Enhanced Premiere
Template:Card game Enhanced Premiere Pack (EPP) was a boutique product created and produced by November in 1998. The package came with 1 new character card and several packs of Premiere. It was mainly used as a way for Decipher to get rid of excess product (the Premier packs) as well as create a new, easy to get, easy to use, (also basically a "must-have" due to its game-text and relevance to the game), and a good starting point for newer players.
It had six (one different one per package) new cards. They were:
- Luke with Lightsaber
- Obi-Wan with Lightsaber
- Darth Vader with Lightsaber
- Han with Blaster
- Leia with Blaster Rifle
- Boba Fett with Blaster Rifle
Decipher would later produce two more "Enhanced" versions, Enhanced Cloud City (used to get rid of excess Cloud City packs) and Enhanced Jabba's Palace, (used to get rid of excess Jabba's Palace packs).
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