3Z3 medical droid

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3Z3 medical droid
Production information

Industrial Automaton[1]


3Z3 medical droid[1]


Medical droid[1]

Technical specifications
Chronological and political information

Legacy era


Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire

The 3Z3 medical droid was a medical droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton, that was mainly used by the Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. At the request of the Imperial bureaucrats, Industrial Automaton installed combat scenario programming, allowing it to be used on battlefields.

The Imperial Army used these droids extensively. Though operating extremely well on the battlefield, these droids were known to have problems with behavior when used in the private sector. In 137 ABY, after the Battle of Borosk, a 3Z3 droid, K2-3Z3, saw to the medical treatment of Sergeant Ran Harkas of Joker Squad.


Appearances[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

Notes and references[edit | edit source]


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