Battle of the Ord Cantrell system/edithistory

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oldid date/time username edit summary
7312955 2017-12-21T19:14:27Z Aruteous
7184524 2017-09-25T21:44:39Z EcksBot Canon/Legends switch
6529325 2016-09-29T01:01:55Z AL-BRT Deprecating imagebg
6183345 2016-01-31T02:14:50Z AL-BRT Switching conjecture template to make canon the default
5949720 2015-12-09T08:53:25Z RoboCade Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2
5243287 2014-09-15T23:17:03Z RoboCade Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes, and redirect fixes
4813663 2014-04-01T01:27:41Z Cade Calrayn
4812944 2014-03-31T07:18:36Z Cade Calrayn Created page with "{{Eras|njo}} {{Conjecture}} {{Battle |width= |prev=[[Battle of the Ord Canfre system]]<ref name="Atlas">''[[The Essential Atlas]]''</ref> |conc= |next=[[Battle of the Phaeda s..."