
3906152 | 2012-02-15T04:04:43Z | Menkooro | /* Sources */ |
3854693 | 2012-01-11T22:52:34Z | Lluvia Roja | /* External links */ |
3854481 | 2012-01-11T18:08:08Z | Xd1358 | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]] | [[Special:Block/|block]]) to last version by [[User:Menkooroo|Menkooroo]] |
3854479 | 2012-01-11T18:05:30Z | | |
3847283 | 2012-01-07T03:41:19Z | Menkooro | /* Sources */ |
3846673 | 2012-01-07T00:24:54Z | Menkooro | /* Character development */ |
3846631 | 2012-01-07T00:04:21Z | Menkooro | /* Character development */ |
3846625 | 2012-01-07T00:02:37Z | Menkooro | /* Character development */ |
3846623 | 2012-01-07T00:01:35Z | Menkooro | /* Character development */ |
3846598 | 2012-01-06T23:48:53Z | Menkooro | /* Sources */ |
3830610 | 2011-12-31T07:43:30Z | Menkooro | /* Character development */ |
3830607 | 2011-12-31T07:35:05Z | Menkooro | /* His father's son */ |
3830606 | 2011-12-31T07:34:42Z | Menkooro | /* Mischievous youth */ |
3813731 | 2011-12-20T00:49:53Z | HotCat | User [[en:pl:de:User:Rorret|de:Rorret]] updated the interwiki links: + [[ru:Лумпавару]] |
3779810 | 2011-11-20T02:53:32Z | Menkooro | /* Appearances */ |
3779335 | 2011-11-19T19:23:19Z | | /* Appearances */ |
3764318 | 2011-11-05T08:06:59Z | Menkooro | fixing two quotes. |
3761792 | 2011-11-02T14:58:56Z | JangFett | /* Sources */ |
3719218 | 2011-09-18T13:50:03Z | Grunny | Undo revision 3719213 by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) |
3719213 | 2011-09-18T13:48:39Z | | |
3711784 | 2011-09-15T01:11:20Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Bot: Automated text replacement (-{{SW| +{{SWArchive|) |
3685797 | 2011-08-26T13:27:42Z | QuiGonJinn | 2.5 Added sources/appearances |
3663504 | 2011-08-07T08:24:14Z | HotCat | de:User:Lord Tiin updated the interwiki links: + [[pl:Lumpawaroo]] |
3657216 | 2011-08-06T01:36:50Z | HotCat | de:User:C-3PO updated the interwiki links: |
3650098 | 2011-08-05T06:14:37Z | Xd1358 | FA |
3648689 | 2011-08-05T02:23:45Z | Menkooro | adding a link. |
3648686 | 2011-08-05T02:20:17Z | Menkooro | Addressing FAN objections, and a minor factual correction since Han wasn't piloting the ship. |
3648625 | 2011-08-05T00:11:36Z | CC7567 | Copy-edit |
3642515 | 2011-08-03T12:31:56Z | HotCat | de:User:C-3PO updated the interwiki links: interwiki format updated. |
3597478 | 2011-07-05T18:35:47Z | Darth Culator | |
3597467 | 2011-07-05T18:26:02Z | Darth Culator | Minor cleanup using AWB |
3597465 | 2011-07-05T18:21:42Z | Darth Culator | |
3575215 | 2011-06-15T14:50:12Z | Menkooro | /* Sources */ |
3565776 | 2011-06-08T00:06:47Z | Menkooro | updating forum links (thank you Tm!) |
3563996 | 2011-06-06T20:51:43Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Robot: Cosmetic changes |
3537448 | 2011-05-14T06:56:14Z | Eyrezer | /* Personality and traits */ |
3537386 | 2011-05-14T06:30:37Z | Eyrezer | /* His father's son */ |
