Lost Tribe of Sith emergence/edithistory
From HoloNet
Jump to navigationJump to searcholdid | date/time | username | edit summary |
7837795 | 2018-09-05T20:45:33Z | AL-BRT | Sorting categories |
7820804 | 2018-08-31T19:55:50Z | AL-BRT | Cleanup and formatting fixes |
7817507 | 2018-08-31T14:11:34Z | AL-BRT | Cleanup and formatting fixes |
7777684 | 2018-08-05T20:33:16Z | AL-BRT | Changing Legends links |
7749734 | 2018-07-21T04:50:11Z | AL-BRT | Cleanup and formatting fixes |
7705623 | 2018-06-16T01:58:34Z | Lewisr | |
7645700 | 2018-05-09T02:14:08Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7523584 | 2018-03-17T21:03:36Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7515767 | 2018-03-17T07:28:18Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7499985 | 2018-03-16T03:33:04Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7458076 | 2018-03-03T13:06:48Z | Imperators II | /* Notes and references */ |
7455475 | 2018-03-02T22:01:47Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7422029 | 2018-02-19T04:48:27Z | AL-BRT | Adding missing infobox field(s) |
7334234 | 2018-01-06T05:37:06Z | Secutor IV | 3.1 Corrected spelling/grammar |
7266348 | 2017-11-07T13:33:50Z | HotCat | [[de:User:Rorret]] updated the interwiki links: - [[de:Konflikt um den Vergessenen Stamm der Sith und Abeloth]], [[ru:Выступление Затерянного племени ситов]]. | + [[… |
7181854 | 2017-09-25T21:20:30Z | EcksBot | Canon/Legends switch |
7132339 | 2017-08-25T03:12:05Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
7118382 | 2017-08-19T02:25:06Z | AL-BRT | Switching to use /Legends |
7103824 | 2017-08-12T16:52:18Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
7088986 | 2017-08-04T03:59:45Z | AL-BRT | Removing link(s) to Trash Compacted article |
7020467 | 2017-06-06T04:14:19Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6999082 | 2017-05-20T15:27:46Z | AL-BRT | Switching to use /Legends |
6989206 | 2017-05-16T00:47:26Z | AL-BRT | Cleanup and formatting fixes |
6980653 | 2017-05-14T00:59:46Z | AL-BRT | Changing link(s) to /Legends |
6959791 | 2017-04-26T01:27:15Z | Ifindyourlackoffaithdisturbing | |
6886902 | 2017-02-12T05:50:08Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6872467 | 2017-02-07T15:11:10Z | Hk 47 | |
6869211 | 2017-02-05T22:41:25Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6816515 | 2017-01-18T02:38:14Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6812211 | 2017-01-16T03:50:51Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
6670203 | 2016-12-12T06:44:48Z | AL-BRT | Cleanup and formatting fixes |
6577723 | 2016-10-05T23:07:45Z | Cevan | |
6547676 | 2016-09-29T09:23:04Z | AL-BRT | Deprecating imagebg |
6491778 | 2016-09-14T19:49:08Z | AL-BRT | Fixing trailing text |
6454077 | 2016-09-12T14:34:49Z | RoboCade | Comic naming fixes |
6445658 | 2016-09-12T05:48:40Z | RoboCade | Comic naming fixes |
6359507 | 2016-08-03T19:54:29Z | Green tentacle | /* Lost Tribe of Sith */ |
6333207 | 2016-07-17T16:43:52Z | AL-BRT | Switching to use /Legends |
6185702 | 2016-01-31T03:07:52Z | AL-BRT | Switching conjecture template to make canon the default |
6175493 | 2016-01-28T16:58:08Z | RoboCade | Droid: Fixing redirects |
6156924 | 2016-01-15T16:59:33Z | VDO | /Legends for some links in prep for page move |
6110115 | 2015-12-16T08:55:33Z | TheNeoTachyonDragon1007 | /* Aftermath */ Fix. |
6024936 | 2015-12-10T16:46:47Z | RoboCade | Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2 |
5646059 | 2015-04-06T08:52:08Z | HotCat | User [[pl:de:Benutzer:Juno|de:Juno]] updated the interwiki links: - [[es:Aparicion de la Tribu Perdida de los Sith]]. | + [[pl:de:Konflikt um den Vergessenen Stamm der Sith und Abeloth|de:Konflikt um… |
5477527 | 2015-01-16T07:09:41Z | AL-BRT | Formatting change(s) |
5474891 | 2015-01-16T05:13:44Z | RoboCade | Droid: Fixing twin, month, year, hour, day, and week redirects |
5431868 | 2014-12-19T01:59:10Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
5398006 | 2014-11-16T20:18:09Z | AL-BRT | Fixing redirect(s) |
5371934 | 2014-11-07T17:14:32Z | RoboCade | Fixing redirects and Layout Guide changes |
5365860 | 2014-11-06T18:22:46Z | RoboCade | Fixing redirects and Layout Guide changes |
5253644 | 2014-09-16T14:03:21Z | RoboCade | Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes, and redirect fixes |
4990986 | 2014-05-24T22:21:52Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Mandalore (planet)]] +[[Mandalore]] & -[[Mandalore (planet)|Mandalore]] +[[Mandalore]] & -[[Mandalore (planet)| +[[Mandalore| & -[[Sundari (city)]] +[[Sundari]] & -[[Sundari (city)|Sundari]] +[[Sundari]] & -[[... |
