182nd Legion
- "My n-name is Marrt. Sergeant Marrt of the 182nd Legion."
- ―Marrt
The 182nd Legion was a clone trooper unit in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In 22 BBY, a squad of the Legion was deployed on a reconnaissance mission that resulted in the deaths of three troopers—Chatter, Knuckles and Recon; only their commanding officer, Sergeant Marrt, survived and completed the mission. During the final year of the war, the 182nd Legion was deployed to the Separatist world of Felucia in 19 BBY and attempted to retake the planet for the Republic. They soon lost communication with their superiors, however, and the task fell to a contingent of the 501st Legion. The 501st was later rotated out of Felucia, but not before they discovered that the 182nd had been destroyed.
History[edit | edit source]
The 182nd Legion was a clone trooper unit in the Galactic Republic's Grand Army during the Clone Wars,[1] a galactic-level conflict which began as a major secessionist movement that resulted in the formation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.[2] In 22 BBY, rumors began to spread about a Republic-affiliated factory operated by Czerka Corporation was secretly supplying weapons to the Confederacy. In response, Clone Sergeant Marrt and a squad of troopers—Chatter, Knuckles and Recon—from the 182nd were dispatched to Belgaroth with orders to investigate the allegations of Czerka duplicity.[1]
The squad confirmed Czerka's treachery when Sergeant Marrt witnessed Tarin, the head of the factory, in the process of facilitating a shipping arrangement of FEX-M3 nerve gas grenades with Reep Tonith of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, one of several powerful companies aligned with the Confederacy. The grenades had been declared illegal by the Galactic Senate a year earlier, but this did not prevent Tarin from agreeing to sell them to Count Dooku,[1] the leader of the Separatist rebellion.[2] The clones were forced to retreat upon being discovered by a B1 battle droid, although Marrt managed to retrieve one of the grenades as evidence for exposing Czerka's illegal activities. After falling back to a swamp, the four troopers were attacked by a hostile creature known as a droidbreaker and resulted in the deaths of Recon, Chatter and Knuckles; only Marrt survived and killed the beast with his stolen FEX-M3 grenade.[1]
With the loss of his squadmates and the evidence, Marrt resolved to complete the Mission to Belgaroth on his own. He returned to the factory, fought against the Banking Clan's battle droids for several hours and ultimately burned the facility to the ground shortly after obtaining Czerka's data records as proof of the company's dealings with the enemies of the Republic. Though heavily wounded, he escaped from Belgaroth and was transported to a Republic medical facility on Sacorria where he was able to personally deliver the evidence to High Jedi General Kit Fisto and Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano.[1]
In 19 BBY, the last year of the Clone Wars, the 182nd Legion was deployed to the Separatist-held world of Felucia, one of several key targets in the Republic's campaign to reconquer the Outer Rim Territories. The Legion successfully landed on the planet, but were soon cut off from communications with the Republic. Isolated and unheard from for a month, reinforcements from the 501st Legion were sent to fulfill the 182nd's objectives. Yet the 501st also endured many hardships in navigating through a hazardous terrain filled with hostile Acklays, flesh-eating bacteria and many other obstacles that made Felucia extremely difficult to subjugate. Under the leadership of Jedi General Aayla Secura, the 501st ultimately survived their ordeal on Felucia but discovered that the 182nd had been wiped out.[3]
Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]
The 182nd Legion was first mentioned in the Star Wars: Battlefront II, a video game released in 2005 and the sequel to Star Wars: Battlefront. Sergeant Marrt and his squad first appeared in A Trooper's Tale, a short comic strip published in 2010 as part of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.8.
Appearances[edit | edit source]
- Template:TCWUKCite (First appearance)
- Star Wars: Battlefront II (First mentioned)
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
This page was moved from wook:en:182nd Legion. It's edit history can be viewed at 182nd Legion/edithistory