2V-R8 (Cipher Nine)

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This article is about the unit belonging to Cipher Nine. You may be looking for other units of this type.
Production information
Date created

Before 3643 BBY[1]


Imperial DroidWorks[2]

Product line

Seneschal-series factotum droid[3]


Service droid[2]

Technical specifications

Masculine programming[4]

Sensor color


Plating color


Chronological and political information

Old Republic era[4]


Sith Empire[4]

2V-R8, also known as Twowee Areight, was a Seneschal-series factotum droid owned by Cipher Nine. Assigned to Cipher Nine's X-70B Phantom-class prototype in 3643 BBY, 2V-R8 was responsible for maintaining the starship and ensuring that its crew remained comfortable.

Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]

In Star Wars: The Old Republic all four Imperial classes receive a 2V-R8 droid as their companion when they acquire their ship. Cipher Nine's 2V-R8 is the steward of the X-70B Phantom-class prototype and is identical to other droids of its class except for a few lines during its introduction. Beyond the initial conversation with the player, 2V-R8 has no story interactions and is only used for gameplay activities.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Notes and references[edit | edit source]

Template:TOR companions - Imperial Agent

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