Aurra Sing/Legends
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- "There is no one like me in the galaxy! I am justice! I am the bane of the Jedi! I haunt the dreams of their Padawans! I will drink your fear and spill your blood and my hate will scar the galaxy! I am Aurra Sing!"
- ―Aurra Sing
Aurra Sing, also known as Nashtah, was once a female Jedi Padawan, but following a series of tragedies and misfortunes, she left the Jedi Order to become a vicious bounty hunter specializing in Jedi and political assassinations. She even became an associate in the posse of Cad Bane, a brief mentor of the orphaned Boba Fett, a commander for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, and later an Imperial Agent under the Sith Lord Darth Vader.
During the Second Galactic Civil War, Sing was hired to kill Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo and Chume'da Allana, only to be beaten by the latter.
Sing's career spanned over seven decades, from at least 36 BBY to 40 ABY.
Biography[edit | edit source]
Early life[edit | edit source]
Aurra Sing was born in the slums of Nar Shaddaa to a spice-addicted mother named Aunuanna[10][11] and a father she never knew.[11] It was also rumored she was once owned by Sennex slavers. She was brought to the Jedi Order as a candidate for Jedi training. In an attempt to control the young woman's overtly aggressive instincts, the Council assigned her to the Dark Woman, a mysterious and secretive Jedi Master with a track record of training difficult apprentices. However, the two did not get along well and Sing never progressed past the stage of Padawan.[12]
Around the age of nine, she was kidnapped by Sennex pirates on Ord Namurt,[13] who played on her deep-seated fears of abandonment and betrayal to shake her trust in the Jedi. They raised the conflicted young woman as a fellow pirate. Tragedy struck again when she was eventually captured by the Hutt crime lord Wallanooga, who in turn lent her to a group of Anzati assassins. The Anzati trained her to be a remorseless killer, even equipping Sing with a bio-computer that fed her additional sensory data. Her training was paid for by the family of Hutt crime lord Urdruua, something which set his family back a generation in debt.[14]
Jedi hunter[edit | edit source]
- "Fear me, Jedi! I am Aurra Sing, Nashtah, scourge of your kind! I haunt your darkest dreams! I drink Jedi blood; I nest in their guts! Your nightmares now have a name, hierophant, and that name is Aurra Sing!"
- ―Aurra Sing
Sing became known as a hunter of Jedi, carving a bloody swath of victims including Sharad Hett on Tatooine,[15], Peerce and J'Mikel on Coruscant, and Mana Veridi on Kwannot, where she also attempted to kill Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn, who barely managed to fend her off.[16] In addition to blasters and a slugthrower rifle, Sing wielded a red-bladed lightsaber and relished defeating Jedi in combat.[9]
In 32 BBY, during her time on Tatooine, Sing watched the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace from a balcony on Beggar's Canyon.[5] She noticed that the young Human slave, Anakin Skywalker, was not cheating, which was astounding to her. She had reasoned that it was because of his strong connection to the Force that helped the boy win "an honest race in a contest that has no rules."[7] At the same time, Skywalker won his freedom.[5] They would formally meet a decade later.[17]
After the deaths of Peerce, J'Mikel and a group of Republic Peace Officers, J'Mikel's Padawan Xiaan Amersu described the attack to the Council. The Council then decided to send Ki-Adi-Mundi, Adi Gallia, and A'Sharad Hett to begin a hunt for Sing. Sing was soon brought to the planet Talas where she was attacked by droidekas dispatched by two Quarrens named Tallet and Lekket. The Quarrens explained to Sing that they needed her services to assassinate the Quarren Senator Tikkes, who had tipped off the Republic on an operation the Quarrens had been running. Sing took no interest in the senator but agreed to the mission anyway after finding out that her former master, the Dark Woman, led the raid. Sing was nearly captured by the Jedi hunting her, but escaped aboard a personal flier. After crashing on a lush jungle world, Sing engaged the Jedi protecting Tikkes. Sing managed to get aboard the ship holding the Senator with only Hett guarding him. Sing and Hett dueled with their lightsabers with Hett coming out as the victor. Sing soon escaped, however, as the Jedi and the Senator left the planet.[9]
On Balmorra, Sing ran into Jango Fett while hunting Rigorra the Hutt. Aurra apparently had had a connection to the Hutt when she was just a slave to Wallanooga. Sing and Fett managed to infiltrate the Hutt's well defended palace but were captured along with two other bounty hunters—Bossk and Skorr—who were hunting Rigorra's brother. All four managed to escape after being poisoned with powerful toxic flowers and Sing captured Rigorra.[18]
Clone Wars[edit | edit source]
Separatist employment[edit | edit source]
- "Hello, Aurra. What a surprise to find you here."