4990295 | 2014-05-24T21:28:01Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Mandalore|leader]] +[[Mandalore (title)|leader]] & -[[Mandalore|chief]] +[[Mandalore (title)|chief]] & -[[Mandalore|Mand'alor]] +[[Mandalore (title)|Mand'alor]] & -[[Mandalore|''Mand'alor'']] +[[Mandalore (tit... |
4881476 | 2014-05-09T18:28:20Z | RoboCade | Fixing book redirects |
4880992 | 2014-05-09T17:37:27Z | RoboCade | Fixing book redirects |
4879367 | 2014-05-09T00:27:14Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-''[[Revelation (novel)|Revelation]]'' +''[[Legacy of the Force: Revelation]]'' & -[[Revelation (novel)|''Revelation'']] +''[[Legacy of the Force: Revelation]]'' & -[[Revelation (novel)|''Relevation'' (novel)]] +... |
4877566 | 2014-05-07T19:22:31Z | RoboCade | Eliminating "Fury" redirect |
4867280 | 2014-05-04T18:37:56Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Second Battle of Fondor (Second Galactic Civil War)| +[[Second Battle of Fondor|) |
4864481 | 2014-05-04T01:39:44Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Exile (novel)|Exile]] +[[Legacy of the Force: Exile]]) |
4863782 | 2014-05-04T00:45:47Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Tempest (novel)|Tempest]] +[[Legacy of the Force: Tempest]]) |
4862854 | 2014-05-03T23:26:57Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Bloodlines]] +[[Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines]]) |
4861919 | 2014-05-03T21:55:55Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[The Unifying Force +[[The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force) |
4856085 | 2014-05-01T22:08:19Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Force Heretic I +[[The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I) |
4855509 | 2014-05-01T21:12:43Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Destiny's Way +[[The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way) |
4853845 | 2014-05-01T17:40:25Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Enemy Lines I +[[The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I) |
4852958 | 2014-05-01T04:14:08Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Dark Journey]] +[[The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey]]) |
4852492 | 2014-05-01T02:54:43Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Star by Star]] +[[The New Jedi Order: Star by Star]]) |
4851463 | 2014-04-30T19:44:56Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Sacrifice]] +[[Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice]]) |
4849312 | 2014-04-30T05:30:15Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Edge of Victory I +[[The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I) |
4845494 | 2014-04-29T04:51:21Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Dark Tide +[[The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide) |
4841995 | 2014-04-28T08:07:11Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Betrayal]] +[[Legacy of the Force: Betrayal]]) |
4840465 | 2014-04-28T04:47:26Z | RoboCade | Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[5,000 BBY +[[5000 BBY) |
4681365 | 2013-11-16T15:41:13Z | Jkirk8907 | |
4681364 | 2013-11-16T15:40:25Z | Jkirk8907 | |
4665906 | 2013-10-29T17:05:07Z | Cade Calrayn | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/Jkirk8907|Jkirk8907]] ([[User talk:Jkirk8907|talk]] | [[Special:Block/Jkirk8907|block]]) to last version by [[User:Cade Calrayn|Cade Calrayn]] |
4665641 | 2013-10-29T06:22:54Z | Jkirk8907 | |
4665636 | 2013-10-29T05:44:31Z | Cade Calrayn | |
4665631 | 2013-10-29T05:40:12Z | Jkirk8907 | |
4665624 | 2013-10-29T05:35:44Z | Jkirk8907 | |
4618080 | 2013-09-09T12:11:48Z | DenSylar | |
4617445 | 2013-09-08T20:56:01Z | JMAS | /* Infiltration of Coruscant */ |
4479935 | 2013-04-26T19:03:03Z | | |
4391232 | 2013-02-03T01:41:05Z | DarthPrime | |
4339871 | 2013-01-21T00:41:30Z | | |
4338404 | 2013-01-19T22:31:46Z | Stake black | /* Notes and references */ |
4321518 | 2013-01-11T08:52:08Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Bot: Removing deprecated [[Template:Ref]]; see [[Forum:SH:Template:Ref|this Senate Hall thread]] for more information |
4301137 | 2013-01-10T05:13:29Z | KillerRoboLeia3000 | Jaina Solo mass redirect fix phase 1 |
4264897 | 2012-12-16T15:24:30Z | DarthRevan1173 | per name |
4247812 | 2012-11-30T06:18:29Z | Senjuto | /* Aftermath */ |
4247803 | 2012-11-30T06:15:44Z | Senjuto | /* Battleground Coruscant */ |
4244711 | 2012-11-27T14:10:51Z | Menkooro | link |
4231573 | 2012-11-15T09:22:21Z | Cavalier One | |
4226973 | 2012-11-11T16:52:18Z | | |
4219889 | 2012-11-02T23:37:16Z | DarthRevan1173 | 3.4 Removed unverified info |
4219886 | 2012-11-02T23:34:42Z | | |
4202347 | 2012-10-18T02:07:10Z | Plagueis327 | No new info. |
4173778 | 2012-09-22T10:01:13Z | Dawidos2 | /* Aftermath */ |
4165680 | 2012-09-14T19:58:19Z | CC7567 | |
