2974 BBY
From HoloNet
Jump to navigationJump to searchTemplate:Year These events occurred in 2974 BBY.
Events[edit | edit source]
- Attempted assassination attempt on Grand Lord Varner Hilts.[1]
- The Lost Tribe discovers Eshkrene, the planet Kesh's southern polar landmass.[1]
- Baron Remulus Dreypa is released from his oubliette by Parlan Spinner.[2]
- Dreypa and Spinner lead a revolt against the Lost Tribe of the Sith.[3]
- Dreypa releases his Leviathans from Sessal Spire.[3]
- Siege of Tahv and the destruction of the Leviathans and Dreypa.[4]
- Parlan Spinner becomes a member of the Lost Tribe of the Sith.[4]
Battles[edit | edit source]
Deaths[edit | edit source]
- On Kesh
- Chegg[1]
- Remulus Dreypa[4]
- All members of The Doomed on Kesh[5]
- All Leviathans on Kesh[4]
Appearances[edit | edit source]
- Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Spiral (First appearance)
Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]
John Jackson Miller indicates that the events of Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Spiral occurred approximately one year after the events of Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium.[6]
External links[edit | edit source]
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
This page was moved from wook:en:2974 BBY. It's edit history can be viewed at 2974 BBY/edithistory