3537383 | 2011-05-14T06:24:51Z | Eyrezer | /* Enslaved */ |
3536408 | 2011-05-13T14:52:36Z | Menkooro | 5.3 Factual correction |
3532986 | 2011-05-10T04:11:39Z | Menkooro | /* Sources */ |
3529619 | 2011-05-07T04:22:09Z | Menkooro | /* Sources */ no new info |
3528704 | 2011-05-06T13:05:34Z | Menkooro | 6.1 Added category |
3526023 | 2011-05-03T23:08:40Z | AdamDeanHall | |
3521293 | 2011-04-29T12:20:02Z | Menkooro | /* Rite of passage */ added link |
3519245 | 2011-04-27T14:27:50Z | Menkooro | /* Loss of a hero */ added link |
3519221 | 2011-04-27T14:05:15Z | Menkooro | /* Loss of a hero */ what the hell? |
3518879 | 2011-04-27T05:23:11Z | Menkooro | /* Finding his rrakktorr */ |
3516094 | 2011-04-24T04:29:46Z | Menkooro | /* Sources */ |
3508339 | 2011-04-15T12:20:32Z | Menkooro | youmay |
3508328 | 2011-04-15T12:09:35Z | Menkooro | 5.3 Factual correction - the coalition is more than a one-time thing |
3504143 | 2011-04-11T04:30:05Z | Menkooro | |
3504141 | 2011-04-11T04:17:16Z | Menkooro | just capitalizing some stuff and keeping the use of last names consistent. Will make a note of it in the nom-comments. |
3503729 | 2011-04-10T21:08:21Z | SavageBob | /* Portrayal */ copy edit |
3503727 | 2011-04-10T21:07:57Z | Ifindyourlackoffaithdisturbing | |
3503717 | 2011-04-10T21:03:54Z | SavageBob | /* Creation */ copy edit |
3503510 | 2011-04-10T16:37:09Z | SavageBob | /* Personality and traits */ copy edit |
3503499 | 2011-04-10T16:29:36Z | SavageBob | /* Aiding the Solos */ copy edit |
3499542 | 2011-04-07T03:25:40Z | SavageBob | /* Loss of a hero */ copy edit |
3497810 | 2011-04-05T15:47:54Z | Menkooro | /* Character development */ |
3494914 | 2011-04-03T02:38:00Z | Zekk skywalk | Undo revision 3494905 by [[Special:Contributions/Olioster|Olioster]] ([[User talk:Olioster|talk]]) That was right. |
3494905 | 2011-04-03T02:27:15Z | Olioster | Undo revision 3494903 by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) |
3494903 | 2011-04-03T02:25:39Z | | /* Loss of a hero */ |
3491982 | 2011-03-31T05:44:30Z | Menkooro | |
3491981 | 2011-03-31T05:42:36Z | Menkooro | /* Rite of passage */ |
3491979 | 2011-03-31T05:40:59Z | Menkooro | /* Rite of passage */ |
3491968 | 2011-03-31T05:15:50Z | Menkooro | /* Rite of passage */ |
3490803 | 2011-03-29T22:39:29Z | SavageBob | /* Finding his rrakktorr */ copy edit |
3490435 | 2011-03-29T15:25:54Z | SavageBob | /* Rite of passage */ copy edit |
3490352 | 2011-03-29T11:51:28Z | Menkooro | /* Aiding the Solos */ |
3490349 | 2011-03-29T11:47:51Z | Menkooro | /* Loss of a hero */ |
3490344 | 2011-03-29T11:42:46Z | Menkooro | /* Finding his rrakktorr */ |
3490342 | 2011-03-29T11:41:08Z | Menkooro | 1.1 Cleanup |
3490340 | 2011-03-29T11:36:05Z | Menkooro | 1.1 Cleanup |
3490318 | 2011-03-29T11:10:41Z | Menkooro | /* A Life Day to remember */ |
