Chessa's Doom
Template:Short story Chessa's Doom is a short story by Peter M. Schweighofer with illustrations by John Paul Lona. It is notable in that parts of the narrative are told in prose and parts are told in textless comic book style illustrations. It was first published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 1 by West End Games in February 1994 and archived on Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club in January 2008.
Plot summary[edit | edit source]
In the Gorkin's Rest cantina on Wroona, Dirk Harkness recounts the tale of how he got involved with the Alliance to Restore the Republic following the death of his lover, Chessa Dohhenty.
Appearances[edit | edit source]
Characters | Creatures | Droid models | Events | Locations |
Organizations and titles | Sentient species | Vehicles and vessels | Weapons and technology | Miscellanea |
Droid models
Organizations and titles
Sentient species
Vehicles and vessels
Weapons and technology
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
External links[edit | edit source]
Chessa's Doom: A Star Wars Story on Hyperspace (article) (content removed from and unavailable)
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