Cloud City Limited
Template:Card game The Cloud City Limited set was the fourth full expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, a card game based on the Star Wars universe. It consists of 180 cards (90 Dark Side and 90 Light Side cards) and was introduced in November of 1997. This set consists of 80 rare, 50 uncommon, and 50 common cards. This set introduced many of the classic characters from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back that were involved with the events occurring in Cloud City.
Because this is an expansion set, an expansion-set symbol is displayed near the top right corner of the card to the right of the lore and below the destiny number. The symbol for this set is a twin-pod cloud car.
This set was sold in 9-card expansion packs and 60-pack expansion boxes. Each pack included one rare card, three uncommon cards, and five common cards. Starter decks were never produced for this set. This was the first expansion set that did not spawn an unlimited set along with it.
Notable Cards[edit | edit source]
Dark Side
- Boba Fett (Rare)
- Lando Calrissian (Rare, Dark Side version)
- Slave I (Rare)
Light Side
- Captain Han Solo (Rare)
- Lando Calrissian (Rare, Light Side version)
- Lobot (Rare)
- Princess Leia (Rare)
Full card list[edit | edit source]
Dark Side[edit | edit source]
Light Side[edit | edit source]
Bibliography[edit | edit source]
"Around the Galaxy"—Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 12
"Around the Galaxy"—Star Wars Galaxy Collector 1
"It's All In The Cards"—Star Wars Galaxy Collector 3
External links[edit | edit source]
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