"I'm sure. You shouldn't have come here, Jedi, but I will enjoy watching you die."
"Sorry to have to disappoint you." - ―Sing prepares to fight Anakin Skywalker.
Sing was employed for a time by Count Dooku, who sent her to find Boba Fett, as the boy was thought to have information vital to the Separatist cause. Upon discovering that young Fett was heir to a large amount of money, Sing attempted to take the money herself.[19] This plan failed, however, when the young Fett escaped her on Aargau.[20]
During the Cortosis droid crisis, Anakin Skywalker encountered Sing on Tatooine. She first posed as one of the locals, and asked the young Jedi's help in eliminating a womp rat nest that was harassing the inhabitants. To her surprise, Skywalker managed to solve the problem without any incident. She revealed herself, and temporarily distracted him, by setting off a thermal detonator. Skywalker chased after the Dark Jedi and cornered her near Jabba the Hutt's palace. However, before they could fight, Saato managed to incapacitate Anakin, and ordered Sing to throw the Padawan into the palace dungeons.[17]
Nar Shaddaa[edit | edit source]
Shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, Urdruua the Hutt, a crime lord based on Sing's home moon of Nar Shaddaa, placed a death mark on a Jedi and Sing accepted the bounty. However, the Hutt revealed that the Jedi Aurra was supposed to be hunting was in fact herself. He shot poison gas into his main chamber, but Sing escaped, to find herself surrounded by Nikto assassins being led by a Chadra-Fan with a nail gun. After finding another way to escape, she sniped out three Duros assassins, who were also trying to snipe her. After getting on a comlink with the Hutt, she noted that she had placed a bomb in the Hutt's palace, and a few seconds later it was destroyed. Aurra Sing left the scene saying: "Such a waste. Now I have to go to find real Jedi to kill."[14]
Joining Boba Fett[edit | edit source]
- "Only two to go, Windu. Come and find us. We'll be waiting!"
- ―Aurra Sing to Mace Windu via hologram
Around 22 BBY, during the Clone Wars, she joined up with Boba Fett to kill Mace Windu for revenge for Boba's father. Boba, under the name of "Lucky", boarded the Endurance as a clone cadet. After his first attempt on Windu's life failed, he contacted Sing to ask for advice. Sing told him to blow up the reactors, much to Boba's surprise. After Boba successfully destroyed the Endurance's reactors, sending it crashing towards Vanqor, he got into one of the escape pods along with several of the other cadets. Once they were away from the plummeting vessel, the pod was docked by Slave I. Bossk and Sing entered the pod to confront Boba. After telling him that the other cadets must be launched into space, due to the fact that they are "living witnesses", Boba reluctantly came aboard Slave I and jettisoned the pod from Slave I's docking area. Although the group of bounty hunters escaped, the cadets were saved by Anakin Skywalker and Windu, who had escaped the Endurance in their Jedi Starfighters.[21]
She later abducted Admiral Kilian, Commander Ponds, and a naval officer from the crash site of the Endurance on Vanqor. After Skywalker and Windu triggered their bomb in the crash site, Boba convinced Sing to go back there and get the two Jedis' heads to bring to Dooku, who might pay them for their trouble. Sing, along with Boba and Castas, went to the crash site. Due to the ship falling apart, and R2-D2's interference, Sing decided to blow up the crash site. As they left, Bossk contacted Sing, telling that a explosion happened near where the Jedi landed. Sing then ordered Bossk to jam all transmissions from the planet. When Sing and her team returned to Slave I, they saw Windu's Jedi starfighter taking off. Unbeknownst to Sing, only R2-D2 was aboard. Though Slave I took out the Jedi fighter's communications, Artoo reached the hyperspace rings and escaped. Knowing that Windu would not hold a grudge against them, she decided to motivate Windu by using the hostages.[22]
When contacting Mace Windu to come and find her, Sing shot Ponds, whom she had abducted, after Boba wouldn't do it. The group of bounty hunters then docked on Florrum for a visit with Sing's old flame Hondo Ohnaka to see if he would give them any advice. During a visit in the bar with Hondo, Sing overheard Castas communicating via hologram to a friend on Coruscant. After hearing him calling her an old hag, she shot him. Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano later caught up with her. After having a quarrel in a room, Sing fled away, leaving a discouraged Boba behind. Tano chased her, but after getting an order from Plo Koon, she went to free the hostages. Sing got suspicious, so she went to go and stop the Padawan. After Tano pursued her, she fled on Slave I, but because of a wing failure caused by Tano, the ship crashed. Sing was presumed dead by the Jedi.[23] Unknown to them, Hondo salvaged her out of Slave I's wreckage.[24]
