Galactic Hunters
Template:Card game Galactic Hunters is the second expansion of Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game, released on March 12, 2009. It includes more than 200 new cards, including more than 20 new Loot cards, such as the exclusive Merr-Sonn JT-12 jetpack.
This set focuses on the bounty hunters, introducing classic characters like Boba Fett, IG-88, Bossk, Zuckuss and 4-LOM with enhanced keyword abilities Target, Shield and Sentry.
The story mode of this set, represented in Scenarios, revolves around a bounty-themed quest arc. Disturbed by the recent successes of Rebel espionage activities within the Corellian system, Darth Vader has lost confidence in the integrity of the Imperial Army. Determined to squash this Rebel activity once and for all, Vader has contracted the most notorious bounty hunters in the galaxy to capture key Rebel officials, a task his own Imperial forces have been unable to accomplish. The efforts of the cunning bounty hunters have been successful, leaving the leadership of the Rebel Alliance in disarray. To ensure the survival of the Rebellion, the captured leaders must be located and freed. The Alliance quickly regroups and deploys a team of less-than-desirable operatives of its own to defeat the bounty hunters and rescue the Rebel leaders.
The Heroic Encounter of this set focuses on a group of spacers trying to defeat Exar Kun and his cult, after Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn sends them to learn about the fate of University of Corellia students, recruited from the Corellia University research outpost on Talus to join the cult on Yavin 4.
Card List[edit | edit source]
- 1. Cautious Nature
- 2. Cho Mai Jung Ma
- 3. Contention
- 4. Enhanced Constitution
- 5. Enhanced Stamina
- 6. Exacting Strikes
- 7. Fidelity
- 8. Jedi Ready
- 9. Lightsaber Barrier
- 10. Perseverance
- 11. Resilience
- 12. Trial of Skill
- 13. Belt of the Force-sensitive
- 14. Jedi Interceptor
- 15. Jedi's Wristguard
- 16. Meditation Crystal
- 17. Padawan Lightsaber
- 18. Padawan Robe
- 19. Alter Damage
- 20. Faalo's Will
- 21. Jar'Kai
- 22. Moderation
- 23. Shun
- 24. Sun Djem
- 25. Chief Chirpa
- 26. Gungan Guard
- 27. Gungan Hunter
- 28. Gungan Light Scout
- 29. Jawa Healer
- 30. Jawa Leader
- 31. Obi-Wan Kenobi
- 32. Singing Mountain Arch Witch
- 33. Singing Mountain Councilwoman
- 34. Singing Mountain Guardian
- 35. Singing Mountain Rancor Trainer
- 36. Wookiee Brawler
- 37. Bacta Concentration
- 38. Dioxis Grenade
- 39. Environmental Purge
- 40. Explosives Expert
- 41. Footwork - Rebel Volunteer (Secondary)
- 42. Hasty Resuscitation
- 43. Misdirected Anger
- 44. Pistol Overcharge
- 45. Rally Point
- 46. Side Arm Accuracy
- 47. Stim-Shot
- 48. Toughness
- 49. DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
- 50. Issued Officer Boots
- 51. Marine Rebel Armor
- 52. SFOR Republic Carbine
- 53. Vital Bandolier
- 54. X-wing
- 55. Bacta Efficiency
- 56. Close Combat
- 57. Elusive
- 58. Grim Blows
- 59. Hasty Retreat
- 60. Stasis Field
- 61. Alliance Supply Officer
- 62. Chewbacca
- 63. Colonel Quarsh Panaka
- 64. Medical Nurse
- 65. Rebel Collaborator
- 66. Rebel Conspirator
- 67. Rebel Corporal
- 68. Rebel Diplomat
- 69. Rebel Honor Guard
- 70. Rebel Intelligence Officer
- 71. Rebel Private
- 72. Rebel Trooper
- 73. Blast Resistance
- 74. Cheap Strikes
- 75. Concealed Weapon
- 76. Covert Mastery
- 77. Fiery Strike
- 78. Imperial Death Mark
- 79. Keen Eye
- 80. Setup
- 81. Shock Tracer
- 82. Strong Arm
- 83. Suppression Efficiency
- 84. Timer Reset
- 85. Agent's Pistol
- 86. Imperial Boots
- 87. Imperial Medal of Honor
- 88. Modified T-21 Rifle
- 89. TIE Fighter
- 90. TIE Pilot Helmet
- 91. Burst of Shadows
- 92. Careful Observation
- 93. Hose Down
- 94. Muscle Spasm
- 95. Position Secured
- 96. Voltage Overload
- 97. General Otto
- 98. Imperial Celebration Organizer
- 99. Imperial Courier
- 100. Imperial Data Officer
- 101. Imperial Pilot Coordinator
- 102. Imperial Staff Corporal
- 103. Imperial Surface Marshal
- 104. Inquisitorium Dark Trooper
- 105. Pfilbee Jhorn
- 106. Scout Trooper
- 107. Shadow Stormtrooper
- 108. Swamp Trooper
- 109. Blastwave
- 110. Bolt
- 111. Crumple
- 112. Enhanced Agility
- 113. Enhanced Strength
- 114. Grapple
- 115. Grasp
- 116. Hurricane
- 117. Pummel
- 118. Shock
- 119. Sith Death Mark
- 120. Treachery
- 121. Dark Jedi Enforcer Robe
