Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke

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Template:Short story "Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke" is a short story written by Abel G. Peña and published by StarWars.com in 2015. It was attached to Peña's other lost story, SkyeWalkers: A Clone Wars Story. The story takes place in the immediate aftermath of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.


Continuity[edit | edit source]

Peña revealed that the story was inspired by the seminal anime Lone Wolf and Cub and was originally to be published in Star Wars Insider as part of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope's 30th anniversary.[1]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

By type 
Characters Creatures Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea




Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology


Bibliography[edit | edit source]

Notes and references[edit | edit source]

This page was moved from wook:en:Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke. It's edit history can be viewed at Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke/edithistory