Champions of the Force (SWGTCG)
Template:Card game Champions of the Force is the first set of Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game released on August 19, 2008, which includes more than 300 cards of all types, including 30 Loot cards.
The story mode of this set, represented in Scenarios, revolves around four avatar characters and their quests to find an ancient Jedi holocron, the Codex of Tython. The Jedi Rachi Sitra and the Rebel Coret Bhan are trying to find the pieces of the artifact, while the Imperial Jeffren Brek and the Sith Namman Cha are trying to find it so as to use it as a weapon.
The Heroic encounter mode of this set recreates the Battle of Nym's Factory Compound, revolving around a group of spacers trying to shut down the droid factory overrun by IG-88, who sends Battle droids and Droidekas to deal with them and ensure the success of his Droid Revolution.
Card List[edit | edit source]
1. Ataru
2. Calming Mind
3. Center of Being
4. Focus of Life
5. Force Regeneration
6. Forsake Fear
7. Heightened Speed
8. Hermetic Touch
9. Lightsaber Reflect
10. Meditate
11. Reactive Response
12. Sense Danger
13. Shien
14. Soresu
15. Vaapad
16. Apprentice Robe
17. First Generation Lightsaber
18. Issued Force Sensitive Ring
19. Jedi Master Robe
20. Old Republic Lightsaber
21. Befriend a Wookiee
22. Fate of the Galaxy
23. Flowers for Shmi
24. Lars Homestead
25. Let the Buyer Beware
26. Queen's Healing Touch
27. Agility
28. Alacrity
29. Force Throw
30. Lightsaber Block
31. Practiced Fluidity
32. Sai Cha
33. Second Wind
34. Stamina
35. CorSec Captain
36. CorSec Major
37. CorSec Soldier
38. Gungan Hermit
39. Gungan Priest
40. Jawa Shaman
41. Jawa Thief
42. Jedi Hermit
43. Jedi Knight
44. Jedi Master
45. Jedi Padawan
46. Jedi Sentinel
47. Luke Skywalker
48. Wookiee Guard
49. Wookiee Villager
50. Bacta Jab
51. Bacta Potency
52. Bacta Spray
53. Bllod Cleansers
54. Charge
55. Core Bomb
56. Initiative
57. Last Words
58. Leadership
59. Motivation
60. Paint Target
61. Reinforcements
62. Scatter
63. Supply Drop
64. Sure Shot
65. Alliance Disruptor
66. Medal of Bothawui
67. Rebel Banner
68. Rebel Signet Ring
69. Reinforced Jacket
70. Advocate
71. Disgruntled Citizen
72. Expedition Team Leader
73. Iris
74. Rebel Contact
75. Selonian Contact
76. Artillery Strike
77. Bacta Grenade
78. Sure Affliction
79. Focus Fire
80. Gas Canister
81. Shock Grenade
82. Superior Firepower
83. Traumatize
84. Crack Rebel Rifleman
85. Leia Organa
86. Rebel Colonel
87. Rebel Dead-Eye
88. Rebel General
89. Rebel Guard Captain
90. Rebel Medic
91. Rebel Scout
92. Rebel Sentry
93. Rebel Sergeant
94. Rebel Sharpshooter
95. Rebel Spec Force General
96. Rebel Warrant Officer
97. Sarguillo
98. SpecOps Agent
99. Arachne's Web
100. Assassinate
101. Blow 'Em Away
102. Burn
103. Cheap Shots
104. Crippling Traps
105. Deflective Armor
106. Flash Bang
107. Fragmentation grenade
108. Improved Explosive
109. killing Grimace
110. On Target
111. Spy's Respite
112. Sweeping Fire
113. Venomous Ploy
114. Colonel Signet Ring of the Empire
115. E-11 Carbine
116. Long Formal Jacket
117. Power 5 Pistol
118. Rocket Launcher
119. Bantha Hunt
120. Downed Imperial Transport
121. Infiltrate Rebel Command Base
122. Informant Meetings
123. Kill the Spy
124. New Assignment
125. Burst Fire
126. CryoBan Grenade
127. Grenade Toss
128. Hidden Daggers
129. Opportunity
130. Plasma Mine
131. Razor Net
132. Remote Detonator
133. Ace Imperial Bombardier
134. Chief Engineer Olum
135. Dark Novatrooper
136. Elite Novatrooper
137. Glory-class Dark Trooper
138. Imperial Cadet
139. Imperial Cadet Squadleader
140. Imperial Captain
141. Imperial Dark Trooper
142. Imperial Inquisitor
143. Imperial Marksman
144. Imperial Royal Guard
145. Imperial Security
146. Imperial Stormtrooper
147. Maximilian Veers
148. Cho Sun
149. Cloud Minds
150. Djem So
151. Force Choke
152. Force cloak
153. Force Enrage
154. Force Run
155. Juyo
156. Maelstrom
157. Makashi
158. Mind trick
159. Remorseless Nature
160. Sokan
161. Spark
162. Wracking Energy
163. Acolyte Robe
164. Red Color Crystal
165. Sith Lightsaber
166. Sith Robe
167. Training Lightsaber
168. Emperor's Hand
169. Give yourself to the Dark Side
170. Information Broker
171. Lava Flea Hunt
172. Sickness of the Storm Lord
173. Strange Gem
174. Brutality
175. Cho Mok
176. Endurance
177. Expansive Trickery
178. Lethargy
179. Strangulation
180. Su
181. Tempt Hatred
182. Blackguard Elite Minion
183. Blackguard Minion
184. Blackguard Wilder
185. Blackscale Enforcer
186. Blackscale Jailer
187. Dark Jedi
188. Dark Jedi Knight
189. Dark Jedi Master
190. Dark Jedi Sentinel
191. Darth Vader
192. Sith Shadow Assassin
193. Sith Shadow Executioner
194. Sith Shadow Outlaw
195. Sith Shadow Pirate
196. Sith Shadow Thug
197. Ambush
198. Asteroid Prospecting
199. Dirty Trick
200. Dizzy
201. Extraction
202. Inspire
203. Intimidating Strike
204. Lava Mining
205. Pin Down
206. Poor Prospect
207. Rifle Efficiency
208. Thrill
209. Uprising
210. Bantha
211. Conscript Carbine
212. CorSec Sword
213. Field Command Boots
214. Mandalorian Helmet
215. Personal Shield Generator
216. Retribution
217. Bring Terror to the Terrorists
218. Crisis of Allegiance
219. Finding a Weakness
220. Leg Work
221. Clash
222. Cripple
223. Fast Draw
224. Hair Trigger
225. Hidden Padding
226. Manhunter
227. Paralyze
228. Sniper Shot
229. Aa'kuan Champion
230. Aa'kuan Keeper
231. Aa'kuan Steward
232. Binayre Pirate
233. Binayre Ruffian
234. Binayre Swindler
235. Lost Aqualish Marksman
236. Lost Aqualish Scout
237. Tusken Captain
238. Tusken Guard
239. Tusken Warlord
240. Watto
241. White Thranta Manager
242. White Thranta Security Elite
243. White Thranta Security Guard
Fixed Cards[edit | edit source]
The following cards are so-called "fixed" cards with their own number system. They either can be found in a matching starter deck, or are awarded for completing scenarios and heroic encounters.
