23 BBY/Legends
From HoloNet
Jump to navigationJump to searchTemplate:Year The following events took place in 23 BBY.
Events[edit | edit source]
- Many Gotals fled to Atzerri.
- 12:9—Domitree, the capital of Ord Thoden, was devastated by an earthquake.[1]
- 12:9—A Xizor Transport Systems freighter piloted by captain Lasro Javeq exploded in the Baobab Merchant Fleet Complex on the planet Manda.[2]
- 13:0—A three-month investigation into the improprieties of Halcor Raystel, the Dean of the University of Alderaan, began.[3]
- 13:1—A diplomatic envoy consisting of Jedi Masters Ludwin Katarkus and Everen Ettene, along with their Padawans Danyawarra and Halagad Ventor, leaves Coruscant to broker peace talks in the Virgillian Civil War.[4]
- 13:1:7—The Trade Federation quit shipping food to Kabal due to increased Republic taxation on the Sharlissian Trade Corridor.[5]
- 13:1:14—Gunray On Top and Holding Back the Tide, the separate biographies of Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray and former Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum were both published.[6]
- 13:2:25—Slicers attacked the networks of the HoloNet News.[7]
- 13:2—The Duros Chief Representative Officer Hoolidan Keggle criticized TriPlanetary Press, the publishers of the Encyclopedia Galactica, during his State of the Union address.[8]
- 13:2—Podracing was banned on Caprioril.[9]
- 13:2—The arrest of Denlace Sachoore led to a discovery of a corporate thievery outbreak in the Fakir sector.[10]
- 13:2—An assault on a Wookiee passenger shuttle over one of the moons of Trandosha resulted in 215 Wookiee casualties. Senator Yarua of Kashyyyk used his position to blockade trade to Trandosha until the bodies of the passengers could be returned to Kashyyyk for proper burial.[11]
- 13:2—The People's Inquest set up a temporary camp outside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.[12]
- 13:2—The Sepan Civil War came to a month-long standstill.[13]
- 13:2—An unregistered bounty posting, offering Template:Cr1 million for the delivery of the remains of Count Dooku, is discovered on a public Nar Shaddaa datanet.[14]
- 13:2:25—Razelfiin is selected by lottery as the leader of Tynna.[15]
- 13:2:27—During a gala fundraiser in the Jrade District of Coruscant, Naboo Representative Jar Jar Binks destroys an elaborate ice statue.[16] During a live interview on the Eriadu talk show Essence, Stark Veteran Assembly spokesman Laslo Dorits criticizes Padmé Amidala.[17]
- 13:2:28—Ando and Sy Myrth formally secede from the Galactic Republic, with their respective Senators Po Nudo and Toonbuck Toora issuing their resignations via droid proxy during a morning session of the Galactic Senate. Within hours, anti-Republic protestors celebrate the separation in Quantill City, Ando,[18] and over 500 Aqualish arrange for passage off of Coruscant.[19]
- By this time, the Commerce Guild has established an office on Korriban.[20]
- Ferus Olin resigns from the Jedi Order.[20] He eventually ends up living on the world of Bellassa where he starts a good friendship with Roan Lands.
Battles[edit | edit source]
- Mission to Kuat[21]
Births[edit | edit source]
- Kyle Katarn[23]
- Londrah on Af'El[24]
- Judder Page on Corulag[25]
- Zan Pike[26]
- Zu Pike[26]
- Rodin Baem on Hoylin[27]
- Ten Dorne on Sluis Van[28]
- Lar Maendin on Vastrip IV[29]
Deaths[edit | edit source]
- 12:9—On Manda[2]
- Lasro Javeq[2]
- Jheramahd Greyshade[30]
- Keluda[30]
- Venco Autem[30]
- 13:2—On Virgillia 7[31]
Appearances[edit | edit source]
- Jedi Quest: The Final Showdown
- Star Wars Adventures 1: Hunt the Sun Runner
- Star Wars Adventures 2: The Cavern of Screaming Skulls
- Star Wars Adventures 3: The Hostage Princess
- Star Wars Adventures 4: Jango Fett vs. the Razor Eaters
- Star Wars Adventures 5: The Shape-Shifter Strikes
- Star Wars Adventures 6: The Warlords of Balmorra
- Template:Tales
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 45
Jedi Refuse to Hand Over Baby Ludi—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #46 (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org) (Indirect mention only)
Riots Rock Kabal—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #46 (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org) (Indirect mention only)
XTS Cleared in Freighter Explosion—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #47 (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org) (Indirect mention only)
Dean of Aldera Suspended—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #47 (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org) (Indirect mention only)
Valorum & Gunray Bracket Ends of Book Sales—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #47 (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org) (Indirect mention only)
Palpatine to Separatists: Let's Talk—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #48 (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org) (Indirect mention only)
Corporate Alliance Attacks Slicer Compound—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #48 (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org) (Indirect mention only)
Kashyyyk/Trandoshan Talks to Shaky Start—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #48 (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org) (Indirect mention only)
People's Inquest Demand Jedi Budget Reports—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #48 (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org) (Indirect mention only)
Sepan Civil War Escalates—HoloNet News Vol. 531 #49 (content now obsolete; backup link on Archive.org) (Indirect mention only)
- Shadows of the Empire novel (Indirect mention only)
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Heir to the Empire Sourcebook (Indirect mention only)
- Wanted by Cracken (Indirect mention only)
- The New Essential Guide to Characters (Indirect mention only)
- The New Essential Chronology
- Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
- The Essential Reader's Companion
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
This page was moved from wook:en:23 BBY/Legends. It's edit history can be viewed at 23 BBY/Legends/edithistory