3490317 | 2011-03-29T11:08:49Z | Menkooro | /* Creation */ |
3490316 | 2011-03-29T11:08:37Z | Menkooro | /* A Life Day to remember */ |
3490314 | 2011-03-29T11:07:47Z | Menkooro | /* Behind the scenes */ |
3490313 | 2011-03-29T11:06:55Z | Menkooro | /* A Life Day to remember */ |
3490020 | 2011-03-29T08:32:02Z | Menkooro | /* Personality and traits */ |
3489291 | 2011-03-28T19:38:47Z | SavageBob | typo |
3489289 | 2011-03-28T19:37:13Z | SavageBob | /* His father's son */ tweaks |
3489279 | 2011-03-28T19:24:23Z | SavageBob | /* Enslaved */ tweaks |
3489091 | 2011-03-28T15:46:13Z | SavageBob | /* A Life Day to remember */ tweaks |
3484820 | 2011-03-24T06:44:17Z | Menkooro | /* Personality and traits */ |
3483930 | 2011-03-23T16:08:28Z | Menkooro | 5.3 Factual correction |
3483929 | 2011-03-23T16:08:01Z | Xd1358 | |
3483244 | 2011-03-23T05:40:04Z | Menkooro | /* Mischievous youth */ adding links |
3483233 | 2011-03-23T05:17:41Z | SavageBob | /* Mischievous youth */ tweaks |
3483202 | 2011-03-23T04:23:59Z | Menkooro | /* Appearances */ 1stID |
3482821 | 2011-03-22T22:16:27Z | SavageBob | tweaks (mostly antecedent stuff) |
3482084 | 2011-03-22T09:38:52Z | Menkooro | /* Portrayal */ |
3482080 | 2011-03-22T09:30:43Z | Menkooro | FAnom. |
3482078 | 2011-03-22T09:27:47Z | Menkooro | final touches. |
3482077 | 2011-03-22T09:20:28Z | Menkooro | rewrote intro. |
3482060 | 2011-03-22T08:40:54Z | Menkooro | /* Personality and traits */ final p&t copy-edit. |
3482024 | 2011-03-22T07:24:46Z | Menkooro | /* Character development */ |
3482023 | 2011-03-22T07:23:48Z | Menkooro | /* Character development */ |
3482022 | 2011-03-22T07:22:51Z | Menkooro | /* Behind the scenes */ final copy-edit of bts. |
3480967 | 2011-03-21T06:53:45Z | Menkooro | /* Sources */ |
3480962 | 2011-03-21T06:50:33Z | Menkooro | And I wish I was James Bond... just for the day! Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away. |
3480709 | 2011-03-20T23:52:41Z | SavageBob | /* Sources */ according to the Ask Lobot page... |
3472686 | 2011-03-14T05:09:39Z | StarsiderSWG | /* Appearances */ |
3459672 | 2011-03-03T02:49:32Z | SavageBob | /* Sources */ another mention |
3416344 | 2011-01-26T00:30:33Z | Korsa3 | 3.1 Reverted vandalism |
3416342 | 2011-01-26T00:29:39Z | | |
3416333 | 2011-01-26T00:27:13Z | Korsa3 | 3.1 Reverted vandalism |
3416327 | 2011-01-26T00:23:12Z | | |
3414621 | 2011-01-24T16:26:27Z | SavageBob | /* Sources */ Po in concept art |
3413750 | 2011-01-23T20:34:17Z | Darth Kasa | /* External links */ pl |
3412686 | 2011-01-22T19:11:33Z | SavageBob | /* Sources */ info on how Burtt made Lumpy's voice. Where would you like me to add the info, Menk? |
3392041 | 2011-01-04T05:28:47Z | Rexas | /* Sources */ |
3377753 | 2010-12-22T22:21:42Z | Omicron | 3.1 Reverted vandalism |
3377751 | 2010-12-22T22:18:50Z | | |
3371915 | 2010-12-18T14:21:54Z | Borsk Fey'lya | /* Sources */ |
