Battle of Thyferra (Swarm War)/edithistory

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oldid date/time username edit summary
7114885 2017-08-19T00:01:10Z AL-BRT Switching to use /Legends
6652163 2016-12-11T22:41:01Z AL-BRT Cleanup and formatting fixes
6529120 2016-09-29T00:55:50Z AL-BRT Deprecating imagebg
6476041 2016-09-14T12:38:55Z AL-BRT Fixing trailing text
6183428 2016-01-31T02:16:56Z AL-BRT Switching conjecture template to make canon the default
5949816 2015-12-09T08:56:17Z RoboCade Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2
5670550 2015-05-02T18:33:38Z Trip391
5670458 2015-05-02T16:03:53Z David4d4d Added the word coup after the last sentence.
5670457 2015-05-02T16:02:53Z David4d4d Added more information about why the jedi weren't successful.
4826753 2014-04-14T17:22:49Z Cade Calrayn
4343922 2013-01-23T04:06:13Z Supreme Emperor
4324087 2013-01-12T00:57:26Z Cade Calrayn /* Appearances */
4105934 2012-07-27T23:17:39Z DarthRevan1173 /* Appearances */
3954554 2012-03-23T09:21:07Z Eyrezer
3661780 2011-08-06T12:13:35Z HotCat de:User:C-3PO updated the interwiki links: interwiki format updated.
3624493 2011-07-27T01:55:38Z Karohalva
3510045 2011-04-17T03:02:58Z Swfan
3466897 2011-03-09T20:41:57Z Ifindyourlackoffaithdisturbing
3466889 2011-03-09T20:33:57Z OtterSurf 1.1 Cleanup
3068183 2010-04-29T13:58:03Z OtterSurf
2410988 2009-03-01T13:32:33Z Darth Taral de
2394086 2009-02-19T01:19:47Z Xicer9
2293854 2008-12-16T07:17:18Z Grunny /* Appearances */
2124348 2008-08-18T10:27:17Z Soresumakashi
2003734 2008-05-30T18:38:50Z Greyman
1926143 2008-04-15T04:22:51Z Darth Revanon /* Appearances */
1921209 2008-04-12T02:38:48Z Darth Revanon
1921203 2008-04-12T02:32:02Z Greyman Not needed
1921201 2008-04-12T02:30:08Z Darth Revanon
1268722 2007-04-11T03:39:21Z Jedi Wolf /* Sources */
1268719 2007-04-11T03:37:49Z Jedi Wolf /* Sources */
1023350 2007-01-29T04:50:48Z Whistler Droid: Cleanup
803109 2006-11-03T23:03:40Z
797992 2006-11-01T09:58:17Z Jasca Ducato /* Sources */
528265 2006-06-20T03:18:00Z Eyrezer box
420647 2006-04-26T18:15:25Z Kuralyov
407345 2006-04-20T01:33:52Z Eyrezer
250980 2006-01-18T20:44:53Z Jack Nebulax
249699 2006-01-18T01:35:06Z 2Guns
249698 2006-01-18T01:34:35Z 2Guns
240491 2006-01-03T20:56:14Z Jack Nebulax
182874 2006-01-03T03:31:08Z TIEPilot051999
182186 2005-12-27T18:32:22Z Jack Nebulax
172195 2005-12-27T18:32:04Z Jack Nebulax
172194 2005-12-27T18:31:24Z Jack Nebulax
172193 2005-12-19T06:00:21Z Kuralyov
162875 2005-12-19T05:20:50Z Kuralyov