137 ABY
From HoloNet
Jump to navigationJump to searchTemplate:Year The following events took place in 137 ABY.
Events[edit | edit source]
- Darth Krayt sent his Sith minions to capture Marasiah Fel and to bring Cade Skywalker to him.[1]
- The Jedi Academy on Ossus was destroyed under orders from Darth Stryfe in an attempt to kill the Jedi taking refuge inside.
- The remnants of the Galactic Alliance and forces loyal to Emperor Roan Fel began talks to form a united front against the Sith-controlled Galactic Empire.[2]
- Darth Krayt ordered the Mon Calamari to be exterminated for assisting Admiral Gar Stazi. Twenty-seven percent of Dac's population was evacuated by anti-Sith forces.
- Darth Krayt was murdered by Darth Wyyrlok after being severely wounded by Azlyn Rae and Celeste Morne/Karness Muur.
- The Muur Talisman was destroyed.
- The Rakghouls became extinct.
- Darth Wyyrlok was crowned the new Dark Lord of the Sith and Galactic Emperor. Morlish Veed became Imperial Regent.
- Darth Krayt was resurrected on Korriban.
Battles[edit | edit source]
- Fall of Bastion[1]
- Duel on Socorro[1]
- Ambush on Daluuj[1]
- Battle of Borosk[3]
- Skirmish on Vendaxa[1]
- Skirmish on The Wheel
- Assassination on Munto Codru[4]
- Duel on Bastion[4]
- Duel in the Temple of the Sith
- Destruction of Ossus Jedi Academy
- Skirmish at the Temple of the Sith
- Battle of Mon Calamari
- Skirmish on Iego
- Mission to Prakith
- Massacre of New Coral City
- Skirmish at the Hidden Jedi Temple
- Skirmish on Dac
- Massacre on Soheras Trench
- Mission to Had Abbadon[5]
- Battle of Devil's Crevasse
- Battle on Had Abbadon[6][7]
- Battle of Ralltiir
- Mission to Tatooine
- Mission to Napdu
- Attack on the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet
- Incident on Dac
- Operation: Thunderstroke
- Dogfight above Dac
- Evacuation of Dac
- Wayland trap
Deaths[edit | edit source]
- On Had Abbadon
- Celeste Morne[9]
- Karness Muur (spirit destroyed)[9]
- Darth Krayt[9]
- On Ossus
- Aboard Relentless
- Aboard Indomitable over Mon Calamari
- In the Teraab sector
Appearances[edit | edit source]
- Legacy 8: Allies
- Star Wars: Legacy: Broken
- Legacy 4: Noob
- Star Wars: Legacy: Trust Issues
- Star Wars: Legacy: Ghosts
- Star Wars: Legacy: Claws of the Dragon
- Star Wars: Legacy: Indomitable
- Legacy 27: Into the Core
- Legacy 22: The Wrath of the Dragon
- Star Wars: Legacy: Loyalties
- Star Wars: Legacy: The Hidden Temple
- Star Wars: Legacy: Vector
- Star Wars: Legacy: Fight Another Day
- Star Wars: Legacy: Storms
- Legacy 36: Renegade
- Star Wars: Legacy: Tatooine
- Legacy 41: Rogue's End
- Legacy 42: Divided Loyalties
- Star Wars: Legacy: Monster
- Legacy 47: The Fate of Dac
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Legacy Era Campaign Guide
- The Essential Atlas
- The Essential Guide to Warfare
- Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
This page was moved from wook:en:137 ABY. It's edit history can be viewed at 137 ABY/edithistory