3371692 | 2010-12-18T09:20:55Z | Borsk Fey'lya | /* Sources */ |
3335385 | 2010-11-15T06:23:16Z | Xicer9 | |
3335384 | 2010-11-15T06:21:25Z | Xicer9 | |
3318422 | 2010-10-29T19:28:37Z | Xicer9 | /* Sources */ |
3314252 | 2010-10-25T19:49:00Z | Grand Moff Tranner | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/Jassterama|Jassterama]] ([[User talk:Jassterama|talk]] | [[Special:Block/Jassterama|block]]) to last version by [[User:Xicer9|Xicer9]] |
3314157 | 2010-10-25T18:26:54Z | Jassterama | |
3235017 | 2010-08-26T17:38:31Z | Xicer9 | /* Sources */ |
3215565 | 2010-08-12T00:31:26Z | Xicer9 | /* Sources */ |
3166026 | 2010-07-01T17:48:22Z | Darth Revanon | /* Appearances */ |
2927930 | 2010-01-23T19:40:48Z | Grunny | File moved |
2903783 | 2010-01-05T23:16:04Z | Xicer9 | /* Sources */ |
2829801 | 2009-11-13T13:34:52Z | HotCat | [[de:User:Backup]] updated the interwiki links: + [[nl:Lumpawarrump]] |
2582760 | 2009-05-23T23:03:42Z | Master Jonathan | Undo revision 2582757 by [[Special:Contributions/NormalWookieeChild|NormalWookieeChild]] ([[User talk:NormalWookieeChild|talk]]) |
2582757 | 2009-05-23T23:00:43Z | NormalWookieeChild | |
2523882 | 2009-05-08T03:37:12Z | Q9-X2 | Robot: Automated text replacement (-Image: +File:) |
2398976 | 2009-02-22T04:38:22Z | Whistler | Droid: Template:Hyperspace update |
2398251 | 2009-02-21T20:07:37Z | | |
2395788 | 2009-02-19T23:40:58Z | Grand Moff Tranner | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) to last version by [[User:I need a name|I need a name]] |
2395784 | 2009-02-19T23:39:12Z | | /* Second Galactic Civil War */ |
2380768 | 2009-02-11T12:25:32Z | I need a name | /* Second Galactic Civil War */ |
2380601 | 2009-02-11T06:10:57Z | | /* Second Galactic Civil War */ |
2368402 | 2009-02-03T22:15:32Z | Fallenjedi814 | |
2333449 | 2009-01-10T11:41:14Z | AdmirableAckbar | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/Jedi Marty|Jedi Marty]] ([[User talk:Jedi Marty|talk]]) to last version by [[User:JMAS|JMAS]] |
2333330 | 2009-01-10T08:07:10Z | Jedi Marty | 5.3 Factual correction |
2257985 | 2008-11-20T01:07:32Z | JMAS | |
2186776 | 2008-10-04T06:05:28Z | Havac | |
2174506 | 2008-09-24T11:53:43Z | Kingpin13 | |
2136811 | 2008-08-27T15:19:41Z | Borsk Fey'lya | /* Appearances */ |
2079272 | 2008-07-12T16:02:17Z | Jori Lekauf | |
2079270 | 2008-07-12T16:01:28Z | Jori Lekauf | |
2079269 | 2008-07-12T16:00:59Z | Jori Lekauf | |
2079266 | 2008-07-12T15:59:11Z | Jori Lekauf | |
2079264 | 2008-07-12T15:58:40Z | Jori Lekauf | |
2079114 | 2008-07-12T13:19:20Z | Borsk Fey'lya | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/BrokenEye|BrokenEye]] ([[User talk:BrokenEye|talk]]) to last version by [[User:Borsk Fey'lya|Borsk Fey'lya]] |
2079112 | 2008-07-12T13:16:56Z | BrokenEye | |
