6 BBY/Legends
From HoloNet
Jump to navigationJump to searchTemplate:Year The following events took place in 6 BBY.
Events[edit | edit source]
- Pooja Naberrie replaced Jar Jar Binks as Senator of Naboo's sector at age twenty.
- Loka Hask was expelled from the Imperial Academy.
- Han Solo graduated from the Imperial Academy on Carida.
- The Dominant was launched. Template:Circa[1]
- Xizor seized control of Black Sun.
- Lando Calrissian visited Trammis III.[2]
- Hoffner, the captain of a freighter in Jorj Car'das's fleet, escapes a pair of Carrack-class light cruisers by making a blind hyperspace jump and emerges in the vicinity of the lost Katana fleet. The Katana fleet is unnoticed by all except Hoffner and Talon Karrde, a navigator on the vessel, who both store the fleet's location for later use.[3]
- Droid rebellion[4]
- Lieutenant Soontir Fel ended his first tour of duty and began a second as a captain.[5][6]
- End of the Reslian Purge.[5][6]
- The Galactic Empire established a presence on Garos IV. Creation of the Committee of Seven for Garosian Unification. Dair Haslip joined the Raithal Academy as a spy.[7]
- End of the Garosian Civil War.[7]
- Adoption of Alexandra Winger by Tork and Sali Winger.[7]
Battles[edit | edit source]
- Reslian Purge[5][6]
- Raid on Janara III[7]
- Skirmish on Indobok
Births[edit | edit source]
Deaths[edit | edit source]
- Huey on Tatooine[11]
- Torba[12]
- Vojak[12]
- Movo Brattakin on Nar Shaddaa[4]
- Klorr Vilia aboard Zorneth's Herdship[13]
Appearances[edit | edit source]
"Turning Point"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 5
- Template:Tales
- Star Wars: Droids Special
- Star Wars Droids: The Kalarba Adventures
- Star Wars: Droids: Artoo's Day Out
- Star Wars Droids: Rebellion
- Star Wars Droids: Season of Revolt 1
- Star Wars Droids: Season of Revolt 2
- Star Wars Droids: Season of Revolt 3
- Star Wars Droids: Season of Revolt 4
- Star Wars Droids: The Protocol Offensive
- Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu (Indirect mention only)
"The Great Herdship Heist"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 15 (Mentioned only)
- The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi
- X-Wing Rogue Squadron 25: The Making of Baron Fel (In flashback(s))
- Hideouts & Strongholds
- The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook (Mentioned only)
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Secrets of the Sisar Run (Indirect mention only)
"The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel Series"—Star Wars Gamer 1 (Indirect mention only)
- The New Essential Guide to Characters (Indirect mention only)
- The Essential Reader's Companion
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
This page was moved from wook:en:6 BBY/Legends. It's edit history can be viewed at 6 BBY/Legends/edithistory