Battle of Falleen (Yuuzhan Vong War)/edithistory

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oldid date/time username edit summary
7564426 2018-03-30T23:30:47Z AL-BRT Cleanup and formatting fixes
7449937 2018-03-02T11:24:32Z EcksBot Canon/Legends switch
7114797 2017-08-18T23:58:07Z AL-BRT Switching to use /Legends
6651910 2016-12-11T22:33:12Z AL-BRT Cleanup and formatting fixes
6528731 2016-09-29T00:44:19Z AL-BRT Deprecating imagebg
6475672 2016-09-14T12:28:22Z AL-BRT Fixing trailing text
6223026 2016-03-01T13:05:21Z Admiral Caon
6182884 2016-01-31T02:02:48Z AL-BRT Switching conjecture template to make canon the default
5948974 2015-12-09T08:25:20Z RoboCade Canon/Legends switch-over, Stage 2
5697899 2015-05-31T15:03:10Z CC7567
5452331 2014-12-31T00:54:31Z Hk 47
5242733 2014-09-15T22:42:02Z RoboCade Parameter and template changes for character infoboxes, and redirect fixes
4847895 2014-04-29T18:45:06Z RoboCade Robot: Automated text replacement (-[[Balance Point]] +[[The New Jedi Order: Balance Point]])
4821809 2014-04-09T16:56:52Z Cade Calrayn
4814809 2014-04-02T01:17:05Z Cade Calrayn
4479709 2013-04-26T15:17:45Z Borsk Fey'lya
4333113 2013-01-16T19:16:03Z Cade Calrayn
4333092 2013-01-16T19:09:46Z Cade Calrayn /* Sources */
4175123 2012-09-23T16:51:19Z DarthPrime
3994987 2012-04-21T14:10:50Z I need a name
3986196 2012-04-13T03:56:18Z Supreme Emperor
3766968 2011-11-08T03:07:55Z DenSylar
3620409 2011-07-23T03:27:51Z Karohalva
2236695 2008-11-07T07:33:39Z Mauser [[Battle of Falleen]] moved to [[Battle of Falleen (Yuuzhan Vong War)]]: making way for a redirect
1804242 2008-02-20T21:33:36Z Imperialles
1711901 2007-12-11T02:06:59Z Greyman
1493597 2007-08-16T07:54:06Z QX100
1493595 2007-08-16T07:52:48Z QX100 /* Appearances */
1339269 2007-05-14T16:02:22Z Kuralyov
1272794 2007-04-12T23:50:51Z Whistler Robot: Changing Category:Battles of the Yuuzhan Vong war
1070985 2007-02-02T23:08:30Z Whistler Droid: Cleanup
1054747 2007-01-30T01:55:49Z Whistler Droid: Cleanup
1022782 2007-01-29T04:32:18Z Whistler Droid: Cleanup
881106 2006-12-04T00:25:28Z Herbsewell
807319 2006-11-05T01:26:19Z
798720 2006-11-01T20:29:19Z Kuralyov /* Sources */
555762 2006-07-02T10:34:05Z Borsk Fey'lya
265279 2006-01-28T01:55:40Z LandoSystem1138
254995 2006-01-21T03:48:47Z MyNz