2079109 | 2008-07-12T13:16:14Z | Borsk Fey'lya | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/BrokenEye|BrokenEye]] ([[User talk:BrokenEye|talk]]) to last version by [[User:Borsk Fey'lya|Borsk Fey'lya]] |
2079107 | 2008-07-12T13:15:30Z | BrokenEye | |
2079104 | 2008-07-12T13:13:35Z | Borsk Fey'lya | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/BrokenEye|BrokenEye]] ([[User talk:BrokenEye|talk]]) to last version by [[User:Steves490|Steves490]] |
2079098 | 2008-07-12T13:10:45Z | BrokenEye | |
2033135 | 2008-06-17T03:22:41Z | Steves490 | /* Confederation-Galactic Alliance War */ |
2027700 | 2008-06-13T12:02:41Z | Farlstendoiro | /* Behind the scenes */ |
1948052 | 2008-04-28T04:33:42Z | | |
1930999 | 2008-04-18T13:35:59Z | JDspeeder1 | /* Confederation-Galactic Alliance War */ |
1759144 | 2008-01-14T16:22:03Z | | /* Confederation-Galactic Alliance War */ fixed grammar issues |
1676025 | 2007-12-06T19:35:05Z | Whistler | Droid: Reformatting {{Hyperspace}} |
1672065 | 2007-12-03T23:55:05Z | Borsk Fey'lya | |
1639704 | 2007-11-07T10:27:14Z | QuentinGeorge | /* Appearances */ |
1624713 | 2007-10-23T03:51:59Z | | /* Confederation-Galactic Alliance War */ |
1574635 | 2007-09-26T14:09:03Z | JMM | |
1534650 | 2007-09-07T23:57:56Z | Whistler | Droid: Cleanup, Formatting, Template fixes |
1520951 | 2007-09-01T13:51:39Z | MrScioli | |
1512794 | 2007-08-27T16:23:45Z | Finlayson | so move the image down then.. |
1512617 | 2007-08-27T13:07:51Z | Thefourdotelipsis | Write the content, then you can have the image. |
1509280 | 2007-08-25T16:39:16Z | Meesa yoda | |
1499725 | 2007-08-19T19:02:30Z | Hobbie911 | |
1496036 | 2007-08-17T15:21:08Z | | /* Appearances */ |
1456190 | 2007-07-23T06:20:57Z | Eyrezer | |
1453778 | 2007-07-21T08:27:19Z | Riffsyphon1024 | /* Appearances */ |
1431249 | 2007-07-07T00:24:35Z | Trask Ulgo | |
1431247 | 2007-07-07T00:24:18Z | Trask Ulgo | |
1429727 | 2007-07-06T02:26:35Z | RushinSundaws | /* Appearances */ |
1420574 | 2007-06-30T15:33:29Z | | /* Appearances */ |
1420571 | 2007-06-30T15:31:00Z | | /* Appearances */ |
1420569 | 2007-06-30T15:30:29Z | | /* Appearances */ |
1388800 | 2007-06-10T01:29:41Z | Adamwankenobi | |
1381276 | 2007-06-05T22:32:30Z | Adamwankenobi | rv. Source? |
1378670 | 2007-06-04T16:20:53Z | | /* Biography */ |
1378668 | 2007-06-04T16:20:26Z | | /* Biography */ |
1372451 | 2007-06-01T18:18:44Z | Kuralyov | |
1349790 | 2007-05-20T11:27:13Z | QuentinGeorge | |
1260873 | 2007-04-07T21:37:54Z | Whistler | Droid: Correcting template usage |
1250831 | 2007-04-04T04:56:39Z | Adamwankenobi | /* External links */ |
1250788 | 2007-04-04T04:31:09Z | Adamwankenobi | /* External links */ |
1247426 | 2007-04-02T05:48:10Z | Adamwankenobi | /* Sources */ |
1247425 | 2007-04-02T05:45:59Z | Adamwankenobi | /* Sources */ |
1189428 | 2007-03-18T07:33:53Z | Ozzel | /* Appearances */ |
1110590 | 2007-02-15T04:34:56Z | Eyrezer | /* Biography */ changed quote template |
