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This article is about the smuggler. You may be looking for the nickname of Gil Bastra.
Biographical information


Physical description




Chronological and political information

New Republic era


Smugglers' Alliance

Billey was a prominent Human smuggler. His origin was unknown, but he was widely assumed to be Corellian.

Biography[edit | edit source]

He ran a relatively large organization and was famous in smuggling circles for having survived as an active smuggler for over 60 years. Shortly before the breakout of the Clone Wars, Billey aided a Jedi task force in stopping organized smuggling of salt to Cona, leading to the Arconans naming him an "honorary legend." At one point during the Galactic Civil War, Billey was caught smuggling spice and served time in the Goshyn Detention Center. Billey was severely injured but refused cybernetic replacements, forcing him to use a repulsorchair. As of the Bacta War, Billey largely controlled the black market supply of bacta to Coruscant, but his lieutenants Dravis, Ellor, Par'tah, and Brasck handled the day-to-day operation of his organization, and most of the negotiations with his clients. Later, Billey's organization was part of Talon Karrde's Smugglers' Alliance.


Appearances[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

This page was moved from wook:en:Billey. It's edit history can be viewed at Billey/edithistory