22 BBY/Legends
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Jump to navigationJump to search- "The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun, the clone war has."
- ―Yoda
The following events took place in 22 BBY.
This year was known as Year 13 after the Great ReSynchronization and Year 978 after the Ruusan Reformation.
Events[edit | edit source]
- 13:3:3—The Elegant Wake, a passenger liner operated by Romodi Interstellar and carrying Sy Myrthian refugees, departs from Coruscant.[1]
- 13:3:6—On the general channels of the HoloNet, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine announces 5:16 as the date for a full Senate vote on the Military Creation Act.[2] Beolars Bribbs becomes the President of the Sullustan Council and the CEO of SoroSuub Corporation.[3]
- 13:3:7—A three-hour long brawl between Houk and Weequay immigrants at the Eastport processing station on Coruscant leaves 15 dead and 45 wounded.[4]
- 13:3:13—In protest of the Military Creation Act, Senator Garm Bel Iblis announces that Corellia will close its borders and withdraw from the upcoming vote.[5] A groundquake centered in mountains 45 kilometers west of Calius Saj Leeloo strikes the most populous city on Berchest.[6]
- 13:3:14—Corellia closes its borders.[7] King Ebareebaveebeedee, ruler of the Squib Polyanarchy, declares his loyalty to the Galactic Senate and affirms the Squibs' allegiance to the Galactic Republic in a planetwide statement to the populace of Skor II.[8]
- 13:3:18—The Refugee Resettlement Coalition is set up under the direction of the Refugee Relief Movement to discuss possible options in relocating citizens displaced as a result of the Separatist Crisis.[9]
- 13:3:20—Senator Horox Ryyder retires from politics in an informal gathering of friends and colleagues at his family compound on Gravlex Med.[10]
- 13:3:21—Peace negotiations between Kashyyyk and Trandosha begin as Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis, leading a group of Caamasi and Alderaanian peace officers, arrives at the Trandoshan city of Hsskhor to meet with Kashyyyk Senator Yarua and Trandoshan Speaker-Above-All Hadocrassk.[11]
- 13:3:28—In anticipation of future negotiations with Separatists, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine reveals the members of the newly-formed Loyalist Committee: Senators Bail Organa of Alderaan, Orn Free Taa of Ryloth, Aks Moe of Malastare, Darsana of Glee Anselm, Ister Paddie of Sermeria, Padmé Amidala of Naboo, Ronet Coorr of Iseno, Lexi Dio of Uyter, and Havriso Looruya of Yir Tangee, along with acting Senator Zo Howler of Gravlex Med.[12]
- 13:4:4—Senator Aks Moe is assassinated on Aargau.[13] Peace negotiations between Kashyyyk and Trandosha disintegrate when Wookiee delegates learn that a Trandoshan effort to obtain representation in the Galactic Senate received aid from the Trade Federation.[14] The Lahara sector secedes from the Galactic Republic.[15]
- 13:4:10—Twenty students from a University of Coruscant sociology tour group attempt to infiltrate the Jedi Temple and reach the Second Atrium Lobby before Jedi contain them.[16]
- 13:4:11—Dug activists demanding an end to Gran rule of the Dug homeworld of Malastare disrupt the funeral of Senator Aks Moe.[17] Republic Sienar Systems announce their endorsement and adoption of the Sienar Advanced Systems twin ion engine.[18]
- 13:4:18—During a session of the Galactic Senate, Senator Esu Rotsino of Abrion Major issues Articles of Secession as the Abrion sector secedes from the Galactic Republic, prompting the Senate to debate the approval of emergency subsidy packages for food-producing sectors that remain in the Republic.[19]
- 13:4:24—The Galactic Senate and the Judicial Department approve legislation that increases restrictions on the distribution and usage of cloaking devices and related technologies, imposing strict export tariffs on cloaking components such as stygium crystals mined in the Dreighton Nebula, in an effort to prevent unfavorable owners from obtaining such devices and to help preserve the dwindling stockpiles of non-renewable cloaking resources found on Aeten II.[20]