Ziro's job[edit | edit source]
- "Honey, this isn't about your cause. This is about revenge. My employer wants to get even with you. Simple as that."
- ―Aurra Sing
Sing was later hired by Ziro the Hutt to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala in retaliation for imprisoning him. She tracked the Senator to Alderaan, where Amidala was due for a conference on refugee concerns. Infiltrating the conference through the vents and snapping the neck of several Senate Commandos, Sing set up a sniper position. Only the timely intervention of Tano gave Amidala a flesh wound, forcing Sing to flee.[24]
Sing later made a second attempt on Amidala's life when she tracked down the Senator, not being fooled by the BD-3000 luxury droid acting in her place. But once again, Tano interfered. Sing outdrew Tano as she grazed the Padawan, but Amidala used a stun blaster on her. Sing was then arrested and brought to Coruscant.[24]
Senate hostages[edit | edit source]
- "Tie your little pet up. We'll bring him to Bane."
- ―Aurra Sing
Later in the Clone Wars, Sing teamed up with Cad Bane's bounty hunter team for the raid on the Republic Senate Building. To see how "solitary types" like Aurra Sing, Robonino and Shahan Alama would work together, Bane set them on a test mission to capture bounty hunter Davtokk on the planet Keyorin. Davtokk attempted to take out Bane to collect the bounty on his head, but was overcome with relative ease by Bane's team. Pleased with their performance, Bane moved the team to Coruscant to prepare for an operation to rescue Ziro Desilijic Tiure.[25]
During the hostage siege Aurra covered Bane's entrance to the building by taking out the Senate Commandos who attempted to stop him with a sniper rifle. After Bane eliminated the remaining Senate Commandos, Aurra shot a dying one. Later she aided Shahan Alama in searching for the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, whose presence in the Senate Building threatened to thwart Bane's plan. Eventually, with the help of Robonino they managed to render Skywalker unconscious. When the Hutt crime lord was freed, Aurra Sing successfully left the crime scene along with the rest of the group.[26] Her actions earned her a one-hundred fifty thousand credit bounty on her head for "crimes against the Republic."[27]
Devaron[edit | edit source]
During an assignment to assassinate a Galactic Republic senator on Devaron, Sing crossed paths with Jedi sent to investigate her, including Aayla Secura, Tholme, and An'ya Kuro. She almost killed the latter two in a cave explosion but was defeated and captured instead by Secura, who scarred the bounty hunter and sliced off her bio-computer antenna. Sing was sent to a prison on Oovo IV.[12]
Agent of the Empire[edit | edit source]
The Search for Pavan[edit | edit source]
In 18 BBY, she was freed by Darth Vader and sent to kill the former Jedi, Jax Pavan. Vader had her transported to Coruscant, and she went to the remains of the Jedi Temple to search for any clues to Pavan's whereabouts. While there, she encountered Gregar Typho and in the resulting duel between them, she lost and became unconscious. Typho then took one of her lightsabers, which he would later send as a gift to Jax.[11]
Sing was closing in on her quarry, getting nearer and nearer to finding Jax, and at one point engaged in a duel against Jax's Gray Paladin ally, Laranth Tarak. Later, she caught up with Pavan and engaged him in a duel. The Jedi outsmarted Sing, and dropped her into a reposticator, where he presumed Sing met her death.[11]
Galactic Civil War[edit | edit source]
Sing was seen again on Tatooine soon after the Battle of Hoth, once again on the hunt of a Jedi. She had followed her instincts to the planet as she had sensed a new Force wielder there, but was unable to pick out her target at first as his powers hadn't yet surfaced and so she was unsure as to who it was. To find out, she entered Jabba's demolition games on her ancient swoop, using her sniper rifle to take out targets. She eventually discovered that that her target was the young Wade Vox, whom she tried to take out after he won his freedom. She was unable to do so, however, as Vox deflected her sniper shots with his newly-built crimson lightsaber.[6]
New Republic and Galactic Alliance[edit | edit source]
- "Your father was full of surprises as you are."
