Arlo Grennen

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Arlo Grennen
Biographical information
Physical description


Chronological and political information

Old Republic era[1]


Jedi Order[1]

"Without fear, and with serenity in my heart, I enter the dark. I will know. I must know."
―Arlo Grennen[src]

Arlo Grennen was a male Jedi Master during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Grennen decided to investigate the influence of the dark side of the Force on the moon of Yavin 4, and studied the Jedi Order's libraries on Tython before traveling there himself. Grennen kept a journal on Yavin 4 in which he detailed his studies about Naga Sadow,[1] Freedon Nadd,[2] and Exar Kun. While on Yavin 4, he encountered the Massassi species. The longer he stayed there, the more Grennen was affected by the dark side;[3] the final entries in his journals saw him rant about how he had wanted to find Exar Kun and become the next Sith in his line. He foresaw the arrival of Revan, and was ultimately driven mad and killed by the spirit of the Sith Emperor.[4]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Notes and references[edit | edit source]

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