4123892 | 2012-08-12T03:13:41Z | Darth Revanon | /* Saba Sebatyne */ |
4043206 | 2012-06-01T02:15:54Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
4042590 | 2012-05-31T16:57:57Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
4041749 | 2012-05-30T23:44:07Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]] | [[Special:Block/|block]]) to last version by [[User:Jonjedigrandmaster|Jonjedigrandmaster]] |
4041734 | 2012-05-30T23:32:42Z | | |
4041237 | 2012-05-30T17:22:48Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
4041234 | 2012-05-30T17:20:09Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Appearances */ |
4036809 | 2012-05-26T21:49:30Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Darth Krayt */ |
4036795 | 2012-05-26T21:35:24Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Galactic Federation of Free Alliances */ |
4034166 | 2012-05-24T16:55:27Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Appearances */ |
4034165 | 2012-05-24T16:54:39Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Other key figures */ |
4034088 | 2012-05-24T16:08:17Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
4034083 | 2012-05-24T16:04:50Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Other key figures */ |
4033027 | 2012-05-23T16:58:29Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Other key figures */ |
4032994 | 2012-05-23T16:17:44Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Abeloth's destruction */ |
4032960 | 2012-05-23T15:58:25Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Other key figures */ |
4032908 | 2012-05-23T15:01:11Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
4032233 | 2012-05-23T00:18:09Z | Tommy9281 | |
4032202 | 2012-05-22T23:34:21Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
4032196 | 2012-05-22T23:30:32Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | moved [[Lost Tribe of Sith resurgence]] to [[Lost Tribe of Sith emergence]]: After some consideration and conversation; "emergence" is more appropriate. They hadn't risen before then, so "resurgence" doesn't technically work |
4032105 | 2012-05-22T21:53:31Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/SGCommand|SGCommand]] ([[User talk:SGCommand|talk]] | [[Special:Block/SGCommand|block]]) to last version by [[User:Jonjedigrandmaster|Jonjedigrandmaster]] |
4032092 | 2012-05-22T21:48:12Z | SGCommand | /* Aftermath */ |
4032086 | 2012-05-22T21:46:53Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
4032038 | 2012-05-22T21:09:49Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Aftermath */ |
4032031 | 2012-05-22T21:03:19Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
4031949 | 2012-05-22T19:31:13Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Key Jedi figures */ |
4031224 | 2012-05-21T23:20:58Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
4031220 | 2012-05-21T23:19:57Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
4018889 | 2012-05-11T18:19:06Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* The strike team */ |
4018878 | 2012-05-11T18:12:22Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
4018873 | 2012-05-11T18:11:16Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* A new armada */ |
4018857 | 2012-05-11T18:01:47Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Prelude */ |
4002385 | 2012-04-28T00:40:10Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3990784 | 2012-04-16T21:21:09Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3987348 | 2012-04-14T01:19:19Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3987340 | 2012-04-14T01:14:14Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | spoiler period over |
3984997 | 2012-04-12T04:37:48Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3982681 | 2012-04-10T04:13:49Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* New Jedi Order */ |
3982490 | 2012-04-10T01:10:44Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Key Sith figures */ |
3982329 | 2012-04-09T22:54:34Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Endgame */ |
3982301 | 2012-04-09T22:35:24Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3977380 | 2012-04-07T18:16:44Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3975115 | 2012-04-06T05:13:22Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3975018 | 2012-04-06T03:49:10Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3968561 | 2012-04-02T04:27:35Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3964402 | 2012-03-30T03:12:44Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3964389 | 2012-03-30T03:03:24Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Key Jedi figures */ |
3964375 | 2012-03-30T02:50:22Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Key Sith figures */ |