- ―Aurra Sing to Leia Organa Solo
Template:Expandsect In 40 ABY, using the name Nashtah, Sing was accidentally hired by Lalu Morwan to assassinate Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka and her young daughter Allana. After allying herself with an undercover Han and Leia Organa Solo, whom she shared her tale of watching Anakin Skywalker's race, her attempt to kill Allana was thwarted by Jacen Solo and ironically, her own quarry; while she managed to destroy the Defender Droid DD-11A and deal a few wounds on Solo, she had suffered a dislocated knee and was immobilized by Allana's injector pen. Soon afterward, she was captured by security forces and placed in a holding cell aboard the Star Destroyer Anakin Solo.[7]
Personality and traits[edit | edit source]
- "I never ask for permission to do anything, my darling."
- ―Aurra Sing, to Hondo Ohnaka
Aurra Sing was one of the most powerful and ruthless bounty hunters in the galaxy. She possessed a great hatred of Jedi, believing that they had abandoned her. Because of this she was an angry and pained individual and Aayla Secura took advantage of this by taunting her about being abandoned by the Jedi Order, allowing her to defeat Sing. Sing had no qualms about committing murder and killed Clone Commander Ponds without a second thought. During her youth, she was also noted for being very aggressive, and therefore the Jedi Council placed her under the instruction of An'ya Kuro. However, Sing hated Kuro, possibly because she used brutal and, to some, disturbing training methods, and she quickly believed that the Jedi Master had abandoned her when she was captured by pirates and thus turned to the dark side.
However, despite her ruthlessness, Sing was also somewhat of a mother to Boba Fett during his teenage years, sometimes addressing him as "honey" and stopping him from drinking alcohol in Hondo Ohnaka's bar. She was, however, also very selfish and abandoned Fett to save herself after the boy was captured by Plo Koon. She also tried to get the boy to murder the helpless Commander Ponds and, when he hesitated, she simply shoved him aside and killed Ponds herself.
Boba's bounty hunter father, Jango, felt sympathy for Aurra. Over the years, Jango Fett had encountered many other bounty hunters and, on several occasions, had even been required to kill them. He'd done so without remorse because bounty hunting was, after all, a chosen profession, and everyone knew the risks. No one had, by 23 BBY, ever gained Jango's entire trust, and very few—only Zam Wesell and Cradossk—had ever earned his respect. But ever since his first run-in with Sing, he'd felt something for her that was—for Jango—even more powerful than trust or respect: she had his sympathy, something Fett kept in extremely short supply. While others looked at Aurra and saw nothing more than a trigger-happy psychopath, Jango saw her as a broken spirit, the result of a lifetime of bad breaks. And so he felt sympathy for Aurra because she had not chosen bounty hunting as a profession. Bounty hunting had chosen her.[18]
Aurra Sing had, for a time, a romantic relationship with Hondo Ohnaka, and though they were no longer lovers, Ohnaka still referred to her as "my dear". However, Ohnaka refused to help Sing when she tried to lure Ahsoka Tano and Plo Koon into a trap.