1107962 | 2007-02-14T10:37:52Z | Eyrezer | /* Sources */ |
1104424 | 2007-02-13T00:38:00Z | Finlayson | LFL Chee has birth at 1 Before BY |
1104380 | 2007-02-13T00:25:57Z | | |
1078241 | 2007-02-04T23:34:00Z | Navi the Bot | Droid: Automated text replacement (-Chewie +Chewbacca) |
1057164 | 2007-01-30T03:46:08Z | Whistler | Droid: Cleanup |
974603 | 2007-01-11T22:07:34Z | RC-9393 | inter-language link (german) |
951493 | 2007-01-04T00:54:08Z | QuentinGeorge | Replaced blurry shot with far better profile shot |
917164 | 2006-12-18T03:36:27Z | Adamwankenobi | /* Sources */ |
917064 | 2006-12-18T02:58:05Z | Kuralyov | /* Appearances */ |
904878 | 2006-12-13T20:28:37Z | Yoshi626 | /* Biography */ |
901997 | 2006-12-12T06:10:21Z | Finlayson | /* Biography */ hrrtayyk link in quote added. Needed from reference. |
901825 | 2006-12-12T03:54:49Z | Yoshi626 | /* Biography */ |
901824 | 2006-12-12T03:54:24Z | Yoshi626 | /* Biography */ |
859807 | 2006-11-24T22:38:18Z | Whistler | Robot: Changing Category:New Republic characters |
852863 | 2006-11-22T04:44:38Z | Havac | |
849266 | 2006-11-20T04:40:50Z | Adamwankenobi | /* Sources */ |
814459 | 2006-11-06T13:12:31Z | I need a name | |
813583 | 2006-11-06T03:58:50Z | Adamwankenobi | |
810002 | 2006-11-05T13:26:38Z | R2-D2 | Robot: Changing Category:Male individuals |
807750 | 2006-11-05T03:59:16Z | SFH | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/Poorboy|Poorboy]] ([[User_talk:Poorboy|Talk]]); changed back to last version by [[User:I need a name|I need a name]] |
807730 | 2006-11-05T03:55:08Z | Poorboy | /* Names */ |
807726 | 2006-11-05T03:54:30Z | Poorboy | /* Biography */ |
807407 | 2006-11-05T02:04:12Z | I need a name | 3.1 Reverted vandalism |
807406 | 2006-11-05T02:02:26Z | Fyedka | |
792316 | 2006-10-29T18:54:02Z | Roron Corobb | |
792312 | 2006-10-29T18:52:19Z | Roron Corobb | |
787872 | 2006-10-28T16:03:32Z | R2-D2 | Droid: Automated text replacement (-gender=([^M]*)Male([^}]*)}} +gender=\1Male\2}} [[Category:Male individuals]]) |
765512 | 2006-10-18T04:38:32Z | Finlayson | /* Biography */ Quote was translated and added source. |
765324 | 2006-10-18T02:12:27Z | Havac | |
760455 | 2006-10-15T18:44:07Z | Chrizzkit | /* Biography */ |
754834 | 2006-10-13T07:46:03Z | Adamwankenobi | /* Sources */ |
715177 | 2006-09-23T22:07:19Z | FireV | [[Lumpawaroo stole your bike]] moved to [[Lumpawaroo]]: RV |
715170 | 2006-09-23T22:05:36Z | Sam the Bike Stealer | [[Lumpawaroo]] moved to [[Lumpawaroo stole your bike]] |
698503 | 2006-09-15T01:36:29Z | Finlayson | /* Biography */ fixed my spelling error. |
698502 | 2006-09-15T01:35:21Z | Finlayson | /* Biography */ Added a couple sentences on his adventure in a Forest Apart. |
698485 | 2006-09-15T01:11:33Z | Angel Blue 451 | /* Biography */ |
636756 | 2006-08-15T03:52:11Z | Finlayson | /* Names */ Lumpawaroo is his adult name. |
636748 | 2006-08-15T03:46:44Z | | |
