Battle of Osarian/edithistory

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oldid date/time username edit summary
7652346 2018-05-12T15:37:29Z AL-BRT Removing italics from short works
7555975 2018-03-30T02:58:27Z AL-BRT Cleanup and formatting fixes
7512163 2018-03-17T04:09:43Z EcksBot Canon/Legends switch
7184963 2017-09-25T21:48:12Z EcksBot Canon/Legends switch
7114860 2017-08-19T00:00:23Z AL-BRT Switching to use /Legends
6900758 2017-02-20T22:39:49Z Hk 47
6900701 2017-02-20T22:33:54Z Hk 47
6652082 2016-12-11T22:38:39Z AL-BRT Cleanup and formatting fixes
6528984 2016-09-29T00:51:38Z AL-BRT Deprecating imagebg
6475920 2016-09-14T12:35:41Z AL-BRT Fixing trailing text
6205744 2016-02-12T01:53:57Z Junta Chan
6205740 2016-02-12T01:52:59Z Junta Chan
6183105 2016-01-31T02:08:37Z AL-BRT Switching conjecture template to make canon the default
5949367 2015-12-09T08:40:54Z RoboCade Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2
5356848 2014-11-03T18:08:12Z RoboCade Fixing redirects
5242964 2014-09-15T22:57:05Z RoboCade Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes, and redirect fixes
4845023 2014-04-29T04:13:28Z RoboCade Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Dark Tide +[[The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide)
4839975 2014-04-28T03:41:39Z RoboCade Robot: Automated text replacement (-|Vector Prime (novel)}} +|The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime}})
4839910 2014-04-28T03:33:32Z RoboCade Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Vector Prime (novel)|Vector Prime]] +[[The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime]])
4812668 2014-03-31T00:38:44Z Cade Calrayn
4812661 2014-03-31T00:37:48Z Cade Calrayn
4812646 2014-03-31T00:32:09Z Toprawa and Ralltiir Toprawa and Ralltiir moved page [[First Battle of Osarian]] to [[Battle of Osarian]]
4328189 2013-01-13T20:52:23Z Cade Calrayn /* Sources */
4219969 2012-11-03T01:26:18Z Ifindyourlackoffaithdisturbing /* Stirring tensions */
4219912 2012-11-03T00:02:24Z DarthRevan1173 Undo revision 4219904 by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) Takes place in NJO
4219904 2012-11-02T23:54:14Z
3743369 2011-10-16T07:13:36Z DenSylar
3696301 2011-09-04T18:38:53Z HotCat User [[pl:de:User:Darth Schorsch|de:Darth Schorsch]] updated the interwiki links: interwiki format updated.
3683215 2011-08-22T22:39:48Z Jedi Marty 5.3 Factual correction per Vector Prime
3070987 2010-05-01T00:46:04Z Chack Jadson 9_9
3070986 2010-05-01T00:45:31Z Chack Jadson
2386208 2009-02-15T04:10:11Z Whistler Robot: Changing template: Triple battle
2303482 2008-12-21T23:45:08Z Darthvestus 5.1 Corrected spelling/grammar
2303457 2008-12-21T23:38:09Z Darthvestus /* Origins */
2303452 2008-12-21T23:37:26Z Darthvestus /* Origins */
2303444 2008-12-21T23:33:28Z 1.1 Cleanup
1998873 2008-05-28T03:05:34Z Greyman
1894295 2008-03-29T21:12:18Z Whistler Droid: Cleanup, Formatting, Template fixes
1744374 2008-01-02T00:39:30Z Jedabak
1357017 2007-05-24T20:52:48Z Greyman sq's
1272822 2007-04-12T23:52:12Z Whistler Robot: Changing Category:Battles of the Yuuzhan Vong war
1175918 2007-03-12T20:03:19Z Bly1993
1159459 2007-03-06T13:09:31Z /* First Shots Fired */
1047534 2007-01-29T22:17:43Z Q9-X2 Droid: Automated text replacement (-Triple battle infobox +Triple battle)
1041095 2007-01-29T18:00:13Z Whistler Droid: Cleanup
902509 2006-12-12T14:28:42Z Borsk Fey'lya
881034 2006-12-04T00:05:56Z Herbsewell /* Origins */
881032 2006-12-04T00:05:32Z Herbsewell /* Origins */
881031 2006-12-04T00:04:48Z Herbsewell
881014 2006-12-03T23:59:58Z Herbsewell
798486 2006-11-01T18:49:07Z Kuralyov /* Sources */
798483 2006-11-01T18:48:22Z Kuralyov /* Sources */
776185 2006-10-23T01:21:07Z Ranat 23
776101 2006-10-23T00:53:21Z Ranat 23
757350 2006-10-14T13:57:21Z StarNeptune 5.1 Corrected spelling/grammar
745675 2006-10-08T22:04:23Z Scorch
745624 2006-10-08T21:56:20Z Scorch
730350 2006-10-01T00:28:55Z MyNz /* Sources */
730349 2006-10-01T00:28:10Z MyNz
730340 2006-10-01T00:26:03Z MyNz [[Battle of Osarian]] moved to [[First Battle of Osarian]]: Make way for disambiguation page.
730326 2006-10-01T00:23:28Z MyNz
624482 2006-08-08T05:01:54Z MyNz /* Sources */
561076 2006-07-05T07:41:57Z MyNz /* Appearances */
561074 2006-07-05T07:40:31Z MyNz /* Crippling the ''Mediator'' */
505661 2006-06-09T11:07:48Z MyNz /* First Shots Fired */
505660 2006-06-09T11:06:46Z MyNz /* Stirring Tensions */
505643 2006-06-09T10:30:01Z MyNz
500715 2006-06-07T09:57:04Z /* War begins */
458960 2006-05-17T06:55:50Z /* War begins */
451996 2006-05-13T17:57:04Z Kuralyov
450962 2006-05-13T04:05:07Z MyNz
446063 2006-05-10T17:21:26Z Kuralyov /* Appearances */
444686 2006-05-09T23:45:53Z Kuralyov
401424 2006-04-17T00:18:00Z Eyrezer link fix
399985 2006-04-16T05:35:10Z Rmfitzgerald50 updated to new infobox, but this is mighty cramped.
399946 2006-04-16T05:21:49Z Rmfitzgerald50 coloring, bolding (may change to actual temp later).
399928 2006-04-16T05:08:06Z MyNz {{Idep}} - Someone please design a triple battle infobox
272438 2006-02-01T07:50:56Z MyNz
269420 2006-01-30T07:31:07Z
266365 2006-01-28T18:56:33Z MyNz
265823 2006-01-28T09:01:55Z MyNz