- Rachi Sitra
- Anger and Harmony
- Searching for a Jedi's Weapon
- Supervisor
- Turf Wars
- Coret Bhan
- Avenging Mort
- Lost Star Destroyer
- On the Offense
- Vacca's Allegiance
- Jeffren Brek
- Antenna Destruction
- Disrupting Enemy Reinforcements
- Imperial Spy
- Sickness of the Wookiees
- Namman Cha
- Defeating the Invasion
- Emperor's Retreat
- Force-Sensitive Twi'lek
- Obi-Wan Kenobi's Friend
- Codex of Tython
- CorSec CDEF Pistol
- Force Crystal
- Holocron Fragment
- Krayt Pearl
- Battle droid
- Krayt dragon
- Kubaza Beetle
- Nightsister Spell Weaver
- Remote
- Voritor Lizard
- Dazzle
Premium Cards[edit | edit source]
- Salacious B. Crumb
- Bane's Heart
- Jan Dodonna
- Rancor
- Windu's Guile
- Bossk
- Wookiee Commando
- Death Star Hologram
- Max Rebo
- Merchant Tent
- Champions of the Force Choose a Loot
- Adrick
Heroic Encounter Special Cards[edit | edit source]
These cards are heavily overpowered and impossible to obtain. They are only used by AI in the heroic encounter game mode.
- IG-88
- Advanced Tracking
- Blaster Reflective Armor
- Dioxis Gas
- In the Crosshairs
- Concussion grenade
- DAS-430 Projectile Launcher
- DLT-20A Blaster Rifle
- IG-88's Flamethrower
- Entering the Compound
- Shutting Down the Factory
- Energy Shield
- Stun Cord
- B1 battle droid
- Droideka Alpha
- Droideka Beta
- Droideka Delta
- Droideka Gamma
- MSE-6 'Mouse' Droid
- Super Battle Droid
- Tao-Ni Security Elite Protector
- Ticking Battle Droid
Loot Cards[edit | edit source]
- Black Corset Dress
- Bodyguard Jacket
- Count Dooku bust
- Glass Display Case
- Gorax Ear
- Great Hyperspace War Bas-Relief
- Guise of the Apprentice
- Guise of the Sith
- Gungan Vendor
- Housecleaning Kit
- Large Indoor Fountain
- Jawa Vendor
- Meatlump Greeter
- Mechno-chair
- Muur Talisman
- Nuna-Ball Advertisement
- Ord Pedrovia podracer
- Painting: Jedi Crest
- Painting: Trooper
- Radtrooper Insignia
- Sith Speeder
- XJ-2 airspeeder
- Target Creature
- Rebel Life Support Flight Suit
- Imperial Life Support Flight Suit
- Han's Hydrospanner
- Ewok Vendor
- Beru Whitesun's Cookbook
- B'omarr Monk Greeter
Appearances[edit | edit source]
Characters | Creatures | Droid models | Events | Locations |
Organizations and titles | Sentient species | Vehicles and vessels | Weapons and technology | Miscellanea |
Droid models
Artists[edit | edit source]
Below is the list of artists who provided original art for the first game expansion.[1]
- Steve Argyle
- Drew Baker
- Mat Broome
- Roger Chamberlain
- Miguel Coimbra
- Diana Connolly
- Joshua Deeb
- Steve Ekholm
- Jason Engle
- Mark Evans
- Dante Fuget
- Adam Gillespie
- Lucas Graciano
- Derek Herring
- Patrick Ho
- Roel Jovellanos
- Shane Kilduff
- Michael Komarck
- Monte Moore
- Mike Pedro
- Mark Poole
- James Rochelle
- Erich Schreiner
- Kevin Shoemaker
- Thomas Sincich
- John Stanko
- Nate Temple
- Charles Urbach
- Julius Willis
- Kieran Yanner
Other artist with minor contributions are listed here.
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
- ↑ The game collection manager provides the name of the artist who has worked on any particular card.
External links[edit | edit source]
Champions of the Force TCG Now Available on (content now obsolete; backup link on
Scoring Loot in Star Wars Galaxies on (content now obsolete; backup link on
The Art of Star Wars: Galaxies TCG on (content now obsolete; backup link on
- Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game official website
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