Dweomilis Advisory Foundation/edithistory

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oldid date/time username edit summary
7446544 2018-03-02T00:40:30Z AL-BRT Infobox field cleanup
6536649 2016-09-29T04:28:19Z AL-BRT Deprecating imagebg
6482374 2016-09-14T16:02:42Z AL-BRT Fixing trailing text
6166924 2016-01-24T15:48:46Z RoboCade Fixing redirects
5966117 2015-12-09T21:35:44Z RoboCade Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2
5844903 2015-10-31T02:42:54Z Cavalier One
5782923 2015-09-08T16:59:21Z Trip391
4884340 2014-05-11T01:12:40Z RoboCade Adding {{Tl|Eras}} to articles without it for the banners.
4205595 2012-10-20T20:05:40Z Jinzler /* Sources */
4195609 2012-10-11T23:15:15Z Winterz
2714595 2009-08-16T07:34:47Z Apotheoses Jedi
1038479 2007-01-29T16:20:46Z Whistler Droid: Cleanup
313377 2006-02-25T06:30:14Z Danik Kreldin