- 122. Dark Jedi Lightsaber
- 123. Nightsister Force Crystal
- 124. Palpatine's Personal Shuttle
- 125. Sith Amulet
- 126. Sith Gloves
- 127. Aggression
- 128. Cho Mai
- 129. Determination
- 130. Lightsaber Throw
- 131. Sai Tok
- 132. Spinning Attack
- 133. dark side Savage
- 134. Force-sensitive Renegade
- 135. Forsaken Force Drifter
- 136. Lord Hethrir
- 137. Mara Jade
- 138. Nightsister Elder
- 139 Nightsister Sentry
- 140. Nightsister Witch
- 141. Novice Force Mystic
- 142. Sith Shadow Mercenary
- 143. Treasure Hunter Bodyguard
- 144. Treasure Hunter Mercenary
- 145. Bounty Check
- 146. Covering Fire
- 147. Cruelty
- 148. Death Mark
- 149. Jolting Blow
- 150. Return Fire
- 151. Sudden Strike
- 152. Tripwire
- 153. Fallann Hyper-Rifle
- 154. IG-2000
- 155. Mandalorian Gloves
- 156. Mist Hunter
- 157. Power Converter
- 158. Relby-v10 Micro Grenade Launcher
- 159. SG82 Rifle
- 160. Snoova's Vibro-Ax
- 161. Adaptive Biology
- 162. Entertain the Wounded
- 163. Keren Street Race
- 164. Nashal River Race
- 165. Antagonize
- 166. Bleed
- 167. Caltrops
- 168. Concussion Shot
- 169. Fan Shot
- 170. Fumble
- 171. Preservation
- 172. Beedo
- 173. Beldonna's League Scout
- 174. Beldonna's League Soldier
- 175. Bossk
- 176. Chunker Bruiser
- 177. Dannik Jerriko
- 178. Dengar
- 179. Jodo Kast
- 180. Thuku
Fixed cards[edit | edit source]
- Bull Rancor
- Mark of Altruism
- Serpent Shard
- Turning the Tables
- Business as Usual
- Lady Hutt's Delivery
- Smuggle Contraband
- Top of the World
- Catch the Escaped Murderer
- Drugged Prisoner
- Moisture Thieves
- Righteous Revenge
- Gungan Smuggling Gang
- Hrath Koo Must Die
- Jinzu Razor
- Nightsister Kidnapping
- BlasTech HSB-200 Hold-Out Blaster
- Hound's Tooth
- Slave I
- Snoova's Heavy Blaster Rifle
- Valken-38 Blaster Rifle
- 4-LOM
- Boba Fett
- Boushh
- IG-88
- Zuckuss
- Massassi Sword
- Thermal Detonator
Promo cards[edit | edit source]
- Borvo the Hutt
- Bib Fortuna
- Merchant Trainer
- Bane Malar
- Droopy McCool
- Clan Mother Gethzerion
- Jawa Beads
- Womp rat - Womp Rat Spawn (Secondary)
- Pooja Naberrie
- Ree-Yees
- LE Repair Droid
- C-3PO
- Breakdance
- Fiscal Policy
- Galactic Hunters Choose a Loot
Heroic Encounter Special Cards[edit | edit source]
- Caretaker of the Lost
- Embraced Chaos
- Exar Kun
- Exar Kun Cultist
- Exar Kun Wordbearer
- Gackle bat
- Hallway of Doom
- Kun's Insight
- Lingering Harmony
- Massassi Sword
- Minder of Weak Wills
- Mother Luresh
- Outer Chamber
- Prisoner of Exar Kun
- Promised Vengeance
- Skreeg
- Temple of Doom
- The Executioner
- Throne Room
- Tomb Flier Bat
- Unquenchable Wrath
- Vin Rith
- Walter Emanus' Lost Journal
Loot cards[edit | edit source]
- Armored Bantha Mount
- Battle Droid Greeter
- Boba Fett Statuette
- EmPal SuRecon Center Medical Table
- Gargan's Hands of Seduction
- General Grievous's Gutsack
- HH-15 Torpedo Warhead
- IPG-X1131 Longtail Engine Podracer
- Jango Fett Memorial Statuette
- Jedi Meditation Room
- Koro-2 Exodrive airspeeder
- Mandalorian Skull Banner
- Massiff House Pet
- Merr-Sonn JT-12 jetpack Blueprints
- Mustafar Travel Advertisement
- Nightsister Vendor
- Sith Meditation Room
- Swamp Speeder
- Target Dummy
- Toydarian Greeter
- Wampa-Skin Rug
- Wookiee Ceremonial Pipe
- Battle Droid Vendor
- Guise of the Master
- Hoth Travel Advertisement
- House Sign
- Darth Vader vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi Diorama
- Emperor Palpatine Statuette
Artists[edit | edit source]
This is the list of notable artists who provided original art for the third game expansion.
- Drew Baker
- Miguel Coimbra
- Jason Engle
- Mark Evans
- Derek Herring
- Tomasz Jedruszek
- Adam Gillespie
- Lucas Graciano
- Michael Komarck
- Slawomir Maniak
- Lee Moyer
- Mike Pedro
- Mark Poole
- Fred Rambaud
- James Rochelle
- Aadi Salman
- Kevin Shoemaker
- Darren Tan
- Charles Urbach
- Ben Wootten
- Kieran Yanner
The complete list of artists can be found here.
Appearances[edit | edit source]
Characters | Creatures | Droid models | Events | Locations |
Organizations and titles | Sentient species | Vehicles and vessels | Weapons and technology | Miscellanea |
Organizations and titles
Vehicles and vessels
External links[edit | edit source]
Galactic Hunters Arrives This March on (content now obsolete; backup link on
- Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game official websiteTemplate:Swg
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