- 13:4:25—While on a routine patrol mission, Captain Zozridor Slayke and the 150-being crew of the Scarlet Thranta, a mid-sized corvette[21] belonging to the Judicial Department,[22] defect from the Galactic Republic[21] to engage Separatist elements in the Sluis sector.[22] During a session of the Galactic Senate, Ask Aak is officially recognized as Senator of Malastare.[13] While returning from the Ansion Embassy, Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu thwart an attempt by Givin maintenance worker Gavrilonnis Tejere to sabotage the Yag'Dhul Ambassadorial Landing Platform.[23]
- 13:5:1—During the tabling of a bond issue, Senator Onaconda Farr of Rodia accuses Loyalist Committee member Havriso Looriya of funding secessionist activity and refuses to relinquish the Senate floor until the Senate Bureau of Intelligence gives attention to his claims.[24]
- 13:5:2—Yag'Dhul and its domains formally secede from the Galactic Republic, with Senator Daggibus Scoritoles transmitting Articles of Secession to the Galactic Senate via HoloNet.[25] The Senate Bureau of Intelligence issues an announcement upholding Onaconda Farr's allegations against Havriso Looriya.[24] The Mid Rim world of Ansion votes to remain in the Galactic Republic in spite of attempts by pro-secessionist mercenaries to disrupt the process.[26]
- 13:5:9—Speaker of the Senate Mas Amedda announces the appointment of Senator Onaconda Farr to the Loyalist Committee.[27]
- 13:5:15—Separatist extremists open fire on the Space Rescue Corp rescue cutter Iron Tether in the Lahara sector.[28]
- 13:5:16—Dannl Faytonni, Achk Med-Beq, and Llollulion escape from the Moderate Security Ward of the Coco Penitentiary on Coruscant by boarding a supply truck servicing the penitentiary's laundry wing.[29]
- Ister Paddie assumed Lanus Wrede's former seat as senator of Sermeria.
- Zorba Desilijic Tiure was imprisoned on Kip.
- Sluis Van, Tynna, and Tantra seceded from the Galactic Republic.
- Senators Bufus Ritsomas, Tikkes, Danry Ledwellow and Wuja Wojaine were arrested on charges of using their positions to lead a slavery ring.
- 13:5:16—Zam Wesell and Jango Fett attempted to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala on Coruscant.
- Anakin Skywalker, under orders of the Jedi High Council protected Amidala on the Naboo Lake Country, in order to prevent her from being targeted for assassination once more.
- Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi was sent by the Jedi High Council to track Fett's whereabouts, which lead him to the Wild Space world of Kamino.
- The Jedi Order found that Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas had placed an order for a clone army with the Kaminoans.
- Kenobi informed the Jedi Council that the Confederacy of Independent Systems was prepared to go to war against the Galactic Republic.
- Massacre of a Tusken Raider tribe on Tatooine by Skywalker after torturing his mother to death.
- Yoda made contact with the disembodied Force ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn.
- The Separatist Droid Army was completed.
- 13:5:21[30]—The Galactic Senate, led by acting Senator Jar Jar Binks, granted Supreme Chancellor Palpatine significantly more emergency powers than they did 2 years earlier.
- 13:5:21[30]—The First Battle of Geonosis began the Clone Wars that also brought an end to the Separatist Crisis.
- In the War Room of Geonosis, Poggle the Lesser gave the plan design for the Ultimate Weapon to Count Dooku.
- Kenobi and his Padawan Skywalker, and later Grand Master Yoda dueled with the Sith Lord Dooku in Dooku's hangar on Geonosis. During the duel, Dooku caused a diversion that threatened the lives of Skywalker and Kenobi, and Yoda was forced to save them, an act that Dooku took advantage of and escaped the system
- 501st Legion is formed by Chancellor Palpatine by handpicking clones showing very high skill in battle.
- Dooku delivered the plan design for the Ultimate Weapon to his master at The Works on Coruscant.
- Skywalker and Amidala secretly wedded on Naboo.
- Jedi Knight Rahm Kota created his own militia at a stronghold, since he did not trust the Grand Army of the Republic.
- The Occupation of Karthakk came to an end after ten years.
- HoloNet News ended as its channel was seized for use by the Grand Army of the Republic.