636746 | 2006-08-15T03:45:52Z | | |
625130 | 2006-08-08T15:39:07Z | Finlayson | /* Biography */ |
624337 | 2006-08-08T03:41:58Z | Finlayson | |
624331 | 2006-08-08T03:40:08Z | Finlayson | /* Biography */ Added quote. |
614997 | 2006-08-03T16:48:39Z | Finlayson | /* Biography */ Added date of his rite. |
603808 | 2006-07-28T00:32:20Z | | |
578011 | 2006-07-14T01:45:12Z | SFH | |
573297 | 2006-07-12T01:23:10Z | JainaSolo32 | |
519413 | 2006-06-15T21:51:21Z | Adamwankenobi | /* Appearances */ |
519411 | 2006-06-15T21:50:46Z | Adamwankenobi | /* Sources */ |
518108 | 2006-06-15T08:20:34Z | Kwenn | |
517330 | 2006-06-14T23:35:48Z | RushinSundaws | /* Appearances */ added Destiny's way |
469515 | 2006-05-23T18:23:49Z | Kuralyov | /* Appearances */ |
458424 | 2006-05-17T01:05:23Z | Crucitorn | |
411360 | 2006-04-21T20:31:10Z | Adamwankenobi | |
411357 | 2006-04-21T20:30:08Z | Adamwankenobi | |
407019 | 2006-04-19T23:37:49Z | Adamwankenobi | |
405831 | 2006-04-19T02:27:05Z | Adamwankenobi | |
404619 | 2006-04-18T18:03:21Z | Adamwankenobi | |
400455 | 2006-04-16T12:43:03Z | Adamwankenobi | /* Appearances */ |
312423 | 2006-02-24T18:18:05Z | Tinwe | |
300145 | 2006-02-17T04:26:37Z | Adamwankenobi | |
300076 | 2006-02-17T03:45:14Z | Adamwankenobi | |
300074 | 2006-02-17T03:44:28Z | Adamwankenobi | |
298067 | 2006-02-16T01:39:30Z | | /* Biography */ |
251341 | 2006-01-19T01:33:41Z | | |
212049 | 2006-01-16T00:34:38Z | Azizlight | rv: the new image is a much better profile shot |
200578 | 2006-01-16T00:31:40Z | Adamwankenobi | rv. That image scares me. :P |
200560 | 2006-01-15T16:28:05Z | SparqMan | better image |
199768 | 2006-01-14T22:29:04Z | Adamwankenobi | |
198588 | 2006-01-14T22:25:42Z | Adamwankenobi | added new image |
198580 | 2006-01-14T22:14:19Z | Adamwankenobi | added charbox |
198565 | 2006-01-14T22:07:29Z | Adamwankenobi | /* Appearances */ |
198559 | 2005-12-19T22:05:05Z | Valin Kenobi | /* Appearances */ added Wookiee Storybook |
163602 | 2005-12-04T18:34:14Z | Darth ocean | |
145025 | 2005-11-06T19:41:35Z | Kuralyov | |
115306 | 2005-10-25T00:40:13Z | Adamwankenobi | |
100421 | 2005-10-23T15:27:08Z | R5-X41238-G8-R3-3124-D2 | |
98792 | 2005-10-18T07:44:53Z | Adamwankenobi | /* Appearances */ |
94100 | 2005-09-27T00:05:31Z | SFH | |
80897 | 2005-09-16T17:42:02Z | Inmobilus | |
75465 | 2005-09-15T02:53:32Z | Sundew | another appearance |
74631 | 2005-09-15T02:44:52Z | Azizlight | more appearances |
74621 | 2005-09-15T02:43:43Z | Sundew | spelling, from SWHS credits & script |
74620 | 2005-07-30T19:43:52Z | | |
44993 | 2005-07-21T11:06:00Z | MarcK | [[Category:Wookiees]] |
39209 | 2005-07-15T08:42:43Z | Riffsyphon1024 | linking Lowbacca |
36521 | 2005-07-13T01:29:12Z | Riffsyphon1024 | sp, links |
35832 | 2005-07-13T00:16:13Z | | |
35826 | 2005-07-08T05:16:25Z | MarcK | |
33904 | 2005-07-06T22:55:23Z | MarcK |