3964354 | 2012-03-30T02:38:36Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3963830 | 2012-03-29T21:08:59Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3963792 | 2012-03-29T20:46:41Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Endgame */ |
3962567 | 2012-03-28T23:37:05Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Infiltration of Coruscant */ |
3962556 | 2012-03-28T23:30:58Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3962539 | 2012-03-28T23:10:36Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* The alliance */ |
3962530 | 2012-03-28T23:04:28Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* The strike team */ |
3962526 | 2012-03-28T23:01:32Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* A new armada */ |
3962520 | 2012-03-28T22:55:44Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Prelude */ |
3962511 | 2012-03-28T22:51:25Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3962510 | 2012-03-28T22:50:25Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3960789 | 2012-03-27T19:03:28Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Aftermath */ |
3960740 | 2012-03-27T18:24:37Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Aftermath */ |
3959967 | 2012-03-26T23:21:46Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3956920 | 2012-03-24T20:25:06Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]] | [[Special:Block/|block]]) to last version by [[User:Jonjedigrandmaster|Jonjedigrandmaster]] |
3956914 | 2012-03-24T20:18:45Z | | /* Battleground Coruscant */ |
3955989 | 2012-03-24T01:38:53Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Infiltration of Coruscant */ |
3955984 | 2012-03-24T01:36:04Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Devastation at Tahv */ |
3955980 | 2012-03-24T01:32:12Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3955955 | 2012-03-24T01:17:32Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Jaina Solo */ |
3955952 | 2012-03-24T01:15:43Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Ben Skywalker */ |
3955941 | 2012-03-24T01:08:45Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Luke Skywalker */ |
3955936 | 2012-03-24T01:02:26Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Vestara Khai */ |
3955927 | 2012-03-24T00:54:21Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Aftermath */ |
3955923 | 2012-03-24T00:52:28Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Abeloth */ |
3955914 | 2012-03-24T00:48:32Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Aftermath */ |
3955904 | 2012-03-24T00:36:57Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Battleground Coruscant */ |
3955901 | 2012-03-24T00:36:04Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* New Jedi Order */ |
3955894 | 2012-03-24T00:32:58Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Lost Tribe of Sith */ |
3955889 | 2012-03-24T00:29:42Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3955458 | 2012-03-23T20:38:13Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3955414 | 2012-03-23T20:19:54Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Battleground Coruscant */ |
3955091 | 2012-03-23T16:59:04Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Infiltration of Coruscant */ |
3955083 | 2012-03-23T16:54:51Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3955034 | 2012-03-23T16:36:18Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3955032 | 2012-03-23T16:35:31Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Battleground Coruscant */ |
3954467 | 2012-03-23T06:52:53Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Battleground Coruscant */ |
3954432 | 2012-03-23T05:55:48Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Endgame */ |
3954400 | 2012-03-23T05:35:16Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Battleground Coruscant */ |
3954364 | 2012-03-23T05:06:21Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Jaina Solo */ |
3953564 | 2012-03-22T17:41:13Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Battleground Coruscant */ |
3953465 | 2012-03-22T15:27:45Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Endgame */ |
3953448 | 2012-03-22T15:06:48Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Jaina Solo */ |
3953440 | 2012-03-22T14:58:11Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* The alliance */ |
3952296 | 2012-03-21T17:43:48Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Battleground Coruscant */ |
3952231 | 2012-03-21T16:41:11Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Liberation of Coruscant */ |
3951506 | 2012-03-20T23:50:16Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Liberation of Coruscant */ |
3951503 | 2012-03-20T23:48:04Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Key Jedi figures */ |