- The hunt for the Decimator
- Kit Fisto joined the Jedi Council, replacing Coleman Trebor.
- The Dark Reaper project by the Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Asajj Ventress was recruited by Dooku on Rattatak.
- Skywalker and Ventress dueled on Yavin 4, while at the same time Kenobi fought Durge on Muunilinst.
- The Jedi and the Republic learned of the existence of General Grievous.
- C-3PO was permanently covered in gold plating.
- Kenobi became a Jedi Master.
- Mace Windu's mission to Ruul
- The Pirates of Iridium were defeated by the Jedi.
- An Refugee Relief Movement fundraiser was held on Alsakan.
- An arqet escaped its Circus Horrificus handlers on Nar Shaddaa, ending the Circus's illegal shows.
- Depa Billaba fell to the dark side of the Force.
- The Occupation of Kynachi by the Trade Federation came to an end after ten years.
- The planet Dagu was liberated from the CIS by Shaak Ti.
- Jobal Rapier and Yari Cranna-Rapier separate.[31]
- Anakin Skywalker became a Jedi Knight.
- Ahsoka Tano became Skywalker's Padawan.
- Rotta the Hutt was kidnapped by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but was rescued by the Galactic Republic, and so began their affiliation with Jabba Desilijic Tiure's criminal empire during the war against the CIS.
- Itipiniwi won Best in Show at the Annual Mid-Rim Domesticated Sub-Sentient Show.[32]
- Church of Infinite Perception revolution on Pergitor.[33]
Battles[edit | edit source]
- Separatist Crisis[34]
- 13:3—Raid on Yirt-4138-Grek-12
- 13:3—Skirmish over Vuchelle
- 13:4—Mission to Ansion[35]
- 13:4—Gotal hostage standoff
- 13:4—Mission to Kabal
- 13:5:16—Plot to assassinate Senator Amidala[36][34]
- 13:5—Duel on Kamino[34]
- 13:5—Dogfight over Geonosis[34]
- 13:5—Mission to Tatooine[34]
- 13:5—Second Battle of Lok
- Clone Wars[34]
- 13:5:21[30]—First Battle of Geonosis[34]
- 13:5—Battle of Atraken begins[37]
- 13:5—Mission to Bakura
- 13:5—Mission to Bogg 11[38][39]
- 13:5—Firefight on Bogden's moons[38][39]
- 13:5—Firefight on Coruscant[38][39]
- 13:5:29Template:Fact—Mission to Corellia[40][37][39]
- 13:6—Hunt for the Decimator[41][37]
- 13:6—Battle of Kaer Orbital Platform[41]
- 13:6—First Battle of Tatooine[41]
- 13:6—Battle of Eredenn[41]
- 13:6—First Battle of Alaris Prime[41]
- 13:6—Battle of Asteroid 426[41]
- 13:6—First Battle of Sarapin[41]
- 13:6—Second Battle of Sarapin[41]
- 13:6—Second Battle of Tatooine[41]
- 13:6—Battle of Aereen[41]
- 13:6—Battle of Krant[41]
- 13:6—Dark Reaper Crisis[42][37]
- 13:6—Evacuation of Rhen Var[42]
- 13:6—Conquest of Raxus Prime[42]
- 13:6—Second Battle of Alaris Prime[42]
- 13:6—Mirgoshir campaign begins[42]
- 13:6—Battle of Bespin[42]
- 13:6—Second Battle of Rhen Var[42]
- 13:6—Battle of Sivvi[42]
- 13:6—Battle of Thule[42]
- 13:6—First Battle of Excarga[43][39]
- 13:6—Second Battle of Excarga[43][39]
- 13:6—Escape from Bespin[43][39]
- 13:6—Mission to Aargau[44][39]
- 13:6—Mission to The Wheel
- 13:7—Mission to Tatooine[45][39]
- 13:7—Mission to Rattatak
- 13:7—First Battle of Kamino
- 13:7—Battle of Ohma-D'un
- 13:8—Battle of Teyr
- 13:8—Battle of Lianna
- 13:8—Mission to Ruul
- 13:8—Battle of Pengalan IV[46][37][39]
- 13:8—Mission to Tarhassan[47][39]
- 13:8—Mission to Qiilura[48][39]
- 13:9—Galactic City spaceport hostage siege[49][39]
- 13:9—Battle of the Llon Nebulae[50][39]
- 13:9—Battle of Axion[51][37][39]
- 13:9—Mission to Queyta
- 13:9—Battle of Cyphar
- 13:9—Battle of unidentified planet (Yoda's charge)
- 13:9—Battle of unidentified planet (Unduli and Offee)
- 13:9—Battle of unidentified rainy planet
- 13:9—Battle of Dantooine
- 13:9—Battle of unidentified planet (Kenobi and Skywalker)
- 13:9—Battle of Mon Calamari