Parentage[edit | edit source]
- "My mother was human. My father was a ghost in the night, and I doubt even my mother knew his species—but it was obviously a long-lived one. If I ever find out who he was, perhaps I'll be able to hunt him down and kill him."
- ―Aurra Sing
Sing's biological heritage was veiled in secrecy. Her mother was Human, but her father was of an unknown long-lived species. Nevertheless, rumors abounded, some even speculating that he may have been Anzati.[11]
She inherited certain physical traits from her father, such as her pale white skin, dark and sunken eye sockets, and fingers roughly twice the length of the standard Human hand. Another trait that seemed to originate from her father was a very strange metabolism which required her to frequently ingest sustenance, which mainly consisted of drinking blood drained from raw meat. She also inherited his longevity, her life having long exceeded that of a regular Human. At the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, she was at least ninety years old though she appeared no older than she had during the Clone Wars, sixty years prior.[7]
Powers and abilities[edit | edit source]
- "Truly, her powers are great. The dark side must be strong in her."
"No--not yet. I met her on Tatooine, remember--I don't know why, or how, but she neither a disciple of the light or the dark side." - ―Eeth Koth and Ki-Adi-Mundi debate on Aurra Sing's Force allegiance.
Aurra Sing was a deadly bounty hunter and Jedi killer who slew several Jedi throughout her career, including the highly skilled Sharad Hett. She was skilled in the use of telekinesis which she used to hurl rocks at Hett before killing him.[15] When ambushed by droidekas, she managed to evade their blaster bolts with Force speed and use Force Jump to get a close swipe at them. Sing was also a highly skilled lightsaber duelist, both with a single lightsaber and dual blades.[9] She was capable of utilizing Battlemind and Force sight.[28]
Sing also proved to be an excellent markswoman and sniper, managing to shoot Sharad Hett in the arm on Tatooine.[15] She was also able to shoot down several Senate Commandos with great accuracy during her mission to rescue Ziro the Hutt and shot a blaster out of Anakin Skywalker's hand after he disarmed her companion, Shahan Alama.[26]
Weapons and equipment[edit | edit source]
- "Freeze, Aurra."
"Evening, sweetie."
"Put down your blaster."
"You first ... What a gent."
"Tell me why you're on Balmorra."
"Not here. I'm thirsty. Drink? —Please?"
"Sure." - ―Bounty hunters Jango Fett and Aurra Sing.
Aurra Sing often took Jedi's lightsabers as trophies and kept them in suitcases. She wielded two dual-triggered blaster pistols, a Czerka Adventurer slugthrower rifle or Fallann hyper-rifle slung on her back, as well as the lightsabers of the Jedi she had slain. She also made use of a customized swoop while hunting Sharad Hett on Tatooine.
Sing had a number of cyborg parts, the most prominent being the antenna sticking out of her head. Her head also contained a Rhen-Orm biocomputer.[29]
Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]
The character of Aurra Sing was first conceived in a sketch labeled "Babe Fett" by Lucasfilm's Doug Chiang. Chiang had made the sketch as a result of George Lucas' request to have more characters fill out the podracing sequence in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. In the final film, the character was played by model Michonne Bourriague.[30] Aurra Sing became so popular with fans that she was explored in other media, including the video games Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds and Star Wars: Demolition (where she was voiced by Tasia Valenza) and the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series, where she was voiced by Jaime King.
Before the cancellation of The Clone Wars, several unfinished episodes featuring Sing were written for the show's season sixth, including one in which Sing was planned to be killed, according to King's husband Kyle Newman.[31] It should be noted that had this concept would have been canonized, it would have contradicted Sing's appearances in the Expanded Universe stories set during the Galactic Civil War and the New Republic and New Jedi Order eras.[11][6][7]
Appearances[edit | edit source]
Sources[edit | edit source]
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
External links[edit | edit source]
- Template:CWAWiki
Ruthless Huntress on (content now obsolete; backup link on
Drawing Aurra Sing on (content now obsolete; backup link on
Report from WonderCon 2009: Lucasfilm Presentation (Part II: Meet Cad Bane), The Official Blog
The 10: Best Bounty Hunters, The Official Blog
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