Addalar Hyland

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Addalar Hyland
Biographical information
Physical description




Hair color


Chronological and political information

Old Republic era[2]

"We stay neutral, so you don't have to."
―Addalar Hyland's company motto[src]

Addalar Hyland was a Human[1] male who founded Galactic Solutions Industries, a personal weapons manufacturing company, on the moon of Nar Shaddaa around 3642 BBY as the Galactic War erupted. He also had a relative named Arnell Hyland who he employed at GSI Headquarters.[2] The entrepreneur also founded The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization (THORN), in hopes of eradicating the rakghoul plague in the galaxy; however, few were aware that Hyland had lost two of his children to the rakghoul pandemic on Tatooine. The loss of his children led him to divert a great deal of wealth to THORN in hopes of eliminating the plague.[3]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Notes and references[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Addalar's relative, Arnell Hyland, is a Human, so therefore this article assumes Addalar to be as well.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Template:TORcite
  3. 3.0 3.1 Template:TORcite

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