- 13:9—Battle of Muunilinst
- 13:9—Duel on Yavin 4
- 13:9—Battle of Argul
- 13:9—Ambush on Ilum
- 13:9—Battle of Hypori
- 13:10—Battle of Brentaal IV
- 13:10—Battle of Esseles
- 13:10—Mission to Nivek
- 13:10—Battle of Iktotch
- 13:10—Battle of Terra Sool
- 13:10—Battle of Nadiem
- 13:10—Mission to Omphalos
- 13:11—Mission to Trenchant space station
- 13:11—Mission to Ord Mantell
- 13:11—Battle of a planet
- 13:11—Battle of Aridka
- 13:11—Six Skirmishes on Corellian Trade Route
- 13:11—Mission to Nar Shaddaa
- 13:11—Mission to Devaron
- 13:11—Battle of a planet
- 13:11—Battle of Haruun Kal[52][37][39]
- 13:11—Brawl at Lorshan Pass[52]
- 13:11—Battle of Lorshan Pass[52]
- 13:11—Battle of Pelek Baw[52]
- 13:11—Duel at Pelek Baw[52]
- 13:11—Battle of Amaltanna
- 14:1—Battle of Drongar
- 14:1—Tibrin revolution
- 14:1—Duel on Kiffu
- 14:1—Battle of Antar 4
- 14:2—Battle of Bassadro
- 14:2—Battle of Ando
- 14:2—Battle of Ord Canfre
- 14:2—Battle of Balamak
- 14:2—Battle of Dagu
- 14:3—Mission to Tatooine
- 14:3—Coruscant Insurrection
- 14:3—Mission to Metalorn
- 14:3—Mission to Fest
- Mission to Dagro
- Battle of Christophsis[53][39]
- Battle of Teth[53][39]
- Mission to Jabba's Palace[53][39]
- Raid on Ziro the Hutt's Coruscant club[53][39]
- Battle of Akoshissss
- Battle of Ryloth
- Mission to Rugosa
- Battle of the Phu system
- Battle of Abregado
- Battle of the Ryndellia system
- Battle of Khorm
- Mission to the Banking Clan Shipyards
- Mission to the Mon Gazza system
- Battle of the Kaliida Nebula
- Battle near the Kaliida Nebula
- Battle of Mimban
- Battle of the Rishi moon
- Battle of Bothawui
- Ambush on the Vulture's Claw
- Mission to Kynachi[54][39]
- Mission to Vaced[55][39]
- Battle of Anoth[56][39]
- Battle of Bakura[56][39]
- Mission to Barab I[56][39]
- Battle of Falleen[56][39]
- Mission to Zigoola[56][39]
- Battle of Agomar[56][39]
- Battle of Korriban[56][39]
- Battle of Lanos[56][39]
- Coruscant Administrative Sector terrorist attack[56][39]
- Battle of Carida[56][39]
- Battle of Garos IV[56][39]
- Battle of Ord Mantell[56][39]
- Battle of Selonia[56][39]
- Battle of Yarille[57][39]
- Battle of JanFathal[57][39]
- Mission to suspected Confederate space
- Mission to Skytop Station
- Mission to Rodia
- Battle of unidentified planet
- Rescue on the Tranquility
- Mission to Geonosis
- Mission to Vassek's third moon
- Skirmish at Vanqor
- Mission to Florrum
- Sky Battle of Quell
- Battle of Maridun
- Skirmish on Orto Plutonia
- Battle of Orto Plutonia
- Battle of Juma 9
- Mission to Alzoc III
- Battle of Behpour
- First Battle of Felucia
- Mission to the Jedi Temple
- Battle of Devaron
- Mission to Glee Anselm
- Second Mission to Rodia
- Mission to Naboo
- Mission to Mustafar
- Mission to Black Stall Station
- Destruction of the Felucia medical station
- Skirmish on Felucia
- Battle of Malastare
- Zillo Beast incident
- Battle of the Rial Kroon system
- Blockade of Valahari
- Battle of Valahari
- Second Battle of Valahari
- Battle of unidentified planet
- Duel on Valahari
- Battle of the Hexus system
- Battle of the Veil Nebula
- Mission to Cato Neimoidia
- Battle of Dorin
- Second Battle of Geonosis
- Skirmish aboard TB-73
- Battle near the Arda system
- Battle of Saleucami
- Sabotage of the Endurance
- Mission to Vanqor
- Second Mission to Florrum
- Battle over Kothlis
- Mission to Taloraan
- Blockade of Pantora
- Battle of Kamino
- Attack on a Republic cruiser
- Bombing of the Memorial Shrine
- Skirmish on Concordia
- Skirmish aboard the Coronet
- Bombing on Kalevala
- Plot to assassinate Satine Kryze
- Skirmish on Mandalore
- Mandalorian black market conspiracy
- Skirmish in the Cavamina Minor cantina
- Battle of Cavamina Minor
