74-Y speeder bike
From HoloNet
Jump to navigationJump to searchTemplate:Repulsorlift vehicle The 74-Y speeder bike was a speeder bike manufactured by the Aratech Repulsor Company for civilian purposes. Like its 74-Z military relative, for which it was the design basis, the 74-Y was highly maneuverable. The 74-Y was also used at times by Imperial military personnel.
Appearances[edit | edit source]
Sources[edit | edit source]
- The Star Wars Sourcebook (As "74-Y military speeder bike")
- Star Wars Sourcebook, Second Edition Template:Po
- The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
- The Unknown Regions
- Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook
- Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
This page was moved from wook:en:74-Y speeder bike. It's edit history can be viewed at 74-Y speeder bike/edithistory