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oldid date/time username edit summary
7663184 2018-05-21T04:15:13Z Toprawa and Ralltiir This isn't an unidentified article. The character has a formal nomenclature.
7662530 2018-05-20T23:03:32Z SilverSunbird
7654446 2018-05-14T05:31:40Z
7444941 2018-03-01T23:12:33Z EcksBot Canon/Legends switch
6775171 2017-01-04T11:31:25Z AL-BRT Fixing redirect(s)
6611240 2016-11-08T12:55:56Z Lewisr
6611239 2016-11-08T12:54:32Z
6482364 2016-09-14T16:02:26Z AL-BRT Fixing trailing text
6395800 2016-09-01T00:56:50Z CzechBot Removing blank imageBG instances. As discussed with [[user:Toprawa and Ralltiir]], this variable does nothing anymore. Please do not re-introduce.
5966076 2015-12-09T21:34:19Z RoboCade Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2
5732612 2015-07-15T08:07:54Z Manoof fixed infobox
5696692 2015-05-30T00:59:42Z Trip391
5361650 2014-11-05T03:40:36Z RoboCade Fixing redirects and Layout Guide changes
5221920 2014-09-14T01:15:04Z RoboCade Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes, and redirect fixes
4500613 2013-05-20T04:33:19Z Supreme Emperor redirects
4453584 2013-03-31T09:11:39Z Yoteg /* Appearances */
4210620 2012-10-25T04:22:04Z Mcc1789
3606056 2011-07-10T15:49:18Z Purpilia /* Biography */
3586263 2011-06-25T16:44:59Z Purpilia
3141129 2010-06-13T21:00:37Z Snakewing2000
3139880 2010-06-12T17:18:31Z Snakewing2000 added jensaari category
1572420 2007-09-25T00:24:33Z Havac /* Sources */
1532864 2007-09-07T22:38:17Z Whistler Droid: Cleanup, Formatting, Template fixes
1038449 2007-01-29T16:19:45Z Whistler Droid: Cleanup
806138 2006-11-04T19:45:59Z Kuralyov /* Sources */
702981 2006-09-17T14:10:58Z Tinwe separeted Appearances and Sources
521971 2006-06-17T06:19:42Z Kuralyov