- Senate hostage crisis
- Battle of Florrum
- Skirmish on Rodia
- Mission to the Thicket
- Showdown on Teth
Births[edit | edit source]
- Geraldine Fleitcher
- Connor Freeman
- Dælar vuv Tertarrnek
- Nond Kendo[58]
- Doro[59]
- Haanen Felean on Klatooine[60]
Deaths[edit | edit source]
13:3[edit | edit source]
- In the Skirmish over Vuchelle
13:4[edit | edit source]
- Aks Moe on Aargau[64]
- Nemrileo irm-Drocubac on Coruscant[65]
13:5[edit | edit source]
- Ogomoor on Ansion[35]
- Tam Uliss on Coruscant[35]
- Dux Pike on Bunduki[67]
- Bodis-Ker Vitan on Cadinth[67]
- Godiban Bakoosta on Cona[67]
- On Coruscant
- Shmi Skywalker Lars on Tatooine[34]
- Zelebitha Effhod[69]
- In the First Battle of Geonosis
- Ur-Sema Du[70]
- Sun Fac[71]
- Jango Fett[34]
- Fi-Ek Sirch[72]
- Tarados Gon[73]
- Sarrissa Jeng[74]
- Chankar Kim[75]
- Sar Labooda[72]
- Ichi-Tan Micoda[72]
- Nat-Sem[76]
- Khaat Qiyn[72]
- Stam Reath[41][72]
- RC-1133
- RC-1134
- RC-1135
- Que-Mars Redath-Gom[77]
- Galdos Stouff[78]
- Cavik Toth[79]
- Lura Tranor[80]
- Coleman Trebor[34]
- Alastar Treen
- Tu'ala[81]
- Tan Yuster[82]
- Lumas Etima[72]
- Nicanas Tassu[72]
- Sephjet Josall[72]
- Sta-Den Eekin[72]
- Joclad Danva[83]
- A Twi'lek Jedi[84]
- A Human Jedi
- A Human Jedi
- Bella in the Second Battle of Lok[79]
- Frayne on Geonosis[80]
13:6 (1 month ABG)[edit | edit source]
- Jor Drakas on Sarapin[41]
- Boorka on Tatooine[41]
- Plure Barron on Aereen[41]
- Sev'rance Tann on Krant[41]
- Cydon Prax in the Battle of Thule[42]
13:7 (2 months ABG)[edit | edit source]
- On Tatooine
- In the Mission to Rattatak
13:8 (3 months ABG)[edit | edit source]
- Cei Vookto in the Battle of Lianna[92]
13:9 (4 months ABG)[edit | edit source]
- In the Battle of Muunilinst
- A Quarren commander in the Battle of Mon Calamari[97]
- In the Battle of Hypori
13:10 (5 months ABG)[edit | edit source]
- In the Battle of Brentaal IV
- In the Battle of Nadiem
13:11 (6 months ABG)[edit | edit source]
- In the Mission to Ord Mantell
- In the Summertime War
Unknown date[edit | edit source]
- Cliegg Lars on Tatooine[105]
- Trever Flume's mother in the Battle of T'olan[106]
- Sora Mobari on New Holstice[107][108]
- Bhat Jul in the Battle of Aargonar[109][108]
- In the Battle of Praesitlyn
- B'wuf[110][108]
- CT-19/39[110][108]
- D'Nore[110][108]
- Dejock[110][108]
- Dondo Foth[110][108]
- Frak[110][108]
- Grudo[110][108]
- Khamar[110][108]
- Kreen[110][108]
- Lench[110][108]
- Llanmore[110][108]
- Luhar[110][108]
- Makx Maganinny[110][108]
- Gris Manks[110][108]
- Reija Momen[110][108]
- Jamur Nath[110][108]
- Quegh[110][108]
- Slith Skael[110][108]
- Pleth Strom[110][108]
- Tami[110][108]
- Vitwroth[110][108]
- Waterboy[110][108]
Appearances[edit | edit source]
- The Approaching Storm
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 47
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 48
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 49
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 50
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 51
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 52
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 53
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 54
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 55
- HoloNet News Vol. 531 56
- Full of Surprises
- Practice Makes Perfect
- Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter
- Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
- Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones novelization
- Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones game
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns
Precipice on Hyperspace (article) (content removed from StarWars.com; new link on Suvudu; backup link)
- Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive
"Death in the Catacombs"—Star Wars Insider 79
"Elusion Illusion"—Star Wars Insider 66
- Boba Fett: Crossfire
- Boba Fett: Maze of Deception
- Storm Fleet Warnings
- Legacy of the Jedi
- The Cestus Deception
- The Hive
- Changing Seasons
- Secrets of the Jedi
- Jedi Trial
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 1"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 2"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 3"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 4"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 5"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 6"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 7"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 8"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 9"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 10"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 11"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 12"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 13"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 14"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 15"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 16"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 17"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 18"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 19"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 20"
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 21"
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars film
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars novel
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars junior novelization
- The Clone Wars: Grievous Attacks!
- The Clone Wars: Bounty Hunter: Boba Fett
- The Clone Wars: Defenders of the Republic
- The Clone Wars: Warriors of the Deep
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Template:TCW
- Out Foxed
- The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 1: Breakout Squad
- The Clone Wars: Wild Space
- Boba Fett: Hunted
"The Clone Wars: The Pengalan Tradeoff"—Star Wars Insider 65
"League of Spies"—Star Wars Insider 73
- Republic Commando: Hard Contact
- Omega Squad: Targets
- Duel
- Shatterpoint
- Equipment
- The Clone Wars: No Prisoners
- Republic Commando: Triple Zero
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars game
- Star Wars: Republic: The Battle of Jabiim
- Star Wars: Republic: Dreadnaughts of Rendili
- Template:Tales
- Template:Tales
- Machines of War
- Most Precious Weapon
"Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:2:12"—Star Wars Insider 65
"CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:2:14 Edition"—Star Wars Insider 65
- Template:Tales (In flashback(s))
- Template:Tales Template:Nc
Sources[edit | edit source]
- The Essential Guide to Alien Species
- The New Essential Guide to Characters
- Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide
- The New Essential Chronology
- The New Essential Guide to Droids
- Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- The Essential Atlas
Sora Bulq in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link not verified!)
- Star Wars: Beware the Sith
- Kinect Star Wars
- The Essential Guide to Warfare
- The Essential Reader's Companion
- Star Wars: Force Collection (Card: Porro Dolphe) (Indirect mention only)
Slugthrowers: An Overview of Popular Music and Musicians in a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Part 1 on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
This page was moved from wook:en:22 BBY/Legends. It's edit history can be viewed at 22 BBY/Legends/edithistory