3951498 | 2012-03-20T23:43:32Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Vestara Khai */ |
3951496 | 2012-03-20T23:40:46Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Ivaar Workan */ |
3951486 | 2012-03-20T23:32:00Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Infiltration of Coruscant */ |
3951379 | 2012-03-20T21:52:21Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3950183 | 2012-03-19T22:52:46Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3950151 | 2012-03-19T22:37:33Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3950135 | 2012-03-19T22:29:48Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Infiltration of Coruscant */ starting update |
3950082 | 2012-03-19T21:30:30Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | now that I (finally) have the novel :D |
3949827 | 2012-03-19T19:06:40Z | Maxattac | |
3949751 | 2012-03-19T18:16:49Z | Plagueis327 | |
3949749 | 2012-03-19T18:16:12Z | Plagueis327 | |
3949419 | 2012-03-19T13:20:06Z | Bad'Wolf | /* Notes and references */ |
3949417 | 2012-03-19T13:18:48Z | Bad'Wolf | |
3944227 | 2012-03-15T17:51:40Z | Graestan | |
3921069 | 2012-02-26T23:08:13Z | Senjuto | fixed grammatical errors |
3881388 | 2012-01-30T04:28:49Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/Smashbro1996|Smashbro1996]] ([[User talk:Smashbro1996|talk]] | [[Special:Block/Smashbro1996|block]]) to last version by [[User:|]] |
3881159 | 2012-01-30T00:56:47Z | Smashbro1996 | /* Vestara Khai */ |
3881157 | 2012-01-30T00:55:01Z | Smashbro1996 | /* Gavar Khai */ |
3881153 | 2012-01-30T00:53:52Z | Smashbro1996 | /* Jaina Solo */ |
3881148 | 2012-01-30T00:50:03Z | Smashbro1996 | /* Ben Skywalker */ |
3881147 | 2012-01-30T00:47:23Z | Smashbro1996 | /* Luke Skywalker */ |
3795439 | 2011-12-04T10:53:58Z | | /* Luke Skywalker */ |
3764594 | 2011-11-05T15:20:26Z | | /* Devestation at Tahv */ |
3759474 | 2011-10-31T03:17:51Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3759311 | 2011-10-31T01:16:56Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Notes and references */ |
3758525 | 2011-10-30T06:00:04Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3758504 | 2011-10-30T05:45:44Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | + history templates & succession box per [[Great Sith War|precedent]] |
3754892 | 2011-10-27T22:36:12Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3754213 | 2011-10-27T03:48:13Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3753991 | 2011-10-26T23:13:26Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3753983 | 2011-10-26T22:23:29Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Key Sith figures */ |
3753468 | 2011-10-26T05:10:19Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | per conflict FA precedents... Jedi figures to come... |
3753416 | 2011-10-26T04:16:47Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3753376 | 2011-10-26T03:29:04Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3753057 | 2011-10-25T23:05:24Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3753022 | 2011-10-25T22:36:35Z | Master Jonathan | removed extraneous word |
3753018 | 2011-10-25T22:34:43Z | Master Jonathan | per [[Wookieepedia:Layout Guide#Succession box]], bullet number 3 |
3752770 | 2011-10-25T19:23:19Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3752432 | 2011-10-25T05:20:42Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | /* Infiltration of Coruscant */ derp |
3752431 | 2011-10-25T05:18:17Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3752429 | 2011-10-25T05:06:19Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | through ''Ascension'' |
3752088 | 2011-10-24T23:11:24Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | through Allies; more to come |
3751256 | 2011-10-24T02:08:10Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | starting some cleanup |
3748094 | 2011-10-21T03:51:47Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3748093 | 2011-10-21T03:49:56Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | |
3748026 | 2011-10-21T03:17:26Z | Jonjedigrandmaster | moved [[Lost Tribe of Sith Resurgence]] to [[Lost Tribe of Sith resurgence]]: needless cap |
3747620 | 2011-10-20T20:17:49Z | Maxattac | |
3747607 | 2011-10-20T20:03:54Z | Maxattac | |
3747587 | 2011-10-20T19:46:11Z | Maxattac | |
3747577 | 2011-10-20T19:29:06Z | Maxattac | |
3747576 | 2011-10-20T19:27:32Z | Maxattac | |
3747575 | 2011-10-20T19:25:18Z | Maxattac | |
3747568 | 2011-10-20T18:59:35Z | Maxattac | |
3747565 | 2011-10-20T18:58:48Z | Maxattac | Created page with "{{Eras|leg}} {{Expand}} {{Conjecture}} {{War |previous=[[Second Galactic Civil War]] |conc=[[New Jedi Order–Daala Dissension]] |next=[[Sith–Imperial War]] |name=Lost ..." |