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oldid date/time username edit summary
7776086 2018-08-05T19:28:50Z AL-BRT Changing Legends links
7515265 2018-03-17T06:57:08Z EcksBot Canon/Legends switch
7165018 2017-09-16T22:24:12Z AL-BRT Fixing redirect(s)
6774702 2017-01-04T07:41:44Z AL-BRT Fixing redirect(s)
6436102 2016-09-12T01:24:21Z AL-BRT Fixing trailing text
6404122 2016-09-01T04:17:46Z CzechBot Removing blank imageBG instances. As discussed with [[user:Toprawa and Ralltiir]], this variable does nothing anymore. Please do not re-introduce.
5962860 2015-12-09T19:14:24Z RoboCade Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2
5961870 2015-12-09T18:43:03Z Cade Calrayn
5823824 2015-10-08T20:41:12Z RoboCade Adding missing parameters
5478612 2015-01-16T07:52:04Z RoboCade Droid: Fixing twin, month, year, hour, day, and week redirects
5368891 2014-11-07T01:25:37Z RoboCade Fixing redirects and Layout Guide changes
5235898 2014-09-15T14:57:35Z RoboCade Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes, and redirect fixes
4609420 2013-09-01T17:41:41Z Macesito /* Notes and references */
4308345 2013-01-11T03:55:20Z AJTD6 Bot: Removing deprecated [[Template:Ref]]; see [[Forum:SH:Template:Ref|this Senate Hall thread]] for more information
3756092 2011-10-28T23:04:02Z Eyrezer
3650959 2011-08-05T08:02:25Z HotCat de:User:C-3PO updated the interwiki links:
3635543 2011-08-02T13:28:57Z HotCat de:User:C-3PO updated the interwiki links: interwiki format updated.
3599774 2011-07-06T09:38:20Z HotCat [[de:User:Mando'ade]] updated the interwiki links: + [[nl:Dendro]]
3514457 2011-04-22T10:59:25Z Dofine pl
3361653 2010-12-07T19:30:40Z HotCat [[de:User:Yoga-Wan Kenobi]] updated the interwiki links: + [[de:Dendro]]
3140948 2010-06-13T17:44:46Z Jedi Kasra /* Appearances */
3140852 2010-06-13T15:57:49Z Jedi Kasra /* Personality and traits */
3139033 2010-06-11T23:44:40Z Maxattac /* Biography */
3139031 2010-06-11T23:44:02Z Maxattac /* Biography */
3122030 2010-06-01T19:50:31Z Jedi Kasra /* Personality and traits */
3101795 2010-05-21T23:15:52Z Chack Jadson
3101781 2010-05-21T23:09:19Z Chack Jadson GA
3101775 2010-05-21T23:06:41Z Chack Jadson
3096759 2010-05-18T02:28:47Z Toprawa and Ralltiir copy-edit
3094583 2010-05-16T18:48:41Z Xd1358 copy-edit
3091312 2010-05-14T15:40:20Z Jedi Kasra
3090699 2010-05-14T02:50:07Z Soresumakashi /* Biography */
3089633 2010-05-13T13:03:28Z Jedi Kasra /* Biography */ Thought this was fixed
3089625 2010-05-13T13:00:10Z Jedi Kasra Revisions…
3087568 2010-05-12T02:07:45Z Jedi Kasra Revisions…
3086766 2010-05-11T15:51:10Z
3086647 2010-05-11T13:24:04Z Jedi Kasra /* Biography */
3086129 2010-05-11T00:45:30Z Master Jonathan copy-edit
3086107 2010-05-11T00:29:12Z Jedi Kasra Revisions…
3040578 2010-04-14T18:47:52Z Clone Commander Lee
3034216 2010-04-10T00:05:22Z Yodaman5678 2.5 Added sources/appearances
3033471 2010-04-09T15:10:08Z Maxattac
3033465 2010-04-09T14:56:35Z Maxattac
3033458 2010-04-09T14:51:23Z Maxattac
3032335 2010-04-08T16:34:05Z Snakewing2000 changed Dendro's race to human
3031124 2010-04-07T17:52:07Z Snakewing2000
3031117 2010-04-07T17:50:41Z
3030916 2010-04-07T15:57:28Z Snakewing2000 Created page with ''''Dendro''' was a [[male]] [[Jedi]] [[Padawan]] who survived the [[Jedi Purge]] along with his [[Jedi Master]] [[Hylon]]. During the early years of the [[New Order]], he and hi…'